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使用Python BOTO3在AWS中恢复RDS快照

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  • Yuvi  · 技术社区  · 2 年前

    下面是我使用python boto3从rds快照恢复rds实例的代码

    import boto3
    x=input('Please enter the RDS Instance Name :')
    z=input('Please enter the RDS Snapshot Name :')
    y=input('Please enter the RDS Instance Class:')
    a=input('Please enter the RDS Instance Subnet Group Name:')
    client = boto3.client('rds', region_name='xxxxxxx')
    rdsinstances = client.restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot(DBInstanceIdentifier=x.strip(),DBSnapshotIdentifier=z.strip(),DBInstanceClass=y.strip(),DBSubnetGroupName=a.strip())
    for i in rdsinstances['DBInstance']:
     print('Instance_name:' + i['DBInstanceIdentifier'])
     print('DB_Instance_Status:' + i['DBInstanceStatus'])
     print('DB_Instance_Class:' + i['DBInstanceClass'])
     print('DB_Subnet_Group:' + i['DBSubnetGroupName'])


    "TypeError: string indices must be integers".


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