func createWorkoutPlanForUserPreconditionCheck(planID, userID, transactionID *string) (*sharedstructs.Plan, *sharedstructs.User, *sharedstructs.Profile, error) {
if planID == nil || userID == nil || transactionID == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, sharedstructs.InvalidData{Msg: "Cannot pass in Nil Parameters"}
outputChannel := make(chan interface{}, 3)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
//Get the Plan from the Plan ID
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
returnedPlan, readError := readPlan(*planID)
if readError != nil || returnedPlan == nil {
outputChannel <- sharedstructs.InvalidData{Msg: "Could Not Retreive the User with ID: " + *userID}
} else {
outputChannel <- *returnedPlan
//Get the User
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
returnedUser, getUserError := userdomain.GetUserByID(*userID, *transactionID)
if getUserError != nil || &returnedUser == nil {
outputChannel <- sharedstructs.InvalidData{Msg: "Could Not Retreive the User with ID: " + *userID}
} else {
outputChannel <- returnedUser
//Get the Profile
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
readProfile, getProfileError := profiledomain.GetProfile(*userID, *transactionID)
if getProfileError != nil || readProfile == nil {
outputChannel <- sharedstructs.InvalidData{Msg: "Could Not Retreive the User with ID: " + *userID}
} else {
outputChannel <- *readProfile
plan := sharedstructs.Plan{}
user := sharedstructs.User{}
profile := sharedstructs.Profile{}
for result := range outputChannel {
switch result.(type) {
case sharedstructs.InvalidData:
return nil, nil, nil, result.(sharedstructs.InvalidData)
case sharedstructs.Plan:
plan = result.(sharedstructs.Plan)
case sharedstructs.User:
user = result.(sharedstructs.User)
case sharedstructs.Profile:
profile = result.(sharedstructs.Profile)
return &plan, &user, &profile, nil