using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
namespace Mx.Dns
public class Query
//Build a DNS query buffer according to RFC 1035 4.1.1 e 4.1.2
private readonly int id;
private readonly int flags;
private readonly int QDcount;
private readonly int ANcount;
private readonly int NScount;
private readonly int ARcount;
private readonly string Qname;
private readonly int Qtype;
private readonly int Qclass;
public byte[] buf;
public Query(int ID, string query, int qtype)
//init vectors with given + default values
id = ID;
flags = 256;
QDcount = 1;
ANcount = 0;
NScount = 0;
ARcount = 0;
Qname = query;
Qtype = qtype;
Qclass = 1; //Internet = IN = 1
//build a buffer with formatted query data
//header information (16 bit padding
buf = new byte[12 + Qname.Length + 2 + 4];
buf[0] = (byte)(id / 256);
buf[1] = (byte)(id - (buf[0] * 256));
buf[2] = (byte)(flags / 256);
buf[3] = (byte)(flags - (buf[2] * 256));
buf[4] = (byte)(QDcount / 256);
buf[5] = (byte)(QDcount - (buf[4] * 256));
buf[6] = (byte)(ANcount / 256);
buf[7] = (byte)(ANcount - (buf[6] * 256));
buf[8] = (byte)(NScount / 256);
buf[9] = (byte)(NScount - (buf[8] * 256));
buf[10] = (byte)(ARcount / 256);
buf[11] = (byte)(ARcount - (buf[10] * 256));
//QNAME (RFC 1035 4.1.2)
//no padding
string[] s = Qname.Split('.');
int index = 12;
foreach (string str in s) {
buf[index] = (byte)str.Length;
byte[] buf1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
buf1.CopyTo(buf, index);
index += buf1.Length;
//add root domain label (chr(0))
buf[index] = 0;
//add Qtype and Qclass (16 bit values)
index = buf.Length - 4;
buf[index] = (byte)(Qtype / 256);
buf[index + 1] = (byte)(Qtype - (buf[index] * 256));
buf[index + 2] = (byte)(Qclass / 256);
buf[index + 3] = (byte)(Qclass - (buf[index + 2] * 256));
public class C_DNSquery
public StringCollection result = new StringCollection();
public int Error = 0;
public string ErrorTxt = "undefined text";
public bool Done = false;
public UdpClient udpClient;
private string DNS;
private string Query;
private int Qtype;
public bool IS_BLACKLIST_QUERY = false;
public C_DNSquery(string IPorDNSname, string query, int type)
DNS = IPorDNSname;
Query = query;
Qtype = type;
public void doTheJob()
//check if provided DNS contains an IP address or a name
IPAddress ipDNS;
IPHostEntry he;
try {
//try to parse an IPaddress
ipDNS = IPAddress.Parse(DNS);
} catch (FormatException ) {
// Console.WriteLine(e);
//format error, probably is a FQname, try to resolve it
try {
//try to resolve the hostname
he = Dns.GetHostEntry(DNS);
} catch {
//Error, invalid server name or address
Error = 98;
ErrorTxt = "Invalid server name:" + DNS;
Done = true;
//OK, get the first server address
ipDNS = he.AddressList[0];
//Query the DNS server
//our current thread ID is used to match the reply with this process
Query myQuery = new Query(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, Query, Qtype);
//data buffer for query return value
Byte[] recBuf;
//use UDP protocol to connect
udpClient = new UdpClient();
do {
try {
//connect to given nameserver, port 53 (DNS)
udpClient.Connect(DNS, 53);
//send query
udpClient.Send(myQuery.buf, myQuery.buf.Length);
//IPEndPoint object allow us to read datagrams..
//..selecting only packet coming from our nameserver and port
IPEndPoint RemoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipDNS, 53);
//Blocks until a message returns on this socket from a remote host.
recBuf = udpClient.Receive(ref RemoteIpEndPoint);
} catch (Exception e) {
//connection error, probably a wrong server address
Error = 99;
ErrorTxt = e.Message + "(server:" + DNS + ")";
Done = true;
//repeat until we get the reply with our threadID
} while (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId != ((recBuf[0] * 256) + recBuf[1]));
//Check the DNS reply
//check if bit QR (Query response) is set
if (recBuf[2] < 128) {
//response byte not set (probably a malformed packet)
Error = 2;
ErrorTxt = "Query response bit not set";
Done = true;
//check if RCODE field is 0
if ((recBuf[3] & 15) > 0) {
//DNS server error, invalid reply
switch (recBuf[3] & 15) {
case 1:
Error = 31;
ErrorTxt = "Format error. The nameserver was unable to interpret the query";
case 2:
Error = 32;
ErrorTxt = "Server failure. The nameserver was unable to process the query.";
case 3:
Error = 33;
ErrorTxt = "Name error. Check provided domain name!!";
case 4:
Error = 34;
ErrorTxt = "Not implemented. The name server does not support the requested query";
case 5:
Error = 35;
ErrorTxt = "Refused. The name server refuses to reply for policy reasons";
Error = 36;
ErrorTxt = "Unknown. The name server error code was: " + Convert.ToString((recBuf[3] & 15));
Done = true;
//OK, now we should have valid header fields
int QDcnt, ANcnt, NScnt, ARcnt;
int index;
QDcnt = (recBuf[4] * 256) + recBuf[5];
ANcnt = (recBuf[6] * 256) + recBuf[7];
NScnt = (recBuf[8] * 256) + recBuf[9];
ARcnt = (recBuf[10] * 256) + recBuf[11];
index = 12;
//sometimes there are no erros but blank reply... ANcnt == 0...
if (ANcnt == 0) { // if blackhole list query, means no spammer !!//if ((ANcnt == 0) & (IS_BLACKLIST_QUERY == false))
//error blank reply, return an empty array
Error = 4;
ErrorTxt = "Empty string array";
Done = true;
//Decode received information
string s1;
s1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(recBuf, 0, recBuf.Length);
if (QDcnt > 0) {
//we are not really interested to this string, just parse and skip
s1 = "";
index = parseString(recBuf, index, out s1);
index += 4; //skip root domain, Qtype and QClass values... unuseful in this contest
// get the answers, normally one !
// int the four last bytes there is the ip address
Error = 0;
int Last_Position = recBuf.Length - 1;
result.Add(recBuf[Last_Position - 3].ToString() + "." + recBuf[Last_Position - 2].ToString() + "." + recBuf[Last_Position - 1].ToString() + "." + recBuf[Last_Position].ToString());
Done = true;
int count = 0;
//get all answers
while (count < ANcnt) {
s1 = "";
index = parseString(recBuf, index, out s1);
int QType = (recBuf[index] * 256) + recBuf[index + 1];
index += 2;
s1 += "," + QType.ToString();
int QClass = (recBuf[index] * 256) + recBuf[index + 1];
index += 2;
s1 += "," + QClass.ToString();
//TTL (Time to live)
int TTL = (recBuf[index] * 16777216) + (recBuf[index + 1] * 65536) + (recBuf[index + 2] * 256) + recBuf[index + 3];
index += 4;
s1 += "," + TTL.ToString();
int blocklen = (recBuf[index] * 256) + recBuf[index + 1];
index += 2;
if (QType == 15) {
int MXprio = (recBuf[index] * 256) + recBuf[index + 1];
index += 2;
s1 += "," + MXprio.ToString();
string s2;
index = parseString(recBuf, index, out s2);
s1 += "," + s2;
Error = 0;
Done = true;
private int parseString(byte[] buf, int i, out string s)
int len;
s = "";
bool end = false;
while (!end) {
if (buf[i] == 192) {
//next byte is a pointer to the string, get it..
s += getString(buf, buf[i]);
end = true;
} else {
//next byte is the string length
len = buf[i];
//get the string
s += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buf, i, len);
i += len;
//check for the null terminator
if (buf[i] != 0) {
//not null, add a point to the name
s += ".";
} else {
//null char..the string is complete, exit
end = true;
return i;
private string getString(byte[] buf, int i)
string s = "";
int len;
bool end = false;
while (!end) {
len = buf[i];
s += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buf, i, len);
i += len;
if (buf[i] == 192) {
s += "." + getString(buf, buf[i]);
return s;
if (buf[i] != 0) {
s += ".";
} else {
end = true;
return s;
/// <summary>
/// Get the MX from the domain address.
/// </summary>
public static string getMXrecord(string domain)
domain = domain.Substring(domain.IndexOf('@') + 1);
string LocalDNS = GetDnsAdress().ToString();
Console.WriteLine("domain: " + domain);
// resolv the authoritative domain (type=2)
C_DNSquery DnsQry = new C_DNSquery(LocalDNS, domain, 2);
Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DnsQry.doTheJob));
int timeout = 20;
while ((timeout > 0) & (!DnsQry.Done)) {
if (timeout == 0) {
if (DnsQry.udpClient != null) {
DnsQry.Error = 100;
string[] ns1;
string MyNs = "";
if (DnsQry.Error == 0) {
ns1 = DnsQry.result[0].Split(',');
MyNs = ns1[4];
} else {
MyNs = LocalDNS;
// Resolve MX (type = 15)
DnsQry = new C_DNSquery(MyNs, domain, 15);
Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DnsQry.doTheJob));
timeout = 20;
string TTL = "";
string MXName = "";
Int32 preference = 9910000;
while ((timeout > 0) & (!DnsQry.Done)) {
if (timeout == 0) {
if (DnsQry.udpClient != null) {
DnsQry.Error = 100;
if (DnsQry.Error == 0) {
if (DnsQry.result.Count == 1) {
string[] ns2 = DnsQry.result[0].Split(',');
MXName = ns2[5];
TTL = ns2[3];
preference = Int32.Parse(ns2[4]);
Console.WriteLine("domaine: {0} MX: {1} time: {2} pref: {3} ttl: {4}", domain.Substring(domain.IndexOf('@') + 1), MXName,
DateTime.Now, preference, TTL);
} else {
for (int indns = 0; indns <= DnsQry.result.Count - 1; indns++) {
string[] ns2 = DnsQry.result[indns].Split(',');
if (Int32.Parse(ns2[4]) < preference) {
MXName = ns2[5];
TTL = ns2[3];
preference = Int32.Parse(ns2[4]);
Console.WriteLine("domain: {0} MX: {1} time: {2} pref: {3} ttl: {4}", domain.Substring(domain.IndexOf('@') + 1), MXName,
DateTime.Now, preference, TTL);
return MXName;