-- Find all houses within a radius of ~200m of an event
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS find_houses_all;
CREATE VIEW find_houses_all AS
SELECT bag.openbareruimte, bag.huisnummer, bag.huisletter, bag.huisnummertoevoeging,
FROM event_count_2019_geo
INNER JOIN utrecht_2020 AS bag ON (ST_DWithin(bag.geo_lokatie, event_count_2019_geo.geo_lokatie, 0.002));
-- Find all *unique* houses within a radius of ~200m of an event
-- Each house is uniquely identiefied by openbareruimte, huisnummer, huisletter
-- and huisnummertoevoeging, so these are the columns to apply DISTINCT ON
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS find_houses_unique;
CREATE VIEW find_houses_unique AS
SELECT DISTINCT ON(bag.openbareruimte, bag.huisnummer, bag.huisletter, bag.huisnummertoevoeging)
bag.openbareruimte, bag.huisnummer, bag.huisletter, bag.huisnummertoevoeging,
FROM event_count_2019_geo
INNER JOIN utrecht_2020 AS bag ON (ST_DWithin(bag.geo_lokatie, event_count_2019_geo.geo_lokatie, 0.002));
SELECT locatie, COUNT (locatie)
FROM find_houses_all -- find_houses_unique
GROUP BY locatie
ORDER BY locatie;
Locatie All Unique All - Unique
achter st.-ptr. 617 222 395
berlijnplein 87 87 0
boothstraat 653 175 478
breedstraat 1057 564 493
buurkerkhof 914 163 751
catharijnesngl. 134 38 96
domplein 842 149 693
Total 35399 13196 22203