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React Native,如何使ScrollView在没有滚动条的情况下以最小全屏加载,但随着内容的增长而滚动

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  • agm1984  · 技术社区  · 7 年前

    我有一个 ScrollView 这是有问题的,因为我需要在其上放置一个底部边框,所以我需要它最初以全屏方式加载,但当 <ErrorSection /> 组件已添加。

    它似乎不适用于 flex: 1 ,因此我尝试显式声明 height width 但这也产生了不可预测的结果。

    import React from 'react'
    import { StyleSheet, ScrollView, Dimensions } from 'react-native'
    import * as Animatable from 'react-native-animatable'
    const E1ScrollView = ({ children, animation, style, bottomBorder }) => {
        const { container, E1bottomBorder } = styles
        const { height, width } = Dimensions.get('window')
        // const pxHeight = height * PixelRatio.get()
        // const pxWidth = width * PixelRatio.get()
        return (
            <ScrollView style={[container, style]}>
                    style={[{ height, width }, (bottomBorder) ? E1bottomBorder : null]}
    const styles = StyleSheet.create({
        container: {
            flex: 1,
            backgroundColor: '#F0F0F0',
            flexDirection: 'column'
        E1bottomBorder: {
            borderBottomWidth: 5,
            borderColor: '#DD0426',
    export { E1ScrollView }
    1 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   agm1984    7 年前

    import React from 'react'
    import { StyleSheet, ScrollView } from 'react-native'
    import * as Animatable from 'react-native-animatable'
    const E1ScrollView = ({ children, animation, bottomBorder, style }) => {
        const { container, E1bottomBorder } = styles
        // the key is flexGrow: 1 on the ScrollView (and contentContainerStyle)
        // The wrapped <View /> should be flex: 1
        return (
                contentContainerStyle={{ flexGrow: 1 }}
                    style={[container, (bottomBorder) ? E1bottomBorder : null, style]}
    const styles = StyleSheet.create({
        container: {
            flex: 1,
            backgroundColor: '#F0F0F0',
            flexDirection: 'column'
        E1bottomBorder: {
            borderBottomWidth: 5,
            borderColor: '#DD0426',
    export { E1ScrollView }


    import { E1ScrollView } from '../common'
    // ...
    // Notice how you can overwrite styles by adding style={{ backgroundColor: 'red' }} to <E1ScrollView />
    return (
         <E1ScrollView animation="fadeIn" bottomBorder>
            <View style={{ flex: 0 }}><Text>test</Text></View>
            <View style={{ flex: 0, flexDirection: 'column' }}>
            <View style={{ flex: 1 }} />
            <View style={{ flex: 0 }}><Text>test</Text></View>

    我想让你知道的是你可以创造 <CardSection /> flex: 0 flex: 1 风格,你将得到毫不费力的堆叠。然后,你只需要处理边距和填充。

    这个 <View style={{ flex: 1 }} /> 在我看来,如上所述的元素是一个需要注意的关键设计元素。我在旅途中的某个地方找到了它,它使填充区域变得相当轻松。
