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  • Joseph P Nardone  · 技术社区  · 4 年前



    import pandas as pd 
    # Initalize the data
    data_original = [['4', 'NYC','New York'], ['3', 'BOS','Boston'], ['2', 'CHI','Chicago']]
    data_new = [['4', 'NYC','New York','50'], ['3', 'Boston','Boston','100'], ['2', 'CHI','Chicago','20'], ['8', 'LA','Los Angeles','30']] 
    # Create the dataframes
    df_original = pd.DataFrame(data_original, columns = ['Office Number', 'Office Name','Office Location'])
    df_new = pd.DataFrame(data_new, columns = ['Office Number', 'Office Name','Office Location','Money'])
    df_changes = df_new[ ~df_new.isin(df_original)].dropna()

    ['8', 'LA','Los Angeles','30']


    3 回复  |  直到 4 年前
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  •   piRSquared    4 年前

    def compare(old, new):
        new_cols = new.columns.difference(old.columns)
        del_cols = old.columns.difference(new.columns)
        new_indx = new.index.difference(old.index)
        del_indx = old.index.difference(new.index)
        # Now that we've checked new and deleted rows and columns
        # `align` the dataframes and check the values
        old, new = old.align(new, 'inner')
        I, J = np.where(old.ne(new))
        c = old.columns
        r = old.index
        changes = pd.DataFrame([
            [r[i], c[j], old.iat[i, j], new.iat[i, j]]
            for i, j in zip(I, J)
        ], columns=['Row', 'Column', 'Old', 'New'])
        return changes, new_cols, del_cols, new_indx, del_indx



    changes, new_cols, del_cols, new_indx, del_indx = compare(df_original, df_new)

    New Columns:
    {' '.join(new_cols.astype(str))}
    Deleted Columns:
    {' '.join(del_cols.astype(str))}
    New Rows:
    {' '.join(new_indx.astype(str))}
    Deleted Rows:
    {' '.join(del_indx.astype(str))}
    New Columns:
    Deleted Columns:
    New Rows:
    Deleted Rows:
       Row       Column  Old     New
    0    1  Office Name  BOS  Boston



    我们可以放弃查找添加和删除的列和行的细分,而只解释 changes

    def compare(old, new):
        old, new = old.align(new)  # Notice I don't use `'inner'` as I did before
        I, J = np.where(old.ne(new))
        c = old.columns
        r = old.index
        changes = pd.DataFrame([
            [r[i], c[j], old.iat[i, j], new.iat[i, j]]
            for i, j in zip(I, J)
        ], columns=['Row', 'Column', 'Old', 'New'])
        return changes
    compare(df_original, df_new)
       Row           Column  Old          New
    0    0            Money  NaN           50
    1    1            Money  NaN          100
    2    1      Office Name  BOS       Boston
    3    2            Money  NaN           20
    4    3            Money  NaN           30
    5    3  Office Location  NaN  Los Angeles
    6    3      Office Name  NaN           LA
    7    3    Office Number  NaN            8

    在本例中,唯一的更改由 'Old'


    如果你有 np.nan

    但是,如果一个数据帧 None 另一个有 . 我将把它作为练习留给未来的读者。

    def compare(old, new):
        old, new = old.align(new)
        I, J = np.where(old.ne(new))
        c = old.columns
        r = old.index
        data = []
        for i, j in zip(I, J):
            n = new.iat[i, j]
            o = old.iat[i, j]
            if pd.notna(n) or pd.notna(o):
                data.append([r[i], c[j], o, n])
        return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Row', 'Column', 'Old', 'New'])
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  •   Jason Chia    4 年前


    df_changes = df_new[ ~df_new[["Office Number","Office Name","Office Location"]].apply(tuple,1).isin(df_original[["Office Number","Office Name","Office Location"]].apply(tuple,1))].dropna()


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  •   ALollz    4 年前

    如果沿着指数进行比较 那我们需要两个 reindexlike True . 生成的数据帧是 哪里 df_new df_original .

    m = (df_new.reindex_like(df_original)
       Office Number  Office Name  Office Location  Money
    0          False        False            False   True
    1          False         True            False   True
    2          False        False            False   True
    3           True         True             True   True
    # Can slice to see changes
      Office Number Office Name Office Location Money
    0           NaN         NaN             NaN    50
    1           NaN      Boston             NaN   100
    2           NaN         NaN             NaN    20
    3             8          LA     Los Angeles    30