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  • geckos  · 技术社区  · 2 年前

    我在学习这个教程 https://drup.github.io/2016/08/02/difflists/


    type ('ty, 'v) t =
      | Nil : ('v, 'v) t
      | Cons : 'a * ('ty, 'v) t -> ('a -> 'ty, 'v) t
    let plus1 l = Cons ((), l) (* : ('a, 'b) t -> (unit -> 'a, 'b) t *)
    let one x = Cons (x, Nil) (* : 'a -> ('a -> 'b, 'b) t *)
    let l1 = Cons (1, Cons ("bla", Nil)) (* : (int -> string -> 'a, 'a) t *)
    let l2 = Cons ((), Cons (true, Nil)) (*: (unit -> float -> 'a, 'a) t *)
    let l3 = Cons (1, Cons ("bla", Cons ((), Cons (true, Nil)))) (*: (int -> string -> unit -> float -> 'a, 'a) t *)
    let rec append
      : type ty1 ty2 v.
        (ty1, ty2) t ->
        (ty2, v) t ->
        (ty1, v) t =
      fun l1 l2 -> match l1 with
      | Nil -> l2
      | Cons (h, t) -> Cons (h, append t l2)
    let l4 = Cons (1, Cons ("bla", Nil)) (* : (int -> string -> 'a, 'a) t *)
    let l5 = Cons ("bla", Cons (1, Nil)) (* : (string -> int -> 'a, 'a) t *)
    let swap
      : type ty1 ty2 v. 
      (ty1 -> ty2 -> v, v) t ->
      (ty2 -> ty1 -> v, v) t =
      | Nil -> Nil
      | Cons (a, Cons (b, tl)) -> Cons (b, Cons (a, tl))
      | Cons (a, Nil) -> Cons (a, Nil)


    Error: This expression has type (ty2 -> ty1 -> v, ty2 -> ty1 -> v) t
           but an expression was expected of type (ty2 -> ty1 -> v, v) t
           Type ty2 -> ty1 -> v is not compatible with type v 

    | Nil -> Nil 行,我知道类型不匹配,但不知道从这里开始该怎么办


    let swap
      : type ty1 ty2 v. 
      (ty1 -> ty2 -> v, v) t ->
      (ty2 -> ty1 -> v, v) t =
      | Cons (a, Cons (b, tl)) -> Cons (b, Cons (a, tl))


    File "./difflist.ml", lines 27-28, characters 2-52:
    27 | ..function
    28 |   | Cons (a, Cons (b, tl)) -> Cons (b, Cons (a, tl))
    Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
    Here is an example of a case that is not matched:
    Cons (_, Nil)

    同样适用于 Nil ,虽然我能做到,但似乎不理想

    let swap
      : type ty1 ty2 v. 
      (ty1 -> ty2 -> v, v) t ->
      (ty2 -> ty1 -> v, v) t =
      | Cons (a, Cons (b, tl)) -> Cons (b, Cons (a, tl))
      | Cons (_, Nil) -> assert false
      | Nil -> assert false


    如果我尝试与匹配 assert false 我犯了这些错误(这是意料之中的)

    let l7 = swap Nil
    (* This expression has type ('a -> 'b -> 'c, 'a -> 'b -> 'c) t
    but an expression was expected of type ('a -> 'b -> 'c, 'c) t
    The type variable 'd occurs inside 'e -> 'f -> 'd *)
    let l8 = swap (Cons (true, Nil))
    (* This expression has type ('a -> 'b, 'a -> 'b) t
    but an expression was expected of type ('a -> 'b, 'b) t
    The type variable 'c occurs inside 'd -> 'c *)

    有什么办法摆脱这些吗 断言为false ?

    0 回复  |  直到 2 年前
  •  5
  •   octachron    2 年前

    问题是,交换函数只为长度大于2的列表定义,而difflist异构列表不在类型级别对长度进行编码。事实上,一个类型列表 (ty->ty2->mid,last) t 可以有任何长度。例如,

    let t: (int -> float -> int, int -> float -> int) t = Nil


    因此,一个选项是返回类似于同构列表的选项类型并返回 None 如果列表长度太小:

    let swap
      : type ty1 ty2 v tl.
      (ty1 -> ty2 -> v, tl) t ->
      (ty2 -> ty1 -> v, tl) t option =
      | Nil -> None
      | Cons(_,Nil) -> None
      | Cons (a, Cons (b, tl)) -> Some(Cons (b, Cons (a, tl)))


    type void = |
    let swap
      : type ty1 ty2 tl.
      (ty1 -> ty2 -> tl, void) t ->
      (ty2 -> ty1 -> tl, void) t =
      | Cons (a, Cons (b, tl)) -> Cons (b, Cons (a, tl))
      | _  -> .
      | Cons(_,_) -> .
