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  • Evan Shaw  · 技术社区  · 15 年前


    Folder: The View Name  (working dir: C:\Projects\dir)
    History for: main.h
    Description: Some files
    Locked by:
    Status: Current
    Revision: 1 View: The View Name Branch Revision: 1.0
    Author: John Smith Date: 3/22/08 11:16:16 AM CST
    Main header
    History for: main.c
    Description: Some files
    Locked by:
    Status: Current
    Revision: 2 View: The View Name Branch Revision: 1.1
    Author: Jane Doe Date: 3/22/08 1:55:55 PM CST
    Made an update.
    Revision: 1 View: The View Name Branch Revision: 1.0
    Author: John Smith Date: 3/22/08 11:16:16 AM CST
    Initial revision



    # $hist contains the stcmd output in the format above
    while($hist =~ /History for: (?<filename>.)/s)
        # Record filename somewhere with $+{filename}
        while($hist =~ /^Revision: (?<file_rev>\S+) View: (?<view_name>.+) Branch Revision: (?<branch_rev>\S+).\nAuthor: (?<author>.*) Date: (?<date>.*) \w+\r\n(?<summary>.*)/)
            # Extract things with $+{author}, $+{date}, $+{summary}


    4 回复  |  直到 15 年前
  •  4
  •   Sinan Ünür    15 年前

    关键是一次解析一个块,同时匹配所有相关的内容。见 qr in perldoc perlop $/ in perldoc perlvar .


    use v5.010;
    use strict; use warnings;
    use DBI;
    my $dbh = get_dbh();
    my $header_pattern = qr{
        History[ ]for:     [ ](?<filename>[^\n]+)         \n
        Description:       [ ](?<description>[^\n]+)      \n
        Locked[ ]by:       [ ]?(?<lockedby>[^\n]*)        \n
        Status:            [ ](?<status>.[^\n]+)          \n
    my $revision_pattern = qr{-+\n
        Revision:          [ ](?<revision>\d+)           [ ]
        View:              [ ](?<view>.+)                [ ]
        Branch[ ]Revision: [ ](?<branch_revision>[^\n]+) \n
        Author:            [ ](?<author>.+)              [ ]
        Date:              [ ](?<revdate>[^\n]+)         \n
        (?<summary>.*)                                   \n
    local $/ = '=' x 77 . "\n";
    while ( my $entry = <>) {
        if ( $entry =~ $header_pattern ) {
            my %file = %+;
                    q{INSERT INTO files (%s) VALUES (%s)},
                    join(',', keys %file), 
                    join(',', ('?') x keys %file),
                ), {}, values %file );
            while ( $entry =~ /$revision_pattern/g ) {
                my %rev = %+;
                        q{INSERT INTO revisions (%s) VALUES (%s)},
                        join(',', filename => keys %rev),
                        join(',', ('?') x (1 + keys %rev)),
                    ), {}, $file{filename}, values %rev );
    my $revs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
        q{SELECT * FROM revisions JOIN files
        ON files.filename = revisions.filename},
        { Slice => {} }
    use Data::Dumper;
    print Dumper $revs;
    sub get_dbh {
        my $dbh = DBI->connect(
            'dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:', undef, undef,
            { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }
        $dbh->do(q{PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON});
        $dbh->do(q{CREATE TABLE files (
                filename    VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY,
                description VARCHAR,
                lockedby    VARCHAR,
                status      VARCHAR
        $dbh->do(q{CREATE TABLE revisions (
                filename        VARCHAR,
                revision        VARCHAR,
                view            VARCHAR,
                branch_revision VARCHAR,
                author          VARCHAR,
                revdate         VARCHAR,
                summary         VARCHAR,
                CONSTRAINT pk_revisions PRIMARY KEY (filename, revision),
                CONSTRAINT fk_revisions_files FOREIGN KEY (filename)
                REFERENCES files(filename)
        return $dbh;


    C:\Temp> y.pl test.txt
    $VAR1 = [
                'status' => 'Current',
                'revdate' => '3/22/08 11:16:16 AM CST',
                'author' => 'John Smith',
                'description' => 'Some files',
                'revision' => '1',
                'filename' => 'main.h',
                'summary' => 'Main header',
                'view' => 'The View Name',
                'branch_revision' => '1.0',
                'lockedby' => ''
                'status' => 'Current',
                'revdate' => '3/22/08 1:55:55 PM CST',
                'author' => 'Jane Doe',
                'description' => 'Some files',
                'revision' => '2',
                'filename' => 'main.c',
                'summary' => 'Made an update.',
                'view' => 'The View Name',
                'branch_revision' => '1.1',
                'lockedby' => ''
                'status' => 'Current',
                'revdate' => '3/22/08 11:16:16 AM CST',
                'author' => 'John Smith',
                'description' => 'Some files',
                'revision' => '1',
                'filename' => 'main.c',
                'summary' => 'Initial revision',
                'view' => 'The View Name',
                'branch_revision' => '1.0',
                'lockedby' => ''
  •  1
  •   toolic    15 年前

    这是一个开始的方法。我比较喜欢把你的线分成几行( \n )并通过这些循环:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    my $hist = <<'EOF';
    Folder: The View Name  (working dir: C:\Projects\dir)
    History for: main.h
    Description: Some files
    Locked by:
    Status: Current
    Revision: 1 View: The View Name Branch Revision: 1.0
    Author: John Smith Date: 3/22/08 11:16:16 AM CST
    Main header
    History for: main.c
    Description: Some files
    Locked by:
    Status: Current
    Revision: 2 View: The View Name Branch Revision: 1.1
    Author: Jane Doe Date: 3/22/08 1:55:55 PM CST
    Made an update.
    Revision: 1 View: The View Name Branch Revision: 1.0
    Author: John Smith Date: 3/22/08 11:16:16 AM CST
    Initial revision
    my %data;
    my $filename;
    for (split /\n/, $hist) {
        if (/History for: (.*)/) {
            $filename = $1;
        if (/^Revision: (.+?) View: (.+?) Branch Revision: (.*)/) {
            $data{$filename}{rev}    = $1;
            $data{$filename}{view}   = $2;
            $data{$filename}{branch} = $3;
    use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(\%data);
    $VAR1 = {
              'main.h' => {
                            'view' => 'The View Name',
                            'rev' => '1',
                            'branch' => '1.0'
              'main.c' => {
                            'view' => 'The View Name',
                            'rev' => '1',
                            'branch' => '1.0'
  •  1
  •   FMc TLP    15 年前


    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
    # Read file a section at a time.
    $/ = '=' x 77 . "\n";
    my @data;
    while (my $section = <>){
        # Split each section into sub-sections, the
        # first containing the file info and the rest
        # containing info about each revision.
        my @revs = split /-{20,}\n/, $section;
        # Do whatever you want with @file_info and, below, @ref_info.
        # The example here splits them apart into lines.
        # Alternatively, you could run the sub-sections through
        # regex parsing, as in Sinan's answer.
        my @file_info = parse_lines(shift @revs);
        push @data, { file_info => \@file_info };
        for my $r (@revs){
            my @rev_info = parse_lines($r);
            push @{$data[-1]{revs}}, \@rev_info;
    sub parse_lines {
        # Parse each sub-section into lines.
        my @lines = split /\n/, shift;
        # Optionally, filtering out unwanted material.
        @lines = grep { /\S/ and $_ !~ /={70,}/ } @lines;
        # And perhaps splitting lines into their key-value components.
        @lines = map { [split /:\s*/, $_, 2] } @lines;
        return @lines;
    print Dumper(\@data);
  •  0
  •   Axeman maxelost    15 年前

    您需要一个基于状态的解析器。与 __DATA__ 如前所述:

    use v5.010;
    use constant 
        , READING_FOR_AUTHOR   => 1
        , READING_FOR_DIVIDER  => 2
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use English qw<%LAST_PAREN_MATCH>;
    use Data::Dumper;
    my $state = READING_FOR_FILENAME;
    my %history_for;
    my $file_name;
    while ( <DATA> ) { 
        my $line = $_;
        given ( $state ) { 
            when ( READING_FOR_FILENAME ) { 
                if ( $line =~ m/^History for: (?<file_name>\S+)/ ) { 
                    $file_name = $LAST_PAREN_MATCH{file_name};
                    $state     = READING_FOR_DIVIDER;
            when ( READING_FOR_DIVIDER ) { 
                if ( $line =~ m/^-+\s*$/ ) { 
                    $state = READING_FOR_AUTHOR;
                elsif ( $line =~ m/^=+\s*$/ ) { 
                    $state = READING_FOR_FILENAME;
            when ( READING_FOR_AUTHOR ) { 
                if ( $line =~ m/^Author: (?<author>[^:]+?) Date: (?<time>.*)/ ) { 
                    push @{ $history_for{$file_name} }
                       , { name => $LAST_PAREN_MATCH{author}
                         , time => $LAST_PAREN_MATCH{time}
                    $state = READING_FOR_DIVIDER;
    print Dumper( \%history_for );