choices <- names(mtcars) # c("Pop", "RC", "RT","R4")
ui <- dashboardPage(
selectInput("Pr", "Select the price for analysis", choices = choices, multiple = F, selected = choices[1]),
selectInput("Pr2", "Select the price for analysis", choices = choices, multiple = F, selected = choices[2]),
selectInput("Pr3", "Select the price for analysis", choices = choices, multiple = F, selected = choices[3]),
selectInput("Pr4", "Select the price for analysis", choices = choices, multiple = F, selected = choices[4])
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$Pr, {
choices1 <- choices[!choices %in% input$Pr]
if (c(input$Pr) %in% input$Pr2) updateSelectInput(session, "Pr2", selected = choices1[1])
choices2 <- choices[!choices %in% c(input$Pr,input$Pr2)]
if (sum(c(input$Pr,input$Pr2) %in% input$Pr3)>0) updateSelectInput(session, "Pr3", selected = choices2[1])
choices3 <- choices[!choices %in% c(input$Pr,input$Pr2,input$Pr3)]
if (sum(c(input$Pr,input$Pr2,input$Pr3) %in% input$Pr4)>0) updateSelectInput(session, "Pr4", selected = choices3[1])
observeEvent(input$Pr2, {
choices1 <- choices[!choices %in% input$Pr2]
if (c(input$Pr) %in% input$Pr2) updateSelectInput(session, "Pr", selected = choices1[1])
choices2 <- choices[!choices %in% c(input$Pr,input$Pr2)]
if (sum(c(input$Pr,input$Pr2) %in% input$Pr3)>0) updateSelectInput(session, "Pr3", selected = choices2[1])
choices3 <- choices[!choices %in% c(input$Pr,input$Pr2,input$Pr3)]
if (sum(c(input$Pr,input$Pr2,input$Pr3) %in% input$Pr4)>0) updateSelectInput(session, "Pr4", selected = choices3[1])
observeEvent(input$Pr3, {
choices1 <- choices[!choices %in% input$Pr3]
if (c(input$Pr3) %in% input$Pr2) updateSelectInput(session, "Pr2", selected = choices1[1])
choices2 <- choices[!choices %in% c(input$Pr3,input$Pr2)]
if (sum(c(input$Pr3,input$Pr2) %in% input$Pr)>0) updateSelectInput(session, "Pr", selected = choices2[1])
choices3 <- choices[!choices %in% c(input$Pr,input$Pr2,input$Pr3)]
if (sum(c(input$Pr,input$Pr2,input$Pr3) %in% input$Pr4)>0) updateSelectInput(session, "Pr4", selected = choices3[1])
observeEvent(input$Pr4, {
choices1 <- choices[!choices %in% input$Pr4]
if (c(input$Pr4) %in% input$Pr2) updateSelectInput(session, "Pr2", selected = choices1[1])
choices2 <- choices[!choices %in% c(input$Pr4,input$Pr2)]
if (sum(c(input$Pr4,input$Pr2) %in% input$Pr3)>0) updateSelectInput(session, "Pr3", selected = choices2[1])
choices3 <- choices[!choices %in% c(input$Pr4,input$Pr2,input$Pr3)]
if (sum(c(input$Pr4,input$Pr2,input$Pr3) %in% input$Pr)>0) updateSelectInput(session, "Pr", selected = choices3[1])
shinyApp(ui, server)