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使用VBA从Excel 2007自动生成OneNote 2010?

  •  5
  • Taptronic  · 技术社区  · 14 年前

    我想使用Excel2007中的VBA逐步处理大约500张收据,这些收据已转换为一个大型的OneNote 2010笔记本。每个笔记本选项卡都包含不同的收据。我需要从每个表中获取相关的详细信息(收据、收据日期、金额、所有行项目数据、税款等),我想用这些数据在Excel中创建一个工作表。


    我想这比数据输入更容易,也比雇个人手工输入要便宜。我不想走OCR路线,因为我需要Excel和OneNote之间某种Office自动化的准确性。我只是找不到使用OneNote 2010实现自动化的任何示例(从OneNote端或Excel端)。再给我一个指向正确的方向好吗?msdn有一个用于Office和OneNote的开发人员网站,但我一定看不到任何示例,甚至看不到 对象模型 !

    5 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  3
  •   Hans Olsson    14 年前


    Creating OneNote 2010 Extensions with the OneNote Object Model

    What's New for Developers in OneNote 2007 (Part 1 of 2)

    为了找到更多信息,我建议谷歌搜索 Microsoft.Office.Interop.OneNote 希望你能从.NET中得到很多这样做的问题,即使这不太理想,至少也能给你一些提示。

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  •   Daniel Hillebrand    10 年前

    This VBA example code 对你有帮助。我检索所有OneNote笔记本的列表。它是为OneNote 2010编写的,适用于我的Office 2010软件包,但我希望它也适用于2007年。



    'Add the following references (adjust to our office version):
    ' - Microsoft OneNote 14.0 Object Library
    ' - Microsoft XML, v6.0
    Sub ListOneNotePages()
        ' Original example is from http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/office/onenote-2010-retrieve-data-023e69c0
        ' License: Apache 2.0
        ' Modified to get all pages & content instead of the notebook list
        ' Connect to OneNote 2010.
        ' OneNote will be started if it's not running.
        Dim oneNote As OneNote14.Application
        Set oneNote = New OneNote14.Application
        ' Get the XML that represents the OneNote pages
        Dim oneNotePagesXml As String
        ' oneNotePagesXml gets filled in with an XML document providing information
        ' about all OneNote pages.
        ' You want all the data. Thus you provide an empty string
        ' for the bstrStartNodeID parameter.
        oneNote.GetHierarchy "", OneNote14.HierarchyScope.hsPages, oneNotePagesXml, xs2010
        ' Use the MSXML Library to parse the XML.
        Dim doc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
        Set doc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
        If doc.LoadXML(oneNotePagesXml) Then
            ' Find all the Page nodes in the one namespace.
            Dim nodes As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
            Set nodes = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//one:Page")
            Dim node As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
            Dim pageName As String
            Dim sectionName As String
            Dim pageContent As String
            Dim temp As String
            ' Walk the collection of Pages.
            ' Read attribute values and write them
            ' out to the Immediate window of your VBA host.
            For Each node In nodes
                pageName = node.Attributes.getNamedItem("name").Text
                Debug.Print "Page name: "; vbCrLf & " " & pageName
                Call oneNote.GetPageContent(GetAttributeValueFromNode(node, "ID"), pageContent, piBasic)
                Debug.Print " content: " & pageContent
            MsgBox "OneNote 2010 XML Data failed to load."
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Function GetAttributeValueFromNode(node As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode, attributeName As String) As String
        If node.Attributes.getNamedItem(attributeName) Is Nothing Then
            GetAttributeValueFromNode = "Not found."
            GetAttributeValueFromNode = node.Attributes.getNamedItem(attributeName).Text
        End If
    End Function
  •  2
  •   jumpjack    9 年前

    我找到了一个 better VBA example ,标题为“在OneNote 2010中以编程方式搜索”:

    Sub SearchTermsInTheFirstNoteBook()
        ' Connect to OneNote 2010
        ' OneNote will be started if it's not running.
        Dim oneNote As OneNote14.Application
        Set oneNote = New OneNote14.Application
        ' Get all of the Notebook nodes.
        Dim nodes As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
        Set nodes = GetFirstOneNoteNotebookNodes(oneNote)
        If Not nodes Is Nothing Then
            ' Get the first notebook found.
            Dim node As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
            Set node = nodes(0)
            ' Get the ID.
            Dim notebookID As String
            notebookID = node.Attributes.getNamedItem("ID").Text
            ' Ask the user for a string for which to search
            ' with a default search string of "Microsoft".
            Dim searchString As String
            searchString = InputBox$("Enter a search string.", "Search", "Microsoft")
            Dim searchResultsAsXml As String
            ' The FindPages method search a OneNote object (in this example, the first
            ' open Notebook). You provide the search string and the results are
            ' provided as an XML document listing the objects where the search
            ' string is found. You can control whether OneNote searches non-indexed data (this
            ' example passes False). You can also choose whether OneNote enables
            ' the User Interface to show the found items (this example passes False).
            ' This example instructs OneNote to return the XML data in the 2010 schema format.
            oneNote.FindPages notebookID, searchString, searchResultsAsXml, False, False, xs2010
            ' Output the returned XML to the Immediate Window.
            ' If no search items are found, the XML contains the
            ' XML hierarchy data for the searched item.
            Debug.Print searchResultsAsXml
            MsgBox "OneNote 2010 XML data failed to load."
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Function GetAttributeValueFromNode(node As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode, attributeName As String) As String
        If node.Attributes.getNamedItem(attributeName) Is Nothing Then
            GetAttributeValueFromNode = "Not found."
            GetAttributeValueFromNode = node.Attributes.getNamedItem(attributeName).Text
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function GetFirstOneNoteNotebookNodes(oneNote As OneNote14.Application) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
        ' Get the XML that represents the OneNote notebooks available.
        Dim notebookXml As String
        ' Fill notebookXml with an XML document providing information
        ' about available OneNote notebooks.
        ' To get all the data, provide an empty string
        ' for the bstrStartNodeID parameter.
        oneNote.GetHierarchy "", hsNotebooks, notebookXml, xs2010
        ' Use the MSXML Library to parse the XML.
        Dim doc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
        Set doc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
        If doc.LoadXML(notebookXml) Then
            Set GetFirstOneNoteNotebookNodes = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//one:Notebook")
            Set GetFirstOneNoteNotebookNodes = Nothing
        End If
    End Function


    oneNote.FindPages notebookID, searchString, searchResultsAsXml, False, False, xs2010


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  •   jumpjack    9 年前


    'Add the following references (adjust to our office version):
    ' - Microsoft OneNote 14.0 Object Library
    ' - Microsoft XML, v6.0
    Sub SearchStringInOneNote()
        ' Original example is from http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/office/onenote-2010-retrieve-data-023e69c0
        ' License: Apache 2.0
        ' Modified to get all pages & content instead of the notebook list
        StringToSearch = InputBox("Text to search:", "Search in OneNote")
        StringToSearch = UCase(StringToSearch) ' Case insensitiveness
        ' Connect to OneNote 2010.
        ' OneNote will be started if it's not running.
        Dim oneNote As OneNote14.Application
        Set oneNote = New OneNote14.Application
        ' Get the XML that represents the OneNote pages
        Dim oneNotePagesXml As String
        ' oneNotePagesXml gets filled in with an XML document providing information
        ' about all OneNote pages.
        ' You want all the data. Thus you provide an empty string
        ' for the bstrStartNodeID parameter.
        oneNote.GetHierarchy "", OneNote14.HierarchyScope.hsPages, oneNotePagesXml, xs2010
        ' Use the MSXML Library to parse the XML.
        Dim doc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
        Dim notebooks As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
        Dim sections As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Dim page As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
        Set doc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
        result = doc.LoadXML(oneNotePagesXml)
        Set notebooks = doc.ChildNodes
        Set sections = notebooks(1)
        For Each section In sections.ChildNodes
            Debug.Print "Notebook: "; section.Attributes(1).Text
            Set Pages = section.ChildNodes
            For Each page In Pages
                Debug.Print "    Section: " & page.Attributes(0).Text
                For Each node In page.ChildNodes
                    Debug.Print "        Page: " & node.Attributes(1).Text
                    Call ProcessNode(node, oneNote, StringToSearch)
    End Sub
    Sub ProcessNode(ByVal node As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode, ByVal oneNote As OneNote14.Application, ByVal StringToSearch As String)
            Dim SectionName As String
            Dim PageContent As String
            Dim pageXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument
            Dim TextToSearch As String
            Dim TableNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
            Dim RowNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
            Dim Outlines As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
            Dim Tables As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
            ' Walk the collection of Pages.
            ' Read attribute values and write them
            ' out to the Immediate window of your VBA host.
               Call oneNote.GetPageContent(GetAttributeValueFromNode(node, "ID"), PageContent, 4) ' Put page content in XML format into string variable
               '---- Put XML page content into XML object:
               Set pageXML = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
               pageXML.LoadXML (PageContent) ' Load page content in XML format into XML object
               pageXML.LoadXML (pageXML.ChildNodes(1).XML) ' Reload same XML object with just significative part of page content (=second node)
               Set Outlines = pageXML.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//one:Outline") ' Store into XML object the collection of outlines of the page
               OutlineNumber = 0
               TableNumber = 0
               For Each Outline In Outlines
                    OutlineNumber = OutlineNumber + 1
                    TableNumber = 0
                    Set TableNode = Outline.ChildNodes(2).ChildNodes(0).ChildNodes(0)  'Outline.SelectNodes("//one:Table").Context 'Outline.SelectNodes("//one:Table").Item(2)
    'Debug.Print "Scanning outline n." & OutlineNumber & "..."
                         If TableNode Is Nothing Then
                             ' If page contains no tables (empty page?)...
                             ContaRighe = 0
                             For Each RowNode In TableNode.ChildNodes ' Scan all rows of table
                                 ContaRighe = ContaRighe + 1
                                 If ContaRighe > 1 Then ' Skip first line (contains columns list)
                                     TestoRiga = "" ' Prepare variable to contain all cells of current row
                                     For x = 0 To RowNode.ChildNodes.Length - 1 ' Store all cells text into a variable
                                         TestoRiga = TestoRiga & Chr(9) & RowNode.ChildNodes(x).Text
                                     If InStr(UCase(TestoRiga), StringToSearch) > 0 Then ' Look for string in row.
                                         Debug.Print "FOUND: " & TestoRiga ' Print row if string found
                                     End If
                                 End If
                             Set TableNode = Nothing
                         End If ' Table exists
                Next ' Outlines
    End Sub
    Private Function GetAttributeValueFromNode(node As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode, attributeName As String) As String
        If node.Attributes.getNamedItem(attributeName) Is Nothing Then
            GetAttributeValueFromNode = "Not found."
            GetAttributeValueFromNode = node.Attributes.getNamedItem(attributeName).Text
        End If
    End Function



    • 将整个源复制到空的VBA模块中
    • 发射 搜索字符串注释()
    • 填写文本并按“确定”
    • 看VBA 调试结果输出窗口
  •  1
  •   SlowLearner    6 年前



    OneNote仍然缺少vba编辑器,但通过名为 onetastic的加载项支持宏(而不是vba),请参阅此处: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2013/08/01/尝试OneTastic加载项,为OneNote带来大量新功能/

    OneTastic似乎为OneNote添加了许多功能,包括它自己的脚本工具-请参见: https://getonetastic.com/?R=宏



    我认为区别在于笔记本电脑有OneNote 365/2016(随Windows 10一起提供),而桌面电脑既有OneNote 2010(来自Office 2010)也有OneNote 365;我怀疑从桌面上删除其中一个版本会使一切正常工作…。


    OneNote仍然缺少VBA编辑器,但通过名为 顿挫的 -见此处: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2013/08/01/try-the-onetastic-add-in-to-bring-tons-of-new-features-to-onenote/

    OneTastic似乎为OneNote添加了许多功能,包括它自己的脚本工具-请参见: https://getonetastic.com/?r=macros

    enter image description here



    我认为区别在于笔记本电脑有OneNote 365/2016(与Windows 10一起提供),而桌面电脑既有OneNote 2010(来自Office 2010)也有OneNote 365;我怀疑从桌面上删除其中一个版本会使一切正常工作…
