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  • rory.ap  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    ClientMatter 班级:

    public class ClientMatter
        public string ClientNumber { get; set; }
        public string MatterNumber { get; set; }


    public interface IMatterListLoader
        IReadOnlyCollection<string> MatterListFileExtensions { get; }
        IReadOnlyCollection<ClientMatter> Load(FileInfo fromFile);

    enter image description here


    enter image description here


    public sealed class ExcelMatterListLoader : IMatterListLoader
        public uint StartRowNum { get; set; }
        public uint StartColNum { get; set; }
        public IReadOnlyCollection<string> MatterListFileExtensions { get; set; }
        public IReadOnlyCollection<ClientMatter> Load(FileInfo fromFile)
            // load using StartRowNum and StartColNum

    行号和列号是特定于msexcel实现的实现细节,视图模型对此一无所知。然而,MVVM要求我控制视图模型中的视图属性,所以如果我 要做到这一点,应该是这样的:

    public sealed class MainViewModel
        public string InputFilePath { get; set; }
        // These two properties really don't belong
        // here because they're implementation details
        // specific to an MS Excel implementation of IMatterListLoader.
        public uint StartRowNum { get; set; }
        public uint StartColNum { get; set; }
        public ICommandExecutor LoadClientMatterListCommand { get; }
        public MainViewModel(IMatterListLoader matterListLoader)
            // blah blah

    enter image description here

    public sealed class TextFileMatterListLoader : IMatterListLoader
        public bool HasHeaderLine { get; set; }
        public IReadOnlyCollection<string> MatterListFileExtensions { get; set; }
        public IReadOnlyCollection<ClientMatter> Load(FileInfo fromFile)
            // load tab-delimited client/matters from each line
            // optionally skipping the header line.


    . 如何让视图模型在控制表示关注点的同时仍然保持某些实现细节未知?

    enter image description here

    4 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  5
  •   bic    6 年前



    public interface ILoaderViewModel
        IReadOnlyCollection<ClientMatter> Load();
    public class ExcelMatterListLoaderViewModel : ILoaderViewModel
        private readonly ExcelMatterListLoader loader;
        public string InputFilePath { get; set; }
        public uint StartRowNum { get; set; }
        public uint StartColNum { get; set; }
        public ExcelMatterListLoaderViewModel(ExcelMatterListLoader loader)
            this.loader = loader;
        IReadOnlyCollection<ClientMatter> Load()
            // Stuff
    public sealed class MainViewModel
        private ExcelMatterListLoaderViewModel matterListLoaderViewModel;
        public ObservableCollection<ClientMatter> ClientMatters
            = new ObservableCollection<ClientMatter>();
        public MainViewModel(ExcelMatterListLoaderViewModel matterListLoaderViewModel)
            this.matterListLoaderViewModel = matterListLoaderViewModel;
        public void LoadCommand()
            var clientMatters = matterListLoaderViewModel.Load();
            foreach (var matter in clientMatters)


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  •   Joshua VdM    6 年前


    public static void ConstructUI(IMatterListLoader loader) {
        Type loaderType = loader.GetType();
        // Do logic based on type


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  •   Sal    6 年前

    我会加一个 Draw() 方法 IMatterListLoader 接口。您的MainViewModel将调用 绘制() 实际情况如何 IMatterListLoader 将向UI添加所需的任何参数。


    public sealed class AsciiMatterListLoader : IMatterListLoader
        public IReadOnlyCollection<string> MatterListFileExtensions { get; set; }
        public IReadOnlyCollection<ClientMatter> Load(FileInfo fromFile)
            // load data with no parameters
        public Panel Draw()
            // Nothing needs to be drawn
            return null;
    public sealed class ExcelMatterListLoader : IMatterListLoader
        public uint StartRowNum { get; set; }
        public uint StartColNum { get; set; }
        public IReadOnlyCollection<string> MatterListFileExtensions { get; set; }
        public IReadOnlyCollection<ClientMatter> Load(FileInfo fromFile)
            // load using StartRowNum and StartColNum
        public Panel Draw()
            Panel panelForUserParams = new Panel();
            panelForUserParams.Height = 400;
            panelForUserParams.Width = 200;
            TextBox startRowTextBox = new TextBox();
            startRowTextBox.Name = "startRowTextBox";
            TextBox startColumnTextBox = new TextBox();
            startColumnTextBox.Name = "startColumnTextBox";
            return panelForUserParams;
    public sealed class MainViewModel
        public string InputFilePath { get; set; }
        public ICommandExecutor LoadClientMatterListCommand { get; }
        public MainViewModel(IMatterListLoader matterListLoader)
            var panel = matterListLoader.Draw();
            if (panel != null)
                    // Your MainViewModel should have a dummy empty panel called "placeHolderPanelForChildPanel"
                    var parent = this.placeHolderPanelForChildPanel.Parent;
                    parent.Children.Remove(this.placeHolderPanelForChildPanel); // Remove the dummy panel
                    parent.Children.Add(panel); // Replace with new panel




    public interface IMatterListLoader
        IReadOnlyCollection<ClientMatter> Load(FileInfo fromFile);
        IDictionary<string, object> Properties { get; }
        void SetProperties(IDictionary<string, object> properties);
    public sealed class AsciiMatterListLoader : IMatterListLoader
        public IReadOnlyCollection<string> MatterListFileExtensions { get; set; }
        public IDictionary<string, object> Properties
                return new Dictionary<string, object>(); // Don't need any parameters for ascii files
        public void SetProperties(IDictionary<string, object> properties)
            // Nothing to do
        public IReadOnlyCollection<ClientMatter> Load(FileInfo fromFile)
            // Load without using any additional params
            return null;
    public sealed class ExcelMatterListLoader : IMatterListLoader
        private const string StartRowNumParam = "StartRowNum";
        private const string StartColNumParam = "StartColNum";
        public uint StartRowNum { get; set; }
        public uint StartColNum { get; set; }
        public IReadOnlyCollection<string> MatterListFileExtensions { get; set; }
        private bool havePropertiesBeenSet = false;
        public IDictionary<string, object> Properties
                var properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                properties.Add(StartRowNumParam, (uint)0); // Give default UINT value so UI knows what type this property is
                properties.Add(StartColNumParam, (uint)0); // Give default UINT value so UI knows what type this property is
                return properties;
        public void SetProperties(IDictionary<string, object> properties)
            if (properties != null)
                foreach(var property in properties)
                        case StartRowNumParam:
                            this.StartRowNum = (uint)property.Value;
                        case StartColNumParam:
                            this.StartColNum = (uint)property.Value;
                this.havePropertiesBeenSet = true;
                throw new ArgumentNullException("properties");
        public IReadOnlyCollection<ClientMatter> Load(FileInfo fromFile)
            if (this.havePropertiesBeenSet)
                // Load using StartRowNum and StartColNum
                return null;
                throw new Exception("Must call SetProperties() before calling Load()");
    public sealed class MainViewModel
        public string InputFilePath { get; set; }
        public ICommandExecutor LoadClientMatterListCommand { get; }
        private IMatterListLoader matterListLoader;
        public MainViewModel(IMatterListLoader matterListLoader)
            this.matterListLoader = matterListLoader;
            if (matterListLoader != null && matterListLoader.Properties != null)
                foreach(var prop in matterListLoader.Properties)
                    if (typeof(prop.Value) == typeof(DateTime))
                        // Draw DateTime picker for datetime value
                        this.placeHolderPanelForParams.Add(new DateTimePicker() { Name = prop.Key });
                        // Draw textbox for everything else
                        this.placeHolderPanelForParams.Add(new TextBox() { Name = prop.Key });
                        // You can also add validations to the input here (E.g. Dont allow negative numbers of prop is unsigned)
                        // ...
        public void LoadFileButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get input params from UI
            Dictionary<string, object> properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            foreach(Control propertyControl in this.placeHolderPanelForParams().Children())
                if (propertyControl is TextBox)
                    properties.Add(propertyControl.Name, ((TextBox)propertyControl).Text);
                else if (propertyControl is DateTimePicker)
                    properties.Add(propertyControl.Name, ((DateTimePicker)propertyControl).Value);
            this.matterListLoader.Load(null); //Ready to load
  •  -1
  •   X39    6 年前

    创建一个新的 Attribute 例如:

    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false)]
    public class ExposeToViewAttribute : Attribute
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public ExposeToViewAttribute([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName]string name = "")
            this.Name = name;

    var t = matterListLoader.GetType();
    var props = t.GetProperties().Where((p) => p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExposeToViewAttribute), false).Any());
    foreach(var prop in props)
        var att = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExposeToViewAttribute), true).First() as ExposeToViewAttribute;
        //Add to view



    public int Something { get; set; }
    [ExposeToView("some name")]
    public int OtherFieldWithCustomNameThen { get; set; }

    如果你用 WPF
