## The frame count the window is on ##
@count = 0
### Moves the connector to the correct lit layer ###
@toLit = (connector) ->
if @typeIsArray connector.color
if connector.color.length > 0
c = connector.color[0].toUpperCase()
c = Color.asString(Color.NONE).toUpperCase()
c = connector.color.toUpperCase()
if c is Color.asString(Color.NONE).toUpperCase()
@toUnlit(connector) ## Prevent lighting of color.NONE
connector.linked = true
### Moves the connector to the correct unlit layer ###
@toUnlit = (connector) ->
if @typeIsArray connector.color
if connector.color.length > 0
c = connector.color[0]
c = Color.asString(Color.NONE)
c = connector.color
if connector.hex? and connector.hex instanceof Crystal
connector.linked = false
### Creates a frame offset for the each color ###
@colorOffset = {}
for c in Color.values()
if not isNaN(c)
c = Color.fromString(c).toUpperCase()
c = c.toUpperCase()
@colorOffset[c] = Math.random() + 0.5
### Updates the pulse filter that controls lighting effects ###
@calcPulseFilter = (count) ->
for col, val of @colorContainers
pulse = val.lit.filters[0]
cont = (count + val.lit.pulseOffset)/val.lit.pulseLength
m = pulse.matrix
m[0] = Math.abs(Math.sin(cont * 2 * Math.PI)) * 0.5 + 0.5
m[5] = Math.abs(Math.sin(cont * 2 * Math.PI)) * 0.5 + 0.5
m[10] = Math.abs(Math.sin(cont * 2 * Math.PI)) * 0.5 + 0.5
m[15] = Math.abs(Math.sin(cont * 2 * Math.PI)) * 0.25 + 0.75
pulse.matrix = m
for cont in @goalContainer.children
if cont.children.length >= 2 and cont.filters.length >= 2
pulse = cont.filters[1]
correspondCont = @colorContainers[cont.children[0].color.toUpperCase()].lit
c = (count + correspondCont.pulseOffset)/correspondCont.pulseLength
m = pulse.matrix
if parseInt(cont.children[1].text.substring(0, 1)) >= parseInt(cont.children[1].text.substring(2))
m[0] = Math.abs(Math.sin(c * 2 * Math.PI)) * 0.5 + 0.5
m[5] = Math.abs(Math.sin(c * 2 * Math.PI)) * 0.5 + 0.5
m[10] = Math.abs(Math.sin(c * 2 * Math.PI)) * 0.5 + 0.5
m[15] = Math.abs(Math.sin(c * 2 * Math.PI)) * 0.25 + 0.75
m[0] = 1
m[5] = 1
m[10] = 1
m[15] = 1
pulse.matrix = m
### The animation function. Called by pixi and requests to be recalled ###
@animate = () ->
## Color animation
window.count += 1; ## Frame count
rotSpeed = 1/5
tolerance = 0.000001 ## For floating point errors - difference below this is considered 'equal'
radTo60Degree = 1.04719755 ## 1 radian * this coefficient = 60 degrees
if (@BOARD?)
## Update text on goal
curLit = @BOARD.crystalLitCount()
goalContainer = @menu.children[@goalContainerIndex]
isWin = true ## True if this user has won - every goal set.
for pan in goalContainer.children
for spr in pan.children
if spr instanceof PIXI.Text and spr.color.toUpperCase() of curLit
spr.setText(curLit[spr.color.toUpperCase()] + spr.text.substring(1))
if curLit[spr.color.toUpperCase()] < parseInt(spr.text.substring(2))
isWin = false
if isWin and (not @winContainer?) and @showWinContainer
@gameOn = false
for h in @BOARD.allHexes()
##Update lighting of all hexes
if h.isLit().length > 0 and not h.backPanel.children[0].lit
h.backPanel.children[0].lit = true
if not (h instanceof Prism)
if h.isLit().length is 0 and h.backPanel.children[0].lit
h.backPanel.children[0].lit = false
if not (h instanceof Prism)
hLit = h.isLit()
if h instanceof Prism
## Adjust opacity of cores
for col, core of h.cores
if col.toLowerCase() not in hLit and core.alpha > 0
core.alpha = 0
else if col.toLowerCase() in hLit and core.alpha is 0
core.alpha = 0.75
nS = h.getNeighborsWithBlanks()
## Fixing lighting of connectors
for panel in h.colorPanels
col = panel.color.toLowerCase()
for connector in panel.children
for side in connector.sides
n = nS[side]
if n? and col in hLit and n.colorOfSide(n.indexLinked(h)) is col and not connector.linked
for nPanel in n.colorPanels
for nConnector in nPanel.children
for nSide in nConnector.sides
if nSide is n.indexLinked(h) and not nConnector.linked
else if connector.linked and col not in hLit
if n?
for nPanel in n.colorPanels
for nConnector in nPanel.children
for nSide in nConnector.sides
if nSide is n.indexLinked(h) and not nConnector.linked
### Rotation of a prism - finds a prism that wants to rotate and rotates it a bit. ###
### If this is the first notification that this prism wants to rotate, stops providing light. ###
### If the prism is now done rotating, starts providing light again ###
if h instanceof Prism and h.currentRotation isnt h.targetRotation
if h.canLight
h.canLight = false
inc =
if (h.targetRotation - h.prevRotation) >= 0
h.backPanel.rotation += inc * radTo60Degree
h.currentRotation += inc
for value in h.colorPanels
value.rotation += inc * radTo60Degree
if Math.abs(h.targetRotation - h.currentRotation) < tolerance
inc = (h.targetRotation - h.currentRotation)
h.backPanel.rotation += inc * radTo60Degree
h.currentRotation += inc
for value in h.colorPanels
value.rotation += inc * radTo60Degree
## Update side index of each sprite
for spr in value.children
newSides = []
for side in spr.sides
newSides.push((side + (h.currentRotation - h.prevRotation)) %% Hex.SIDES)
spr.sides = newSides
h.prevRotation = h.currentRotation
h.canLight = true
### Spark and crystal color changing ###
if (h instanceof Spark or h instanceof Crystal) and h.toColor isnt ""
col = if (not isNaN(h.toColor))
h.backPanel.spr.color = col
h.toColor = ""
requestAnimFrame(animate )