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  • CFM  · 技术社区  · 7 年前

    我正在使用Ken Benoit和Paul Nulty的quanteda包来处理文本数据。

    Text1 <- c("Halle an der Saale ist die grünste Stadt Deutschlands")
    Text2 <- c("In Hamburg regnet es immer, das ist also so wie in London.")
    Text3 <- c("James Bond trinkt am liebsten Martini")
    myCorpus <- corpus(c(Text1, Text2, Text3))
    metadoc(myCorpus, "language") <- "german"
    summary(myCorpus, showmeta = T)
    myDfm <- dfm(myCorpus,  tolower = F, remove_numbers = T, 
                    remove = stopwords("german"), remove_punct = TRUE, 
                        remove_separators = T)
    topfeatures(myDfm, 20) 



    1 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   Ken Benoit    7 年前

    你需要词性标记器的帮助。幸运的是,有一个很好的模型,采用德语模型,形式为 spaCy ,我们写了一个包作为它的包装, spacyr公司 . 安装说明位于 spacyr page .


    txt <- c("Halle an der Saale ist die grünste Stadt Deutschlands",
             "In Hamburg regnet es immer, das ist also so wie in London.",
             "James Bond trinkt am liebsten Martini")
    spacy_initialize(model = "de")
    txtparsed <- spacy_parse(txt, tag = TRUE, pos = TRUE)
    head(txtparsed, 20)
    #    doc_id sentence_id token_id        token        lemma   pos   tag entity
    # 1   text1           1        1        Halle        halle PROPN    NE  LOC_B
    # 2   text1           1        1           an           an   ADP  APPR  LOC_I
    # 3   text1           1        1          der          der   DET   ART  LOC_I
    # 4   text1           1        1        Saale        saale PROPN    NE  LOC_I
    # 5   text1           1        1          ist          ist   AUX VAFIN       
    # 6   text1           1        1          die          die   DET   ART       
    # 7   text1           1        1      grünste      grünste   ADJ  ADJA       
    # 8   text1           1        1        Stadt        stadt  NOUN    NN       
    # 9   text1           1        1 Deutschlands deutschlands PROPN    NE  LOC_B
    # 10  text2           1        1           In           in   ADP  APPR       
    # 11  text2           1        1      Hamburg      hamburg PROPN    NE  LOC_B
    # 12  text2           1        1       regnet       regnet  VERB VVFIN       
    # 13  text2           1        1           es           es  PRON  PPER       
    # 14  text2           1        1        immer        immer   ADV   ADV       
    # 15  text2           1        1            ,            , PUNCT    $,       
    # 16  text2           1        1          das          das  PRON   PDS       
    # 17  text2           1        1          ist          ist   AUX VAFIN       
    # 18  text2           1        1         also         also   ADV   ADV       
    # 19  text2           1        1           so           so   ADV   ADV       
    # 20  text2           1        1          wie          wie  CONJ KOKOM    
    (nouns <- with(txtparsed, subset(token, pos == "NOUN")))
    # [1] "Stadt"
    (propernouns <- with(txtparsed, subset(token, pos == "PROPN")))
    # [1] "Halle"        "Saale"        "Deutschlands" "Hamburg"      "London"      
    # [6] "James"        "Bond"         "Martini" 

    pos 字段作为“专有名词”。这个 tag

    所选名词列表可用于 :

    myDfm <- dfm(txt,  tolower = FALSE, remove_numbers = TRUE, 
                 remove = stopwords("german"), remove_punct = TRUE)
    # Document-feature matrix of: 3 documents, 14 features (66.7% sparse).
    # (showing first 3 documents and first 6 features)
    #        features
    # docs    Halle Saale grünste Stadt Deutschlands Hamburg
    #   text1     1     1       1     1            1       0
    #   text2     0     0       0     0            0       1
    #   text3     0     0       0     0            0       0
    head(dfm_select(myDfm, pattern = propernouns))
    # Document-feature matrix of: 3 documents, 8 features (66.7% sparse).
    # (showing first 3 documents and first 6 features)
    #        features
    # docs    Halle Saale Deutschlands Hamburg London James
    #   text1     1     1            1       0      0     0
    #   text2     0     0            0       1      1     0
    #   text3     0     0            0       0      0     1