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将pandas数据帧写入gzip csv,存档上没有时间戳

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  • Max Ghenis shoyer  · 技术社区  · 6 年前


    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1]})
    df.to_csv('df.csv.gz', compression='gzip')
    # Timestamp is the large number per https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/79546/88807.
    !<df.csv.gz dd bs=4 skip=1 count=1 | od -t d4
    # 1+0 records in
    # 1+0 records out
    # 4 bytes copied, 5.6233e-05 s, 71.1 kB/s
    # 0000000  1546978755
    # 0000004df.csv


    df.to_csv('df2.csv.gz', compression='gzip')
    import filecmp
    filecmp.cmp('df.csv.gz', 'df2.csv.gz')
    # False
    2 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Max Ghenis shoyer    6 年前

    看完熊猫守则后 CSV writing ,我建议最好使用 gzip 模块直接。这样你就可以设置 mtime attribute 这似乎就是你想要的:

    import pandas as pd
    from gzip import GzipFile
    from io import TextIOWrapper
    def to_gzip_csv_no_timestamp(df, f, *kwargs):
        # Write pandas DataFrame to a .csv.gz file, without a timestamp in the archive
        # header, using GzipFile and TextIOWrapper.
        # Args:
        #     df: pandas DataFrame.
        #     f: Filename string ending in .csv (not .csv.gz).
        #     *kwargs: Other arguments passed to to_csv().
        # Returns:
        #     Nothing.
        with TextIOWrapper(GzipFile(f, 'w', mtime=0), encoding='utf-8') as fd:
            df.to_csv(fd, *kwargs)
    to_gzip_csv_no_timestamp(df, 'df.csv.gz')
    to_gzip_csv_no_timestamp(df, 'df2.csv.gz')
    filecmp.cmp('df.csv.gz', 'df2.csv.gz')
    # True

    这比两步走强 subprocess 对于这个微小的数据集,下面的方法是:

    %timeit to_gzip_csv_no_timestamp(df, 'df.csv')                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
    693 us +- 14.6 us per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
    %timeit to_gzip_csv_no_timestamp_subprocess(df, 'df.csv')
    10.2 ms +- 167 us per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

    我用的是 TextIOWrapper() 将字符串转换为字节的步骤 Pandas does ,但如果您知道不会保存太多数据,也可以这样做:

    with GzipFile('df.csv.gz', 'w', mtime=0) as fd:

    注意 gzip -lv df.csv.gz 仍然显示“当前时间”,但它只是从inode的mtime中提取这个。倾倒 hexdump -C 显示保存在文件中的值,并更改文件的mtime(用 touch -mt 0711171533 df.csv.gz 原因 GZIP 显示不同的值


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  •   Max Ghenis shoyer    6 年前

    您可以导出为未压缩的csv,然后调用 gzip -n 避免时间戳的标志(这也是不在存档中保存文件名的说明):

    import subprocess
    def to_gzip_csv_no_timestamp_subprocess(df, f, *kwargs):
        # Write pandas DataFrame to a .csv.gz file, without a timestamp in the archive
        # header.
        # Args:
        #     df: pandas DataFrame.
        #     f: Filename string ending in .csv (not .csv.gz).
        #     *kwargs: Other arguments passed to to_csv().
        # Returns:
        #     Nothing.
        import subprocess
        df.to_csv(f, *kwargs)
        # -n for the timestamp, -f to overwrite.
        subprocess.check_call(['gzip', '-nf', f])
    to_gzip_csv_no_timestamp(df, 'df.csv')
    to_gzip_csv_no_timestamp(df, 'df2.csv')
    filecmp.cmp('df.csv.gz', 'df2.csv.gz')
    # True