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  • Burst of Ice  · 技术社区  · 6 年前


    redsidenav, yellow margin, blue container

    红色部分是 mat-sidenav 方块和蓝色是 mat-sidenav-content 黄色部分是当我改变字体时突然变大的空白。




    resolved devtools of resolved issue

    /* VAriables */ 
    :root {
      --color-accent:   black; /* Fallback */
    .u-category-test     { --color-accent: rgba(67, 119, 64, 0.5); }
    .u-category-qa       { --color-accent: rgba(153, 100, 19, 0.5); }
    .u-category-prod     { --color-accent: rgba(216, 3, 3, 0.5); }
    /* Nav */
      .nav-header {
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        padding: 2rem;
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      <h1 class="nav-title">Clients</h1>
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        <span class="nav-icon flag-icon flag-icon-be"></span>
      <button type="button" class="u-category-test nav-button" id="button-test" routerLink="test" routerLinkActive="is-selected">Dev</button>
      <button type="button" class="u-category-qa nav-button" id="button-qa" routerLink="qa" routerLinkActive="is-selected">QA</button>
      <button type="button" class="u-category-prod nav-button" id="button-prod" routerLink="prod" routerLinkActive="is-selected">Production</button>

    .client-container {
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      <mat-sidenav mode="side" opened><app-side-nav></app-side-nav></mat-sidenav>
        <div class="main mat-app-background">
    0 回复  |  直到 6 年前