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传递到Spring MVC中持久化的分离实体

  •  0
  • Vojtěch  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    我已经创建了一个Spring MVC转换器,用于处理实体映射:(对不起,这段代码在Kotlin中,应该不难理解)

    class BaseEntityConverterFactory(val em: EntityManager) : ConverterFactory<String, BaseEntity?> {
        override fun <T : BaseEntity?> getConverter(targetType: Class<T>)
                = BaseEntityConverter(targetType) as Converter<String, T>
        private inner class BaseEntityConverter internal constructor(private val baseEntityClass: Class<*>) : Converter<String, BaseEntity?> {
            override fun convert(source: String): BaseEntity? {
                if (source.isEmpty()) {
                    return null
                } else {
                    return em.find(baseEntityClass, source) as BaseEntity? ?: throw EntityNotFoundException("Entity $baseEntityClass with $source was not found.")


    @GetMapping @Transactional
    fun myEndPoint(@RequestParam entity: MyEntity) {

    像这样,我直接在方法中得到正确的实体。问题是实体是 detached em.persist 导致 detached entity passed to persist .

    我当然可以打电话 em.merge 以前,但我更希望将实体加载为 attached . 这可行吗?

    编辑 好像是在打电话 合并 没用。实体仍处于分离状态。我想一定是在 ConverterFactory .

    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  1
  •   Ilya Dyoshin    6 年前






    class MyEntity {
        // ...properties
        private Long id; 
        String stringProperty;
        LocalDate dateProperty;
    class MyDependentEntity {
        Long id;
        MyEntity entity;
        // ... properties

    现在您希望您的服务能够更新您的 MyEntity 还有你的 MyDependentEntity


    class MyEntityDTO {
        Long id; 
        String stringProperty;
        LocalDate dateProperty;
    class MyDependentEntityDTO {
        Long id;
        // here we will be transferring the ID of the entity.  Or we can pass the DTO. 
        // it depends on usage scenario. 
        Long entity;


    class ManagementService {
        MyEntityRepository entityRepository;
        MyDependentEntityRepository dependentEntityRepository;
        MapStructMapper mapper;
        public MyEntityDTO saveOrUpdate(@Valid MyEntityDTO dto) {
             MyEntity managedEntity = Optional.ofNullable(dto.id).map(entityRepository::findOne).orElse(new MyEntity()); 
             // now we need to copy values from dto to managed entity. We can write set of setters by own hands, or use the [mapstruct][1]
             mapper.map(dto, managedEntity);
             managedEntity = entityRepository.saveAndFlush(managedEntity);
             return mapper.map(managedEntity); 
        MyDependentEntityDTO saveOrUpdate(MyDependentEntityDTO dto) { 
             // first of all we assume, that if there is no passed id, the entity should be created 
             // and if it is present the entity, already exists.
             MyDependentEntity managedEntity = 
                  .orElse(new MyDependentEntity()); 
             // it is up to you which logic to apply if ID exist, but no entity found.     
             // Current implementation will throw nullpointer exception in this case. Which for me is quite fine. 
             // now we need to copy values from dto to managed entity. We can write set of setters by own hands, or use the [mapstruct][1]
             mapper.map(dto, managedEntity);
             managedEntity = dependentEntityRepository.saveAndFlush(managedEntity);
             return mapper.map(managedEntity); 


    // componentModel="spring" will make the generated MapStructMapperImpl class 
    // into a spring bean, available for injection in your services. 
    abstract class MapStructMapper {
         MyEntityRepository entityRepository;
         abstract MyEntityDTO map(MyEntity entity);
         // MappingTarget annotation marks the destination  object. 
         abstract void map(MyEntityDTO dto, @MappingTarget MyEntity entity);
         abstract MyDependentEntityDTO map(MyDependentEntity entity);   
         abstract void map(MyDependentEntityDTO dto, @MappingTarget MyDependentEntity entity); 
         //  This method will be picked up by mapstruct automatically to 
         //  map your Long property to MyEntity, during mapping of MyDependentEntity.
         //  NOTE: here you have to chose how to deal with NULL values. 
         // Mapstruct does not imply any rule: you write custom mapping on your own. 
         MyEntity mapMyEntityFromId(Long id) {
              return Optional.ofNullable(id).map(entityRepository::findOne).orElse(null); 

