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  • Gonçalo Peres  · 技术社区  · 5 年前

    角度V6.1.10| ASP.NET核心2.2.102| 节点JS v10.15.0



    在porto.service.ts中,我添加了 .map(res => res.json()); getPortos() 但我没有安装RXJS,即使我添加了导入 import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; (假设已安装)。




    npm install --save rxjs-compat


    npm audit fix


    节点_modules/rxjs compat/add/operator/map.d.ts(4,9)中的错误:错误 TS2717:后续属性声明必须具有相同的类型。 属性“map”的类型必须为“any”,但此处具有类型“(此: 可观察,项目:(值:t,索引:数字)=>r,thisarg?:任何) =>可观察…'。




    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    import { Http } from '@angular/http';
    import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
      providedIn: 'root'
    export class PortoService {
      constructor(private http: Http) { }
      getPortos() {
        return this.http.get('/api/portos')
          .map(res => res.json());


    import { Operator } from './Operator';
    import { Subscriber } from './Subscriber';
    import { Subscription } from './Subscription';
    import { TeardownLogic, OperatorFunction, PartialObserver, Subscribable } from './types';
    import { iif } from './observable/iif';
    import { throwError } from './observable/throwError';
     * A representation of any set of values over any amount of time. This is the most basic building block
     * of RxJS.
     * @class Observable<T>
    export declare class Observable<T> implements Subscribable<T> {
        /** Internal implementation detail, do not use directly. */
        _isScalar: boolean;
        /** @deprecated This is an internal implementation detail, do not use. */
        source: Observable<any>;
        /** @deprecated This is an internal implementation detail, do not use. */
        operator: Operator<any, T>;
      map: any;
         * @constructor
         * @param {Function} subscribe the function that is called when the Observable is
         * initially subscribed to. This function is given a Subscriber, to which new values
         * can be `next`ed, or an `error` method can be called to raise an error, or
         * `complete` can be called to notify of a successful completion.
        constructor(subscribe?: (this: Observable<T>, subscriber: Subscriber<T>) => TeardownLogic);
         * Creates a new cold Observable by calling the Observable constructor
         * @static true
         * @owner Observable
         * @method create
         * @param {Function} subscribe? the subscriber function to be passed to the Observable constructor
         * @return {Observable} a new cold observable
         * @nocollapse
        static create: Function;
         * Creates a new Observable, with this Observable as the source, and the passed
         * operator defined as the new observable's operator.
         * @method lift
         * @param {Operator} operator the operator defining the operation to take on the observable
         * @return {Observable} a new observable with the Operator applied
        lift<R>(operator: Operator<T, R>): Observable<R>;
        subscribe(observer?: PartialObserver<T>): Subscription;
        subscribe(next?: (value: T) => void, error?: (error: any) => void, complete?: () => void): Subscription;
        /** @deprecated This is an internal implementation detail, do not use. */
        _trySubscribe(sink: Subscriber<T>): TeardownLogic;
         * @method forEach
         * @param {Function} next a handler for each value emitted by the observable
         * @param {PromiseConstructor} [promiseCtor] a constructor function used to instantiate the Promise
         * @return {Promise} a promise that either resolves on observable completion or
         *  rejects with the handled error
        forEach(next: (value: T) => void, promiseCtor?: PromiseConstructorLike): Promise<void>;
        /** @deprecated This is an internal implementation detail, do not use. */
        _subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<any>): TeardownLogic;
         * @nocollapse
         * @deprecated In favor of iif creation function: import { iif } from 'rxjs';
        static if: typeof iif;
         * @nocollapse
         * @deprecated In favor of throwError creation function: import { throwError } from 'rxjs';
        static throw: typeof throwError;
        pipe(): Observable<T>;
        pipe<A>(op1: OperatorFunction<T, A>): Observable<A>;
        pipe<A, B>(op1: OperatorFunction<T, A>, op2: OperatorFunction<A, B>): Observable<B>;
        pipe<A, B, C>(op1: OperatorFunction<T, A>, op2: OperatorFunction<A, B>, op3: OperatorFunction<B, C>): Observable<C>;
        pipe<A, B, C, D>(op1: OperatorFunction<T, A>, op2: OperatorFunction<A, B>, op3: OperatorFunction<B, C>, op4: OperatorFunction<C, D>): Observable<D>;
        pipe<A, B, C, D, E>(op1: OperatorFunction<T, A>, op2: OperatorFunction<A, B>, op3: OperatorFunction<B, C>, op4: OperatorFunction<C, D>, op5: OperatorFunction<D, E>): Observable<E>;
        pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F>(op1: OperatorFunction<T, A>, op2: OperatorFunction<A, B>, op3: OperatorFunction<B, C>, op4: OperatorFunction<C, D>, op5: OperatorFunction<D, E>, op6: OperatorFunction<E, F>): Observable<F>;
        pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G>(op1: OperatorFunction<T, A>, op2: OperatorFunction<A, B>, op3: OperatorFunction<B, C>, op4: OperatorFunction<C, D>, op5: OperatorFunction<D, E>, op6: OperatorFunction<E, F>, op7: OperatorFunction<F, G>): Observable<G>;
        pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>(op1: OperatorFunction<T, A>, op2: OperatorFunction<A, B>, op3: OperatorFunction<B, C>, op4: OperatorFunction<C, D>, op5: OperatorFunction<D, E>, op6: OperatorFunction<E, F>, op7: OperatorFunction<F, G>, op8: OperatorFunction<G, H>): Observable<H>;
        pipe<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I>(op1: OperatorFunction<T, A>, op2: OperatorFunction<A, B>, op3: OperatorFunction<B, C>, op4: OperatorFunction<C, D>, op5: OperatorFunction<D, E>, op6: OperatorFunction<E, F>, op7: OperatorFunction<F, G>, op8: OperatorFunction<G, H>, op9: OperatorFunction<H, I>): Observable<I>;
        pipe<R>(...operations: OperatorFunction<any, any>[]): Observable<R>;
        toPromise<T>(this: Observable<T>): Promise<T>;
        toPromise<T>(this: Observable<T>, PromiseCtor: typeof Promise): Promise<T>;
        toPromise<T>(this: Observable<T>, PromiseCtor: PromiseConstructorLike): Promise<T>;



    import { PortoService } from './../services/porto.service';
    import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'app-fish-form',
      templateUrl: './fish-form.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./fish-form.component.css']
    export class FishFormComponent implements OnInit {
      constructor(private PortoService: PortoService) { }
      ngOnInit() {
        this.PortoService.getPortos().subscribe(portos => {
          this.portos = portos;
          console.log("PORTOS", this.portos);


    <h1>Adiciona um Peixe Novo</h1>
      <div class="form-group">
        <label for="porto">Porto</label>
        <select id="porto" class="form-control">
          <option value=""></option>
          <option *ngFor="let p of portos" value="{{ p.id }}">{{ p.nome }}</option>
      <div class="form-group">
        <label for="especie">Especie</label>
        <select id="especie" class="form-control"></select>
    1 回复  |  直到 5 年前
  •  2
  •   Kraken    5 年前

    如果您有Angular 6+,则需要导入这样的RXJS运算符

    import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
