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  • David Shnayder  · 技术社区  · 2 年前



    public class Colors {
        public ConsoleColor Primary { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.White;
        public ConsoleColor Default { get; set;  } = ConsoleColor.Gray;
        public ConsoleColor Input { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Gray;
        public ConsoleColor Success { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Green;
        public ConsoleColor Error { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Red;
        public ConsoleColor Highlight { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Blue;

    public static class UI {
        public static readonly Colors Colors = new();
        public static void ConfigureColors(Action<Colors> modification) {


    var primaryColor = UI.Colors.Primary;

    但不是二传手。。。 现在,这两项都起作用了:

    UI.ConfigureColors(colors => {
        colors.Primary = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
    UI.Colors.Primary = ConsoleColor.Green;

    但是我只希望能够使用ConfigureColors()方法设置颜色。 我本来以为会是这样的,因为我将Colors属性设置为readonly,但它并不像我想要的那样工作。


    3 回复  |  直到 2 年前
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  •   Olivier Jacot-Descombes    2 年前


    public interface IColors
        ConsoleColor Primary { get; }
        ConsoleColor Default { get; }
        ConsoleColor Input { get; }
        ConsoleColor Success { get; }
        ConsoleColor Error { get; }
        ConsoleColor Highlight { get; }
    public class Colors : IColors
        public ConsoleColor Primary { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.White;
        public ConsoleColor Default { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Gray;
        public ConsoleColor Input { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Gray;
        public ConsoleColor Success { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Green;
        public ConsoleColor Error { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Red;
        public ConsoleColor Highlight { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Blue;


    public static class UI
        public static readonly IColors Colors = new Colors();
        public static void ConfigureColors(Action<Colors> modification)


    var primary = UI.Colors.Primary;       // Okay
    UI.Colors.Primary = ConsoleColor.Gray; // Error CS0200  Property or indexer 
                                           // 'ConfigurableColors.IColors.Primary'
                                           // cannot be assigned to --it is read only
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  •   Markus    2 年前


    public interface  IColors {
        ConsoleColor Primary { get; }
        ConsoleColor Default { get; }
        ConsoleColor Input { get; }
        ConsoleColor Success { get; }
        ConsoleColor Error { get; }
        ConsoleColor Highlight { get; }

    班级 Colors 应实现此接口:

    public class Colors: IColors
      // ...

    而不是将类用于 UI 类,则使用该接口:

    public static class UI {
        private static readonly Colors _colors = new();
        public static IColors Colors { get => _colors; }
        public static void ConfigureColors(Action<Colors> modification) {

    这会阻止在使用 UI.Colors.Primary 符号,并允许使用操作进行写入-至少只要调用方不将接口强制转换到类:

    ((Colors)UI.Colors).Primary = ConsoleColor.Green;
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  •   Klaus Gütter    2 年前


    public interface IColors {
        ConsoleColor Primary { get; }
        ConsoleColor Default { get; }
        ConsoleColor Input { get; }
        ConsoleColor Success { get; }
        ConsoleColor Error { get; }
        ConsoleColor Highlight { get; }
    public interface IModifyableColors {
        ConsoleColor Primary { get; set; }
        ConsoleColor Default { get; set; }
        ConsoleColor Input { get; set; }
        ConsoleColor Success { get; set; }
        ConsoleColor Error { get; set; }
        ConsoleColor Highlight { get; set; }

    这两个接口都将由类实现 Colors (可以设置为私人课程):

    class Colors : IColors, IModifyableColors
        public ConsoleColor Primary { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.White;
        public ConsoleColor Default { get; set;  } = ConsoleColor.Gray;
        public ConsoleColor Input { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Gray;
        public ConsoleColor Success { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Green;
        public ConsoleColor Error { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Red;
        public ConsoleColor Highlight { get; set; } = ConsoleColor.Blue;


    public static class UI {
        static readonly Colors _colors = new();
        public static IColors Colors => _colors;
        public static void ConfigureColors(Action<IModifyableColors> modification) {