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  • Ammar Ameerdeen  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    我有一个 input 事件与A keydown 事件以角度绑定到文本框。在keydown事件函数中,我正在接收 输入 对象作为表示Firefox中事件的对象。同时,我收到一个 InputEvent chrome中相同事件的对象。我正在使用 inputType 中的字段 输入输出 在chrome中标识 insertText , deleteContentBackward deleteContentForward 事件如下。

    switch(event.inputType) {
       case 'insertText':
         //do something
       case 'deleteContentBackward':
         //do something
       case 'deleteContentForward':
         //do something

    问题是没有这样的字段被调用 输入类型 在firefox生成的事件对象中。


    InputEvent {
            bubbles: true,
            cancelBubble: false,
            cancelable: false,
            composed: true,
            currentTarget: null,
            data: null,
            dataTransfer: null,
            defaultPrevented: true,
            detail: 0,
            eventPhase: 0,
            **inputType: "deleteContentBackward"**,
            isComposing: false,
            isTrusted: true,
            path: (15) [input#search-input.form-control.custom-input.ng-valid.ng-dirty.ng-touched, div.col-md-9.search-input-container, div.col-12.no-padding.search.custom-search-box, div.row.input-group.col-lg-6.col-md-7.col-sm-9.col-xs-12, div.search-section.col-12, app-search-header, div.container, section#homeBanner.intro, app-header, app-root, div.wrapper, body.is-search-open, html.no-js, document, Window],
            returnValue: false,
            sourceCapabilities: null,
            srcElement: input#search-input.form-control.custom-input.ng-valid.ng-dirty.ng-touched,
            target: input#search-input.form-control.custom-input.ng-valid.ng-dirty.ng-touched,
            timeStamp: 2484875.1999999997,
            type: "input",
            view: null,
            which: 0


            bubbles: true,
            ​cancelBubble: false,
            ​cancelable: false,
            ​composed: true,
            ​currentTarget: null,
            ​defaultPrevented: false,
            ​detail: 0,
            ​eventPhase: 0,
            ​explicitOriginalTarget: <input id="search-input" class="form-control custom-inpu…lid ng-dirty ng-touched" _ngcontent-c10="" type="text" ng-reflect-model="a" placeholder="What are you looking for ?">,
            ​isComposing: false,
            ​isTrusted: true,
            ​layerX: 0,
            ​layerY: 0,
            ​originalTarget: <input id="search-input" class="form-control custom-inpu…lid ng-dirty ng-touched" _ngcontent-c10="" type="text" ng-reflect-model="a" placeholder="What are you looking for ?">,
            ​pageX: 0,
            ​pageY: 0,
            ​rangeOffset: 0,
            ​rangeParent: null,
            ​returnValue: true,
            ​srcElement: <input id="search-input" class="form-control custom-inpu…lid ng-dirty ng-touched" _ngcontent-c10="" type="text" ng-reflect-model="a" placeholder="What are you looking for ?">​
            target: <input id="search-input" class="form-control custom-inpu…lid ng-dirty ng-touched" _ngcontent-c10="" type="text" ng-reflect-model="a" placeholder="What are you looking for ?">,
            ​timeStamp: 283997,
            **​type: "input"**, // For insert and delete events this field won't change
            ​view: null,
            ​which: 0
    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Ammar Ameerdeen    6 年前

    这个问题有可能在 this way, in a jquery environment.


    isBackSpace = false;
      this.isBackSpace = event.which === 8;
      /// rest of the method
      if (event.inputType === 'deleteContentForward' || event.inputType === 'deleteContentBackward' || this.IsBackSpace) {
        // delete event handling code.
      } else {
        // insert event handling code.
      this.isBackSpace = false;