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  • Allan Bowe  · 技术社区  · 15 年前


    Sub test()
        MsgBox Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss???") 'not sure what this format should be...
    End Sub
    5 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Nick Dandoulakis    15 年前

    我认为 Time

    你可以用 Timer

    在Microsoft Windows中,计时器 函数返回小数部分 一秒钟。在Macintosh上,计时器 分辨率为1秒。


    MsgBox Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss:" & Right(Format(Timer, "#0.00"), 2))
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  •   m00am    8 年前

    t = Evaluate("Now()")

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  •   nwsmith    7 年前

    Private Type SYSTEMTIME
      wYear          As Integer
      wMonth         As Integer
      wDayOfWeek     As Integer
      wDay           As Integer
      wHour          As Integer
      wMinute        As Integer
      wSecond        As Integer
      wMilliseconds  As Integer
    End Type
    Private Declare Sub GetLocalTime Lib "kernel32" (ByRef lpLocalTime As SYSTEMTIME)
    Public Function NowMilli() As String
    Dim tTime As SYSTEMTIME
    Dim sTwo As String, sThree As String
    Dim sOut As String
       sOut = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.mmm"
       sTwo = "00": sThree = "000"
       Call GetLocalTime(tTime)
       Mid(sOut, 1, 4) = tTime.wYear
       Mid(sOut, 6, 2) = Format(tTime.wMonth, sTwo)
       Mid(sOut, 9, 2) = Format(tTime.wDay, sTwo)
       Mid(sOut, 12, 2) = Format(tTime.wHour, sTwo)
       Mid(sOut, 15, 2) = Format(tTime.wMinute, sTwo)
       Mid(sOut, 18, 2) = Format(tTime.wSecond, sTwo)
       Mid(sOut, 21, 3) = Format(tTime.wMilliseconds, sThree)
       NowMilli = sOut
    End Function
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  •   Caltor Witold Kaczurba    10 年前

    您可以使用Windows API获得更精确的时间(包括毫秒),如下所示。

    Private Type SYSTEMTIME
      Year As Integer
      Month As Integer
      DayOfWeek As Integer
      Day As Integer
      Hour As Integer
      Minute As Integer
      Second As Integer
      Milliseconds As Integer
    End Type
    Public Declare Sub GetSystemTime Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME)
    Public Function GetMilliseconds()
    '' This function returns an accurate version of the milliseconds elememt of the current date/time
      Dim tSystem As SYSTEMTIME
      GetSystemTime tSystem
      GetMilliseconds = tSystem.Milliseconds
    End Function

    功劳归于 http://custom-designed-databases.com/wordpress/2011/get-milliseconds-or-seconds-from-system-time-with-vba/ 其中还有关于在VBA中从系统时间获取毫秒的更详细信息。

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  •   John Dvorak    10 年前

    通过一些尝试和错误,我注意到,如果将公式分配给单元格,而不是直接在vba中使用函数,则当前时间至少显示为10毫秒。 我通常对当前时间使用NOW()函数。

    sub test()
    end sub



    sub test()
    cells(2,1).formula "=now()"
    end sub