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  • Mephane  · 技术社区  · 14 年前


    type ISimulator<'Collection, 'Item, 'Value> =
      inherit System.IObservable<'Collection>
      inherit System.IObservable<ISimulator<'Collection, 'Item, 'Value>>
      abstract Start:           unit -> unit
      abstract Stop:            unit -> unit
      abstract Reset:           unit -> unit
      abstract Reset:           'Collection -> unit
      abstract Advance:         int<gen> -> unit
      abstract InitialState:    'Collection
        with get
      abstract CurrentState:    'Collection
        with get
      abstract Rule:            ('Item -> 'Value)
        with get, set
      abstract Generation:      int<gen>
        with get, set
      abstract Speed:           float<gen/sec>
        with get, set
      abstract Running:         bool
        with get


    inherit System.IObservable<ISimulator<'Collection, 'Item, 'Value>>


    This type implements or inherits the same interface at different generic instantiations 'System.IObservable<Interface.ISimulator<'Collection,'Item,'Value>>' and 'System.IObservable<'Collection>'. This is not permitted in this version of F#.




    • 打破不变概念 始终保持相同的收藏(在 身份条款,未包含 值)随时间变化 而不是生产新的,改良的 收藏?
    • 断开失去耦合并让我的用户 界面知道确切的 在外部实施 在接口中,提供一秒钟 观察模拟器的方法 本身?拥有所有用户界面 需要更新的组件 模拟器观察整个 事情,而不仅仅是相关数据?
    • 创建一个单独的接口 观察收藏,并让我 模拟器实现 两个接口?
    • 还有别的吗?
    2 回复  |  直到 10 年前
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  •   dahlbyk    14 年前

    type ISimulator<'Collection, 'Item, 'Value> =
      abstract Items:           System.IObservable<'Collection>
      abstract Control:         System.IObservable<ISimulator<'Collection, 'Item, 'Value>>
      abstract Start:           unit -> unit

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  •   Mephane    14 年前

    this website

      open System
      type Observable<'a>() =
        let mutable _observers: List<IObserver<'a>> = []
        let Notify func =
          |> Seq.map(fun (observer: IObserver<'a>) -> async { return func observer} )
          |> Async.Parallel
          |> Async.RunSynchronously
          |> ignore
        interface IObservable<'a> with
          member this.Subscribe (observer: IObserver<'a>) =
            _observers <- observer :: _observers
            { new IDisposable with
                  member this.Dispose() =
                    _observers <- _observers |> List.filter((<>) observer) }
        member this.Next value =
          Notify(fun (observer: IObserver<'a>) -> observer.OnNext value)
        member this.Error error =
          Notify(fun (observer: IObserver<'a>) -> observer.OnError error)
        member this.Completed() =
          Notify(fun (observer: IObserver<'a>) -> observer.OnCompleted)

    Observable<'a> 对象,而对其他所有人来说,它只作为 IObservable<'a> 接口。我认为这在松耦合方面是很好的,并且仍然允许在观察者/可观测对的任一端使用非常直接的方法。
