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  • Nick Kinlen  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    我正在学习React,并在开发一款JohnConway的游戏应用程序。我在state/constructor中定义了一个2D数组,它创建了一个正方形的游戏板。我有一个函数叫做 isSquareAlive selectBoardSize 它允许用户点击一个按钮并调整电路板的大小。

    当应用程序挂载时,我会生成一个随机的棋盘,其中有些方块被设置为“活动”,有些则不是。我在里面处理这个 componentDidMount :

      componentDidMount = () => {
        const data = this.state.board;
        // Creates random decimal number between 0 and 1
        const startingBoard = data.map(a => a.map(Math.random));
        // Rounds decimal numbers to either 0 or 1 so the grid can display whether the cell is alive or dead
        const rounded = startingBoard.map(a => a.map(Math.round));
           board: rounded

    这个很好用。如果用户试图通过 选择BoardSize 选择BoardSize :

      // Allows user to click button and change size of game board
      selectBoardSize = (width, height) => {
          boardHeight: height,
          boardWidth: width,
          board: Array(this.state.boardHeight).fill(0).map(_ =>
          {/*this.onChangeBoardSize(width, height);*/}

    当用户改变我试图使用的电路板尺寸时 componentDidUpdate 获取新的电路板尺寸并用随机的“活动”单元填充该电路板尺寸,就像我最初使用 组件安装 . 这就是我遇到的困难。


      // Attempts to fill board with random alive squares when user resizes the size of the board via onClick/selectBoardSize()
      componentDidUpdate = (prevProps, prevState) => {
        console.log('PrevState is : ' + prevProps, prevState);
        // Attempts to update board height and width and then populate board with random "alive" squares
        if(this.state.boardWidth !== prevState.boardWidth) {
          if(this.state.boardHeight !== prevState.boardHeight) {
            // Console.log runs, if statements equate to true when user resizes board
            console.log('Nested if statements in componentDidUpdate triggered');
            const boardWidth = this.state.boardWidth;
            const boardHeight = this.state.boardHeight;
            const data = this.state.board;
            // Creates random decimal number between 0 and 1
            const startingBoard = data.map(a => a.map(Math.random));
            // Rounds decimal numbers to either 0 or 1 so the grid can display whether the cell is alive or dead
            const rounded = startingBoard.map(a => a.map(Math.round));
              boardWidth: boardWidth,
              boardHeight: boardHeight,
              board: rounded


    我怎么用 组件更新 当游戏板调整大小时,用随机的“活动”单元格填充游戏板(类似于最初安装时所做的操作,但当游戏板改变大小时大小会适当调整)。是 组件更新 正确的方法?这是setState异步的问题吗?


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    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Alexandre Wiechers Vaz    6 年前

    你不需要使用 componentDidUpdate 为了这个,稍后再谈。

    这不起作用,因为你(对了,顺便说一句)把你的 componentDidMount 将to编码为两个条件,以检查 boardWidth boardHeight 确实变了。问题是,高度永远不会改变,所以它永远不会到达代码的这一部分。


    • 根据所需的宽度和高度创建新板;

    onChangeBoardSize 功能,稍有改动。 请注意,您不需要从state中检索board,因为它将过时,具有旧的宽度和高度;

    onChangeBoardSize = (width, height) => {
      // Recreate board with new width and height values
      const data = Array(height)
        .map(_ => Array(width).fill(0));
      // Creates random decimal number between 0 and 1
      const startingBoard = data.map(a => a.map(Math.random));
      // Rounds decimal numbers to either 0 or 1 so the grid can display whether the cell is alive or dead
      const rounded = startingBoard.map(a => a.map(Math.round));
        boardHeight: height,
        boardWidth: width,
        board: rounded

    Codesandbox example
