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  • 101010  · 技术社区  · 6 年前









    • 加载到连续内存(数组)
    • 在程序启动时加载到内存中
    • 由编译器/链接器安装,不是动态代码
    • 驱动程序存在是因为它的源代码存在(没有动态代码加载它们)
    • 避免把代码弄乱


    // myapp.h
    struct state
        int16_t data[10];
    struct driver
        char name[255];
        int16_t (*on_do_stuff) (struct state *state);
        /* other stuff snipped out */
    // drivera.c
    #include "myapp.h"
    static int16_t _on_do_stuff(struct state *state)
        /* do stuff */
    static const struct driver _driver = {
        .name = "drivera",
        .on_do_stuff = _on_do_stuff
    // driverb.c
    #include "myapp.h"
    static int16_t _on_do_stuff(struct state *state)
        /* do stuff */
    static const struct driver _driver = {
        .name = "driverb",
        .on_do_stuff = _on_do_stuff
    // driverc.c
    #include "myapp.h"
    static int16_t _on_do_stuff(struct state *state)
        /* do stuff */
    static const struct driver _driver = {
        .name = "driverc",
        .on_do_stuff = _on_do_stuff
    // main.c
    #include <stdio.h>
    static struct driver the_drivers[] = {
        {drivera somehow},
        {driverb somehow},
        {driverc somehow},
    int main(void)
        struct state state;
        struct driver *current = the_drivers;
        while (current != 0)
            printf("we are up to %s\n", current->name);
            current += sizeof(struct driver);
        return 0;



    • 在模块级结构上,我可以删除静态const关键字,但我不知道如何在编译时将它们放入数组中。
    • 我可以将所有模块级结构移动到main.c,但随后需要从所有on-do-tuff函数中删除静态关键字,从而使命名空间混乱。

    在Linux内核中,它们以某种方式在单独的文件中定义内核模块,然后通过Linker Magic,它们能够被加载到单片电路中。

    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  2
  •   Nominal Animal    6 年前


    例如,在中定义数据结构 信息h 作为

    #ifndef   INFO_H
    #define   INFO_H
    #ifndef  INFO_ALIGNMENT
    #if defined(__LP64__)
    #define  INFO_ALIGNMENT  16
    #define  INFO_ALIGNMENT  8
    struct info {
        long  key;
        long  val;
    } __attribute__((__aligned__(INFO_ALIGNMENT)));
    #define  INFO_NAME(counter)  INFO_CAT(info_, counter)
    #define  INFO_CAT(a, b)      INFO_DUMMY() a ## b
    #define  INFO_DUMMY()
    #define  DEFINE_INFO(data...) \
             static struct info  INFO_NAME(__COUNTER__) \
                 __attribute__((__used__, __section__("info"))) \
                 = { data }
    #endif /* INFO_H */

    这个 INFO_ALIGNMENT 宏是 链接器 将每个符号单独放置到 info 第节。C编译器同意这一点很重要,否则不能将节内容视为数组。(你会得到一个不正确的结构数量,只有第一个(加上每N'th)是正确的,其余的结构都会混乱。实际上,C编译器和链接器在“array”部分中的每个结构的大小上存在分歧。

    请注意,可以添加预处理器宏来微调 信息对齐 对于您使用的每个体系结构,您也可以在编译时覆盖它,例如在makefile中。(对于GCC,供应 -DINFO_ALIGNMENT=32 例如。)

    这个 used 属性确保在对象文件中发出定义,即使在同一数据文件中没有以其他方式引用该定义。这个 section("info") 属性将数据放入 信息 对象文件中的节。分区名称( 信息 )由你决定。



    #include "info.h"
    /* Suggested, easy way */
    DEFINE_INFO(.key = 5, .val = 42);
    /* Alternative way, without relying on any macros */
    static struct info  foo  __attribute__((__used__, __section__("info"))) = {
        .key = 2,
        .val = 1

    链接器提供符号 __start_info __stop_info ,以获取 信息 第节。在你的 主C ,例如使用

    #include "info.h"
    extern struct info  __start_info[];
    extern struct info  __stop_info[];
    #define  NUM_INFO  ((size_t)(__stop_info - __start_info))
    #define  INFO(i)   ((__start_info) + (i))


    int main(void)
        size_t  i;
        printf("There are %zu info structures:\n", NUM_INFO);
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_INFO; i++)
            printf("  %zu. key=%ld, val=%ld\n", i,
                __start_info[i].key, INFO(i)->val);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    为了举例说明,我使用了 __start_info[] 阵列访问(显然可以 #define SOMENAME __start_info 如果你想,只要确保你不使用 SOMENAME 在main.c的其他地方,所以你可以使用 SOMENAME[] 作为数组),以及 INFO() 宏。


    我们使用分区 ops 要定义操作,请使用中定义的设施 哦! :

    #ifndef   OPS_H
    #define   OPS_H
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #ifndef  ALIGN_SECTION
    #if defined(__LP64__) || defined(_LP64)
    #define  ALIGN_SECTION  __attribute__((__aligned__(16)))
    #elif defined(__ILP32__) || defined(_ILP32)
    #define  ALIGN_SECTION  __attribute__((__aligned__(8)))
    #define  ALIGN_SECTION
    typedef struct {
        size_t   maxsize;   /* Number of values allocated for */
        size_t   size;      /* Number of values in stack */
        double  *value;     /* Values, oldest first */
    } stack;
    #define  STACK_INITIALIZER  { 0, 0, NULL }
    struct op {
        const char  *name;            /* Operation name */
        const char  *desc;            /* Description */
        int        (*func)(stack *);  /* Implementation */
    #define  OPS_NAME(counter)  OPS_CAT(op_, counter, _struct)
    #define  OPS_CAT(a, b, c)   OPS_DUMMY()  a ## b ## c
    #define  OPS_DUMMY()
    #define  DEFINE_OP(name, func, desc) \
             static struct op  OPS_NAME(__COUNTER__) \
             __attribute__((__used__, __section__("ops"))) = { name, desc, func }
    static inline int  stack_has(stack *st, const size_t num)
        if (!st)
            return EINVAL;
        if (st->size < num)
            return ENOENT;
        return 0;
    static inline int  stack_pop(stack *st, double *to)
        if (!st)
            return EINVAL;
        if (st->size < 1)
            return ENOENT;
        if (to)
            *to = st->value[st->size];
        return 0;
    static inline int  stack_push(stack *st, double val)
        if (!st)
            return EINVAL;
        if (st->size >= st->maxsize) {
            const size_t  maxsize = (st->size | 127) + 129;
            double       *value;
            value = realloc(st->value, maxsize * sizeof (double));
            if (!value)
                return ENOMEM;
            st->maxsize = maxsize;
            st->value   = value;
        st->value[st->size++] = val;
        return 0;
    #endif /* OPS_H */

    基本操作集在 操作基本.c :

    #include "ops.h"
    static int do_neg(stack *st)
        double  temp;
        int     retval;
        retval = stack_pop(st, &temp);
        if (retval)
            return retval;
        return stack_push(st, -temp);
    static int do_add(stack *st)
        int  retval;
        retval = stack_has(st, 2);
        if (retval)
            return retval;
        st->value[st->size - 2] = st->value[st->size - 1] + st->value[st->size - 2];
        return 0;
    static int do_sub(stack *st)
        int  retval;
        retval = stack_has(st, 2);
        if (retval)
            return retval;
        st->value[st->size - 2] = st->value[st->size - 1] - st->value[st->size - 2];
        return 0;
    static int do_mul(stack *st)
        int  retval;
        retval = stack_has(st, 2);
        if (retval)
            return retval;
        st->value[st->size - 2] = st->value[st->size - 1] * st->value[st->size - 2];
        return 0;
    static int do_div(stack *st)
        int  retval;
        retval = stack_has(st, 2);
        if (retval)
            return retval;
        st->value[st->size - 2] = st->value[st->size - 1] / st->value[st->size - 2];
        return 0;
    DEFINE_OP("neg", do_neg, "Negate current operand");
    DEFINE_OP("add", do_add, "Add current and previous operands");
    DEFINE_OP("sub", do_sub, "Subtract previous operand from current one");
    DEFINE_OP("mul", do_mul, "Multiply previous and current operands");
    DEFINE_OP("div", do_div, "Divide current operand by the previous operand");

    为了简单起见,计算器希望每个值和操作数都是单独的命令行参数。我们的 主C 包含操作查找、基本用法、值分析和打印结果(或错误):

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include "ops.h"
    extern struct op __start_ops[];
    extern struct op  __stop_ops[];
    #define  NUM_OPS  ((size_t)(__stop_ops - __start_ops))
    static int  do_op(stack *st, const char *opname)
        struct op  *curr_op;
        if (!st || !opname)
            return EINVAL;
        for (curr_op = __start_ops; curr_op < __stop_ops; curr_op++)
            if (!strcmp(opname, curr_op->name))
        if (curr_op >= __stop_ops)
            return ENOTSUP;
        return curr_op->func(st);
    static int  usage(const char *argv0)
        struct op  *curr_op;
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [ -h | --help ]\n", argv0);
        fprintf(stderr, "       %s RPN-EXPRESSION\n", argv0);
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Where RPN-EXPRESSION is an expression using reverse\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Polish notation, and each argument is a separate value\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "or operator. The following operators are supported:\n");
        for (curr_op = __start_ops; curr_op < __stop_ops; curr_op++)
            fprintf(stderr, "\t%-14s  %s\n", curr_op->name, curr_op->desc);
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        stack  all = STACK_INITIALIZER;
        double val;
        size_t i;
        int    arg, err;
        char   dummy;
        if (argc < 2 || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help"))
            return usage(argv[0]);
        for (arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++)
            if (sscanf(argv[arg], " %lf %c", &val, &dummy) == 1) {
                err = stack_push(&all, val);
                if (err) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot push %s to stack: %s.\n", argv[arg], strerror(err));
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            } else {
                err = do_op(&all, argv[arg]);
                if (err == ENOTSUP) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Operation not supported.\n", argv[arg]);
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
                } else
                if (err) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot perform operation: %s.\n", argv[arg], strerror(err));
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
        if (all.size < 1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "No result.\n");
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        } else
        if (all.size > 1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Multiple results:\n");
            for (i = 0; i < all.size; i++)
                fprintf(stderr, "  %.9f\n", all.value[i]);
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        printf("%.9f\n", all.value[0]);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;


    最后,我们需要 生成文件 要将所有这些联系在一起:

    CC      := gcc
    CFLAGS  := -Wall -O2 -std=c99
    LDFLAGS := -lm
    OPS     := $(wildcard ops-*.c)
    OPSOBJS := $(OPS:%.c=%.o)
    PROGS   := rpncalc
    .PHONY: all clean
    all: clean $(PROGS)
            rm -f *.o $(PROGS)
    %.o: %.c
            $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $^
    rpncalc: main.o $(OPSOBJS)
            $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ $(LDFLAGS) -o $@

    因为这个论坛不保存 标签 而make需要它们进行缩进,你可能需要在复制粘贴完上面的缩进后进行修复。我用 sed -e 's|^ *|\t|' -i Makefile

    如果你编译( make clean all )然后跑( ./rpncalc )上面,您将看到使用信息:

    Usage: ./rpncalc [ -h | --help ]
           ./rpncalc RPN-EXPRESSION
    Where RPN-EXPRESSION is an expression using reverse
    Polish notation, and each argument is a separate value
    or operator. The following operators are supported:
            div             Divide current operand by the previous operand
            mul             Multiply previous and current operands
            sub             Subtract previous operand from current one
            add             Add current and previous operands
            neg             Negate current operand

    如果你跑步,例如 ./rpncalc 3.0 4.0 5.0 sub mul neg ,你得到结果 3.000000000 .

    现在,让我们添加一些新的操作, 操作sqrt.c :

    #include <math.h>
    #include "ops.h"
    static int do_sqrt(stack *st)
        double  temp;
        int     retval;
        retval = stack_pop(st, &temp);
        if (retval)
            return retval;
        return stack_push(st, sqrt(temp));
    DEFINE_OP("sqrt", do_sqrt, "Take the square root of the current operand");

    因为上面的makefile编译了以 ops- 在最后一个二进制文件中,您只需要重新编译源文件: 全部清除 . 正在运行 /rpncalc公司 现在输出

    Usage: ./rpncalc [ -h | --help ]
           ./rpncalc RPN-EXPRESSION
    Where RPN-EXPRESSION is an expression using reverse
    Polish notation, and each argument is a separate value
    or operator. The following operators are supported:
            sqrt            Take the square root of the current operand
            div             Divide current operand by the previous operand
            mul             Multiply previous and current operands
            sub             Subtract previous operand from current one
            add             Add current and previous operands
            neg             Negate current operand

    你有了新的 sqrt 操作员可用。

    测试,例如 ./rpncalc 1 1 1 1 add add add sqrt 产量 2.000000000 ,如预期。