User-Defined Type Guards
interface StringOp {
opType: 'StringOp',
(a: string, b: string): string;
interface NumberOp {
opType: 'NumberOp',
(a: number, b: number): number;
function isStringOp(op: StringOp | NumberOp): op is StringOp {
return op.opType === 'StringOp';
function doThing(callback: StringOp | NumberOp) {
if (isStringOp(callback)) {
callback("a", "b");
} else {
callback(1, 2);
interface TickFunction<T> {
(val: T): void;
interface IndexedTickFunction<T> {
(val: T, index: number): void;
function isTickFn<T>(fn: TickFunction<T> | IndexedTickFunction<T>): fn is TickFunction<T> {
// in your example the indicator might be the function length
// because it indicates the number of arguments expected by the function
return fn.length === 1;
// I guess you also have to pass arguments to this function in order to pass them to your callback methods
function forEachTick<T>(callback: TickFunction<T> | IndexedTickFunction<T>, value: T, index?: number) {
if (isTickFn(callback)) {
} else {
callback(value, index);
for (let i=0; i<10; i++) {
forEachTick<string>((v: string) => console.log(v), 'some text');
for (let i=0; i<10; i++) {
forEachTick<boolean>((v: boolean, index: number) => console.log(v, index), true, i);