我有一个简单的SQL查询,它在SQL Server上返回80毫秒,在Greenplum上返回1500毫秒!!!!
“explain analyze”显示“总执行时间:55ms”,但这不是真的,我尝试使用odbc dirver或psql客户端连接到(greenplum)数据库,查询成本稳定在1500ms。
每个表上的数据不超过10 K,
SELECT CoreHR_EmploymentRecord.ChangeTypeOID AS CoreHR_EmploymentRecord_ChangeTypeOID,
MAX(CoreHR_EmploymentRecord.ChangeTypeAlias) AS CoreHR_EmploymentRecord_ChangeTypeAlias,
COUNT(DISTINCT CoreHR_EmployeeInformation.UserID) AS CoreHR_EmployeeInformation_Count_UserID
FROM CoreHR_EmployeeInformation WITH (NOLOCK)
LEFT JOIN CoreHR_EmploymentRecord WITH (NOLOCK)
ON CoreHR_EmployeeInformation.TenantId = CoreHR_EmploymentRecord.TenantId
AND CoreHR_EmployeeInformation.UserID = CoreHR_EmploymentRecord.UserID
AND CoreHR_EmploymentRecord.TenantId = 106996
WHERE CoreHR_EmployeeInformation.TenantId = 106996
AND (CoreHR_EmploymentRecord.IsCurrentRecord = 1)
AND (CoreHR_EmploymentRecord.StartDate
BETWEEN '2018-05-24 00:00:00' AND '2018-06-22 23:59:59.998'
AND CoreHR_EmployeeInformation.ApprovalStatus IN
SELECT * FROM dbo.f_SplitToVarchar(4, ',')
GROUP BY CoreHR_EmploymentRecord.ChangeTypeOID
ORDER BY CoreHR_EmploymentRecord.ChangeTypeOID ASC;
"Gather Motion 3:1 (slice4; segments: 3) (cost=0.00..865.47 rows=18 width=18)"
" Merge Key: record.changetypeoid"
" Rows out: 8 rows at destination with 13 ms to end."
" -> GroupAggregate (cost=0.00..865.47 rows=6 width=18)"
" Group By: record.changetypeoid"
" Rows out: Avg 2.7 rows x 3 workers. Max 4 rows (seg0) with 11 ms to end."
" Executor memory: 8K bytes avg, 8K bytes max (seg0)."
" -> Sort (cost=0.00..865.47 rows=6 width=18)"
" Sort Key: record.changetypeoid"
" Sort Method: quicksort Max Memory: 33KB Avg Memory: 33KB (3 segments)"
" Rows out: Avg 6.7 rows x 3 workers. Max 12 rows (seg0) with 11 ms to end."
" Executor memory: 58K bytes avg, 58K bytes max (seg0)."
" Work_mem used: 58K bytes avg, 58K bytes max (seg0). Workfile: (0 spilling)"
" -> Redistribute Motion 3:3 (slice3; segments: 3) (cost=0.00..865.47 rows=6 width=18)"
" Hash Key: record.changetypeoid"
" Rows out: Avg 6.7 rows x 3 workers at destination. Max 12 rows (seg0) with 10 ms to end."
" -> Result (cost=0.00..865.47 rows=6 width=18)"
" Rows out: Avg 6.7 rows x 3 workers. Max 7 rows (seg1) with 7.992 ms to first row, 8.138 ms to end."
" -> GroupAggregate (cost=0.00..865.47 rows=6 width=18)"
" Group By: record.changetypeoid"
" Rows out: Avg 6.7 rows x 3 workers. Max 7 rows (seg1) with 7.990 ms to first row, 8.131 ms to end."
" Executor memory: 248K bytes avg, 258K bytes max (seg1)."
" Work_mem used: 58K bytes avg, 58K bytes max (seg0)."
" -> Sort (cost=0.00..865.47 rows=41 width=18)"
" Sort Key: record.changetypeoid"
" Sort Method: quicksort Max Memory: 49KB Avg Memory: 38KB (3 segments)"
" Rows out: Avg 48.7 rows x 3 workers. Max 63 rows (seg2) with 7.598 ms to first row, 7.603 ms to end."
" Executor memory: 58K bytes avg, 58K bytes max (seg0)."
" Work_mem used: 58K bytes avg, 58K bytes max (seg0). Workfile: (0 spilling)"
" -> Redistribute Motion 3:3 (slice2; segments: 3) (cost=0.00..865.45 rows=41 width=18)"
" Hash Key: info.userid"
" Rows out: Avg 48.7 rows x 3 workers at destination. Max 63 rows (seg2) with 7.178 ms to first row, 7.193 ms to end."
" -> Hash Join (cost=0.00..865.44 rows=41 width=18)"
" Hash Cond: info.tenantid = record.tenantid AND info.userid = record.userid"
" Rows out: Avg 48.7 rows x 3 workers. Max 50 rows (seg1) with 4.240 ms to first row, 4.995 ms to end."
" Executor memory: 7K bytes avg, 7K bytes max (seg0)."
" Work_mem used: 7K bytes avg, 7K bytes max (seg0). Workfile: (0 spilling)"
" (seg1) Hash chain length 1.0 avg, 2 max, using 141 of 131072 buckets."
" -> Dynamic Table Scan on info (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=0.00..431.94 rows=258 width=10)"
" Filter: tenantid = 106996 AND approvalstatus::text = '4'::text"
" Rows out: Avg 772.7 rows x 3 workers. Max 783 rows (seg2) with 1.668 ms to first row, 1.836 ms to end."
" Partitions scanned: Avg 1.0 (out of 286) x 3 workers. Max 1 parts (seg0)."
" -> Hash (cost=100.00..100.00 rows=34 width=4)"
" Rows in: Avg 146.0 rows x 3 workers. Max 146 rows (seg0) with 5.202 ms to end, start offset by 34 ms."
" -> Partition Selector for info (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=10.00..100.00 rows=34 width=4)"
" Rows out: Avg 146.0 rows x 3 workers. Max 146 rows (seg0) with 4.725 ms to first row, 5.104 ms to end."
" -> Broadcast Motion 3:3 (slice1; segments: 3) (cost=0.00..433.31 rows=144 width=22)"
" Rows out: Avg 146.0 rows x 3 workers at destination. Max 146 rows (seg0) with 3.820 ms to first row, 3.934 ms to end."
" -> Result (cost=0.00..433.25 rows=48 width=22)"
" Rows out: Avg 48.7 rows x 3 workers. Max 53 rows (seg2) with 4.080 ms to first row, 4.593 ms to end."
" -> Sequence (cost=0.00..433.25 rows=48 width=30)"
" Rows out: Avg 48.7 rows x 3 workers. Max 53 rows (seg2) with 4.078 ms to first row, 4.582 ms to end."
" -> Partition Selector for record (dynamic scan id: 2) (cost=10.00..100.00 rows=34 width=4)"
" Partitions selected: 1 (out of 128)"
" Rows out: 0 rows (seg0) with 0.018 ms to end."
" -> Dynamic Table Scan on record (dynamic scan id: 2) (cost=0.00..433.25 rows=48 width=30)"
" Filter: startdate >= '2018-05-24'::date AND startdate <= '2018-06-22'::date AND tenantid = 106996 AND iscurrentrecord = 1"
" Rows out: Avg 48.7 rows x 3 workers. Max 53 rows (seg2) with 4.060 ms to first row, 4.542 ms to end."
" Partitions scanned: Avg 1.0 (out of 128) x 3 workers. Max 1 parts (seg0)."
"Slice statistics:"
" (slice0) Executor memory: 880K bytes."
" (slice1) Executor memory: 1070K bytes avg x 3 workers, 1070K bytes max (seg0)."
" (slice2) Executor memory: 2844K bytes avg x 3 workers, 2844K bytes max (seg0). Work_mem: 7K bytes max."
" (slice3) Executor memory: 282K bytes avg x 3 workers, 293K bytes max (seg2). Work_mem: 58K bytes max."
" (slice4) Executor memory: 219K bytes avg x 3 workers, 219K bytes max (seg0). Work_mem: 58K bytes max."
"Statement statistics:"
" Memory used: 50176K bytes"
"Optimizer status: PQO version 2.62.0"
"Total runtime: 51.404 ms"