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SharpDevelop equivalent of Visual Studio's “Break on exceptions”

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  • Drew Noakes  · 技术社区  · 14 年前

    In Visual Studio, there's a debugger setting labelled "Break on exceptions" or something like that. It drops into the debugger whenever an exception is raised (that is, on the first pass of the two pass exception mechanics), regardless of whether the exception will be handled or not.



    2 回复  |  直到 9 年前
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  •   Jesse Chisholm    9 年前

    在SD v4中,他们在“调试/常规”部分的“工具/选项”对话框中添加了“处理异常时暂停”复选框。

    This will help you achieve your goal of never have any exceptions raised . ( as long as .NET doesn't choose to use Exception handling as a form of code-flow-control. )

    update :在sd v5中,他们添加了选择抛出时要捕获哪些异常的能力,无论是否处理。


    enter image description here

    SD v4 - Tools / Options / Debugging

    This will help you achieve your goal of never have any exceptions raised . ( as long as .NET doesn't choose to use Exception handling as a form of code-flow-control. )


    SD v5 - Tools / Options / Debugging

    And then you can enter the class name of the specific Exception you are interested in catching. At any time you can come back and uncheck the entry if you are no longer interested in that type of exception.

    enter image description here

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  •   Community    7 年前




    This feature was added in SharpDevelop 4.0. 见 Jesse's answer .