void CreatingButtons(int n, List<string> names)
Button[] Buttons = new Button[n];
int horizontal = 180; int vertical = 5;
int Height = 33; int Width = 350 / Buttons.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < Buttons.Length; i++)
Buttons[i] = new Button();
Buttons[i].Height = Height;
Buttons[i].Width = Width;
Buttons[i].Text = names[i];
Buttons[i].TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
Buttons[i].Location = new Point(horizontal, vertical);
horizontal += Buttons[i].Width;
Buttons[i].Click += (o, k) => { };
private void bHow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<string> buttonNames = new List<string> { "Dealing the Cards", "Betting Blind", "How to Properly Bet" };
CreatingButtons(3, buttonNames);
//Button [] getTheButtonArrayHere = CreatingButtons() or something like this