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  • umair.ashfr  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    我有一个whereclause,其中“double aesteric”表示字符串将被替换为代码中secondclause的一部分的位置。我要whereclause变成'(警察!=“kong”)和(king=”king“)和(king=”long“)”。




    var whereClause = '(**kon = "link"**) AND (**kon = "link"**) AND (king = "long")';
    var secondClause = '(cop != "kong") AND (king = "king")';
    secondClause = secondClause.split('AND');
    var arr = locations('**', whereClause); //[1, 15, 24, 38]
    var whereClause_broken = whereClause.split('');
    var secondIndex = 0;
    for (let index = 0; index <= (arr.length / 2); index += 2) {
      var removed = whereClause_broken.splice(arr[index], arr[index + 1], secondClause[secondIndex]); // arr is modified
    whereClause_broken = whereClause_broken.join('');
    function locations(substring, string) {
      var a = [],
        i = -1;
      while ((i = string.indexOf(substring, i + 1)) >= 0) a.push(i);
      return a;
    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   umair.ashfr    6 年前


    var whereClause = '(**kon = "link"**) AND (**kon = "link"**) AND (king = "long")';
    var secondClause = '(cop != "kong") AND (king = "king")';
    secondClause = secondClause.split(') AND (');
     var counter = locations('**',whereClause);
     var secondIndex = 0;
    var new_whereClause = whereClause;
    var secondIndex = 0;
    for (let index = 0; index <= (arr.length / 2); index += 2) {
      var arr = locations('**',new_whereClause);
     //console.log('arr :',arr,secondClause);
    var chucnkStr = new_whereClause.substring(arr[0],arr[1]+2); // adding 2 because substring returns location of second instance one less than actual.
    new_whereClause = new_whereClause.replace(chucnkStr,secondClause[secondIndex].replace(/[()]/g, ''));
     secondIndex ++;