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neo4j不能使用空间。插件文件夹(mac os x)中的withinDistance但正确的库

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  • Codejoy  · 技术社区  · 7 年前




    There is no procedure with the name `spatial.withinDistance` registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.




    │"name"                         │"signature"                                                                                                           │"description"                                                                             │
    │"db.awaitIndex"                │"db.awaitIndex(index :: STRING?, timeOutSeconds = 300 :: INTEGER?) :: VOID"                                           │"Wait for an index to come online (for example: CALL db.awaitIndex(\":Person(name)\"))."  │
    │"db.constraints"               │"db.constraints() :: (description :: STRING?)"                                                                        │"List all constraints in the database."                                                   │
    │"db.createLabel"               │"db.createLabel(newLabel :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                                         │"Create a label"                                                                          │
    │"db.createProperty"            │"db.createProperty(newProperty :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                                   │"Create a Property"                                                                       │
    │"db.createRelationshipType"    │"db.createRelationshipType(newRelationshipType :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                   │"Create a RelationshipType"                                                               │
    │"db.indexes"                   │"db.indexes() :: (description :: STRING?, state :: STRING?, type :: STRING?)"                                         │"List all indexes in the database."                                                       │
    │"db.labels"                    │"db.labels() :: (label :: STRING?)"                                                                                   │"List all labels in the database."                                                        │
    │"db.propertyKeys"              │"db.propertyKeys() :: (propertyKey :: STRING?)"                                                                       │"List all property keys in the database."                                                 │
    │"db.relationshipTypes"         │"db.relationshipTypes() :: (relationshipType :: STRING?)"                                                             │"List all relationship types in the database."                                            │
    │"db.resampleIndex"             │"db.resampleIndex(index :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                                          │"Schedule resampling of an index (for example: CALL db.resampleIndex(\":Person(name)\"))."│
    │"db.resampleOutdatedIndexes"   │"db.resampleOutdatedIndexes() :: VOID"                                                                                │"Schedule resampling of all outdated indexes."                                            │
    │"db.schema"                    │"db.schema() :: (nodes :: LIST? OF NODE?, relationships :: LIST? OF RELATIONSHIP?)"                                   │"Show the schema of the data."                                                            │
    │"dbms.changePassword"          │"dbms.changePassword(password :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                                    │"Change the current user's password. Deprecated by dbms.security.changePassword."         │
    │"dbms.components"              │"dbms.components() :: (name :: STRING?, versions :: LIST? OF STRING?, edition :: STRING?)"                            │"List DBMS components and their versions."                                                │
    │"dbms.functions"               │"dbms.functions() :: (name :: STRING?, signature :: STRING?, description :: STRING?)"                                 │"List all user functions in the DBMS."                                                    │
    │"dbms.listConfig"              │"dbms.listConfig(searchString =  :: STRING?) :: (name :: STRING?, description :: STRING?, value :: STRING?)"          │"List the currently active config of Neo4j."                                              │
    │"dbms.procedures"              │"dbms.procedures() :: (name :: STRING?, signature :: STRING?, description :: STRING?)"                                │"List all procedures in the DBMS."                                                        │
    │"dbms.queryJmx"                │"dbms.queryJmx(query :: STRING?) :: (name :: STRING?, description :: STRING?, attributes :: MAP?)"                    │"Query JMX management data by domain and name. For instance, \"org.neo4j:*\""             │
    │"dbms.security.changePassword" │"dbms.security.changePassword(password :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                           │"Change the current user's password."                                                     │
    │"dbms.security.createUser"     │"dbms.security.createUser(username :: STRING?, password :: STRING?, requirePasswordChange = true :: BOOLEAN?) :: VOID"│"Create a new user."                                                                      │
    │"dbms.security.deleteUser"     │"dbms.security.deleteUser(username :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                               │"Delete the specified user."                                                              │
    │"dbms.security.listUsers"      │"dbms.security.listUsers() :: (username :: STRING?, flags :: LIST? OF STRING?)"                                       │"List all local users."                                                                   │
    │"dbms.security.showCurrentUser"│"dbms.security.showCurrentUser() :: (username :: STRING?, flags :: LIST? OF STRING?)"                                 │"Show the current user. Deprecated by dbms.showCurrentUser."                              │
    │"dbms.showCurrentUser"         │"dbms.showCurrentUser() :: (username :: STRING?, flags :: LIST? OF STRING?)"                                          │"Show the current user."                                                                  │
    1 回复  |  直到 7 年前
  •  3
  •   szenyo    7 年前


    CALL dbms.procedures()