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  • animuson Hemanshu  · 技术社区  · 14 年前

    简单的问题,如何将关联数组转换为类中的变量?我知道有演员要演 (object) $myarray 或者不管它是什么,但这将创建一个新的stdclass,对我没有多大帮助。有简单的一条或两条线的方法吗 $key => $value 在我的数组中配对成 $key = $value 我班的变量?我觉得用foreach循环来处理这个问题不太合理,我最好把它转换成stdclass并将其存储在变量中,不是吗?

    class MyClass {
        var $myvar; // I want variables like this, so they can be references as $this->myvar
        function __construct($myarray) {
            // a function to put my array into variables
    6 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   maček    14 年前


      class MyClass {
        public function __construct(Array $properties=array()){
          foreach($properties as $key => $value){
            $this->{$key} = $value;


    $foo = new MyClass(array("hello" => "world"));
    $foo->hello // => "world"


      class MyClass {
        private $_data;
        public function __construct(Array $properties=array()){
          $this->_data = $properties;
        // magic methods!
        public function __set($property, $value){
          return $this->_data[$property] = $value;
        public function __get($property){
          return array_key_exists($property, $this->_data)
            ? $this->_data[$property]
            : null


    // init
    $foo = new MyClass(array("hello" => "world"));
    $foo->hello;          // => "world"
    // set: this calls __set()
    $foo->invader = "zim";
    // get: this calls __get()
    $foo->invader;       // => "zim"
    // attempt to get a data[key] that isn't set
    $foo->invalid;       // => null
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  •   OzzyCzech    7 年前

    最好的解决办法是 trait 具有静态功能 fromArray 可用于数据加载:

    trait FromArray {
     public static function fromArray(array $data = []) {
       foreach (get_object_vars($obj = new self) as $property => $default) {
         if (!array_key_exists($property, $data)) continue;
         $obj->{$property} = $data[$property]; // assign value to object
       return $obj;


    class Example {
      use FromArray;
      public $data;
      public $prop;

    然后可以调用static 从数组 函数以获取示例类的新实例:

    $obj = Example::fromArray(['data' => 123, 'prop' => false]);

    我还有更复杂的嵌套和值过滤版本 https://github.com/OzzyCzech/fromArray

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  •   Jonathan Amend    10 年前

    这是另一个解决方案 PDOStatement::fetchObject 尽管这有点像黑客。

    $array = array('property1' => 'value1', 'property2' => 'value2');
    $className = 'MyClass';
    $pdo = new PDO('sqlite::memory:'); // we don't actually need sqlite; any PDO connection will do
    $select = 'SELECT ? AS property1, ? AS property2'; // this could also be built from the array keys
    $statement = $pdo->prepare($select);
    // this last part can also be re-used in a loop
    $myObject = $statement->fetchObject($className);
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  •   felixfbecker    8 年前


    class Test implements ContructableFromArray {
       private $property;
       public static function fromArray(array $array) {
           $instance = new self();
           $instance->property = $array['property'];
           return $instance;
    interface ConstructableFromArray {
       public static function fromArray(array $array);
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  •   hanshenrik    7 年前


    declare(strict_types = 1);
    $json = <<<'JSON'
    $arr = json_decode ( $json, true );
    var_dump ( array_to_class ( $arr ) );
     * @param array $arr            
     * @param string $top_class_name            
    function array_to_class(array $arr, string $top_class_name = "TopClass"): string {
        $top_class_name = ucfirst ( $top_class_name );
        $classes = array (); // deduplicated 'definition'=>true,array_keys();
        $internal = function (array $arr, string $top_class_name) use (&$classes, &$internal) {
            $curr = 'Class ' . $top_class_name . ' {' . "\n";
            foreach ( $arr as $key => $val ) {
                $type = gettype ( $val );
                if (is_array ( $val )) {
                    $type = ucfirst ( ( string ) $key );
                    $classes [$internal ( $val, ( string ) $key )] = true;
                $curr .= <<<FOO
         * @property $type \$$key
                $curr .= "\n    public $" . $key . ";\n";
            $curr .= '}';
            $classes [$curr] = true;
        $internal ( $arr, $top_class_name );
        return implode ( "\n", array_keys ( $classes ) );


    Class project {
         * @property string $name
        public $name;
         * @property string $description
        public $description;
         * @property string $web_url
        public $web_url;
         * @property NULL $avatar_url
        public $avatar_url;
         * @property string $git_ssh_url
        public $git_ssh_url;
         * @property string $git_http_url
        public $git_http_url;
         * @property string $namespace
        public $namespace;
         * @property integer $visibility_level
        public $visibility_level;
         * @property string $path_with_namespace
        public $path_with_namespace;
         * @property string $default_branch
        public $default_branch;
         * @property string $homepage
        public $homepage;
         * @property string $url
        public $url;
         * @property string $ssh_url
        public $ssh_url;
         * @property string $http_url
        public $http_url;
    Class author {
         * @property string $name
        public $name;
         * @property string $email
        public $email;
    Class added {
    Class modified {
         * @property string $0
        public $0;
    Class removed {
    Class 0 {
         * @property string $id
        public $id;
         * @property string $message
        public $message;
         * @property string $timestamp
        public $timestamp;
         * @property string $url
        public $url;
         * @property Author $author
        public $author;
         * @property Added $added
        public $added;
         * @property Modified $modified
        public $modified;
         * @property Removed $removed
        public $removed;
    Class commits {
         * @property 0 $0
        public $0;
    Class repository {
         * @property string $name
        public $name;
         * @property string $url
        public $url;
         * @property string $description
        public $description;
         * @property string $homepage
        public $homepage;
         * @property string $git_http_url
        public $git_http_url;
         * @property string $git_ssh_url
        public $git_ssh_url;
         * @property integer $visibility_level
        public $visibility_level;
    Class TopClass {
         * @property string $object_kind
        public $object_kind;
         * @property string $event_name
        public $event_name;
         * @property string $before
        public $before;
         * @property string $after
        public $after;
         * @property string $ref
        public $ref;
         * @property string $checkout_sha
        public $checkout_sha;
         * @property NULL $message
        public $message;
         * @property integer $user_id
        public $user_id;
         * @property string $user_name
        public $user_name;
         * @property string $user_email
        public $user_email;
         * @property string $user_avatar
        public $user_avatar;
         * @property integer $project_id
        public $project_id;
         * @property Project $project
        public $project;
         * @property Commits $commits
        public $commits;
         * @property integer $total_commits_count
        public $total_commits_count;
         * @property Repository $repository
        public $repository;
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  •   M Rostami    7 年前


    class ToObject
        private $_data;
        public function __construct(array $data)
         * @return array
        public function getData()
            return $this->_data;
         * @param array $data
        public function setData(array $data)
            $this->_data = $data;
            return $this;
        public function __call($property, $args)
            // NOTE: change lcfirst if you need (ucfirst/...) or put all together
            $property = lcfirst(str_replace('get', '', $property));
            if (array_key_exists($property, $this->_data)) {
                if (is_array($this->_data[$property])) {
                    return new self($this->_data[$property]);
                return $this->_data[$property];
            return null;


    $array = [
        'first' => '1.1',
        'second' => [
            'first' => '2.1',
            'second' => '2.2',
            'third' => [
                'first' => '2.3.1'
    $object = new ToObject($array);
    $object->getFirst(); // returns 1.1
    $object->getSecond()->getFirst(); // returns 2.1
    $object->getSecond()->getData(); // returns second array
    $object->getSecond()->getThird()->getFirst(); // returns 2.3.1