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通过Photoshop Javascript获取图层的绘制区域尺寸

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  • SmIqbal  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    如何通过Photoshop Javascript检查层的绘制尺寸(而不是画布或图像大小)?到目前为止,我一直试图在Photoshop Javascript手册/参考指南中找到此属性,但没有任何运气。下面是一幅仅供参考的图像,它为您提供了绘制区域的尺寸(高度和宽度),但不知何故,我想通过脚本获取此信息,以便在以后从图像中获取此信息时执行特定操作。谢谢

    Pixel Layer Properties

    2 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   InternetRebel    5 年前



    var activeDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var layerBounds = activeDoc.activeLayer.bounds;
    // this particular document, activeLayer.bounds returns:
    // 0.41666666666667 in, 0.41666666666667 in, 4.5833333333333 in, 4.5833333333333 in
    // x1, y1, x2, y2
    // we specify the vlaue property so we only get the number without the ruler unit
    var x1 = layerBounds[0].value;
    var x2 = layerBounds[2].value;
    var y1 = layerBounds[1].value;
    var y2 = layerBounds[3].value;
    // finally subtract x1 from x2 and y1 from y2 to get the widht and height and 
    // fix the size to 2 decimal units to match the Properties palette
    var layerPaintedWidth = (x2 - x1).toFixed(2); 
    var layerPaintedHeight = (y2 - y1).toFixed(2);
    // display the results in an alert dialog as 'W = 4.17, H = 4.17'
    alert("W = " + layerPaintedWidth + ", H = " + layerPaintedHeight);
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  •   Perfikly Helfy    3 年前
