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  • prototype  · 技术社区  · 10 年前

    对于表示为Javascript对象数组的表,什么是SQL“JOIN”的实用模拟?Java脚本 Array.join 和D3.js“D3.mmerge”不是同一个概念。

    例如。 SELECT * FROM authors LEFT JOIN books ON authors.id = books.author_id ?


    var authors = 
    [  { id: 1, name: 'adam'},
       { id: 2, name: 'bob'},
       { id: 3, name: 'charlie'}, ...


    var books = 
    [  { author_id: 1, title: 'Coloring for beginners'}, 
       { author_id: 1, title: 'Advanced coloring'}, 
       { author_id: 2, title: '50 Hikes in New England'},
       { author_id: 2, title: '50 Hikes in Illinois'},
       { author_id: 3, title: 'String Theory for Dummies'}, ...

    这些表是使用D3.js从CSV加载的 d3.csv() ,所以D3.js已经对其他库开放了,但如果不是太远的话,通常更喜欢直接编码。

    我懂了 Native way to merge objects in Javascript 它使用了RethinkDB,这似乎有些过头了,但这是一个想法。

    6 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   Niet the Dark Absol    10 年前


    // first, build an easier lookup of author data:
    var authormap = {};
    authors.forEach(function(author) {authormap[author.id] = author;});
    // now do the "join":
    books.forEach(function(book) {
        book.author = authormap[book.author_id];
    // now you can access:
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  •   agershun    10 年前

    你可以用 Alasql JavaScript SQL库:

    var res = alasql('SELECT * FROM ? authors \
           LEFT JOIN ? books ON authors.id = books.author_id',[authors, books]);

    尝试 this example 将数据保存在jsFiddle中。


    alasql('SELECT * FROM CSV("authors.csv", {headers:true}) authors \
                LEFT JOIN CSV("books.csv", {headers:true}) books \
                ON authors.id = books.author_id',[], function(res) {
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  •   Community kfsone    7 年前


    var books = [
        {author_id: 1, title: 'Coloring for beginners'},
        {author_id: 1, title: 'Advanced coloring'},
        {author_id: 2, title: '50 Hikes in New England'},
        {author_id: 2, title: '50 Hikes in Illinois'},
        {author_id: 3, title: 'String Theory for Dummies'},
        {author_id: 5, title: 'Map-Reduce for Fun and Profit'}    
    var authors = [
        {id: 1, name: 'adam'},
        {id: 2, name: 'bob'},
        {id: 3, name: 'charlie'},
        {id: 4, name: 'diane'}


    var joined = books.map(function(e) {
        return Object.assign({}, e, authors.reduce(function(acc, val) {
            if (val.id == e.author_id) {
                return val
            } else {
                return acc
        }, {}))

    map方法遍历 books 使用 e 并返回其元素为的合并对象的数组 e ,其对应对象位于 authors 大堆 Object.assign({},a,b) 注意 merge 而不修改原始对象。

    每个的对应对象 e 在里面 通过对 作者 大堆从空对象的初始值开始 {} (这是reduce的第二个论点-它也可能是空作者,例如 {id:'', name ''} )reduce方法包含以下元素 作者 使用 val 并返回以 acc 。当在两本书之间找到匹配项时 author_id 和作者的 id 整个匹配的author对象以 应收账款 最终由 authors.reduce(...) .

    n.b.-使用reduce没有那么有效,因为 no way to break out of reduce loop 一旦找到匹配项,它将继续到数组的末尾

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  •   Isioma Nnodum    10 年前


    我遇到了重复数据的问题,所以我添加了之前在查找表中克隆记录的步骤 接合,接合 它与当前记录相匹配。

    var authors = [{
        id: 1,
        name: 'adam'
    }, {
        id: 2,
        name: 'bob'
    }, {
        id: 3,
        name: 'charlie'
    var books = [{
        author_id: 1,
        title: 'Coloring for beginners'
    }, {
        author_id: 1,
        title: 'Advanced coloring'
    }, {
        author_id: 2,
        title: '50 Hikes in New England'
    }, {
        author_id: 2,
        title: '50 Hikes in Illinois'
    }, {
        author_id: 3,
        title: 'String Theory for Dummies'
    function joinTables(left, right, leftKey, rightKey) {
        rightKey = rightKey || leftKey;
        var lookupTable = {};
        var resultTable = [];
        var forEachLeftRecord = function (currentRecord) {
            lookupTable[currentRecord[leftKey]] = currentRecord;
        var forEachRightRecord = function (currentRecord) {
            var joinedRecord = _.clone(lookupTable[currentRecord[rightKey]]); // using lodash clone
            _.extend(joinedRecord, currentRecord); // using lodash extend
        return resultTable;
    var joinResult = joinTables(authors, books, 'id', 'author_id');


            "id": 1,
            "name": "adam",
            "author_id": 1,
            "title": "Coloring for beginners"
            "id": 1,
            "name": "adam",
            "author_id": 1,
            "title": "Advanced coloring"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "bob",
            "author_id": 2,
            "title": "50 Hikes in New England"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "bob",
            "author_id": 2,
            "title": "50 Hikes in Illinois"
            "id": 3,
            "name": "charlie",
            "author_id": 3,
            "title": "String Theory for Dummies"
  •  1
  •   Brendan Buhmann    6 年前


     var data = new Array(["auth1","newbook1","pubdate1"],["auth2","newbook2","pubdate2"]);
     var currData = new Array(["auth1","newbook3","pubdate3"],["auth2","newbook3","pubdate4"]);
     var currDataMap = currData.map(function(a){return a[0];});
     var newdata = new Array();
         newdata[i] = data[i].concat(currData[currDataMap.indexOf(data[i][0])].slice(1));


       [auth1, newbook1, pubdate1, newbook3, pubdate3], 
       [auth2, newbook2, pubdate2, newbook3, pubdate4]


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  •   mohawk56    5 年前



    function remove_item_from_list(list_, remove_item, all = true) {
      Removes all occurrences of remove_item from list_
        for (var i = list_.length; i--;) {
            if (list_[i] === remove_item) {
                list_.splice(i, 1);
        return list_
    function add_null_keys(dict_, keys_to_add){
      This function will add the keys in the keys_to_add list to the dict_ object with the vall null
      dict_ = {'key_1': 1, 'key_2': 2}
      keys_to_add = ['a', 'b', 'c']
      {'key_1': 1, 'key_2': 2, 'a': NULL, 'b': NULL', 'c':'NULL'}
      //get the current keys in the dict
      var current_keys = Object.keys(dict_)
      for (index in keys_to_add){
        key = keys_to_add[index]
        //if the dict doesnt have the key add the key as null
        if(current_keys.includes(key) === false){
          dict_[key] = null
      return dict_
    function merge2(dict_1, dict_2, on, how_join){
      This function is where the actual comparison happens to see if two dictionaries share the same key
      We loop through the on_list to see if the various keys that we are joining on between the two dicts match.
      If all the keys match we combine the dictionaries.
      If the keys do not match and it is an inner join, an undefined object gets returned
      If the keys do not match and it is NOT an inner join, we add all the key values of the second dictionary as null to the first dictionary and return those
      var join_dicts = true
      //loop through the join on key
      for (index in on){
        join_key = on[index]
        //if one of the join keys dont match, then we arent joining the dictionaries
        if (dict_1[join_key] != dict_2[join_key]){
          join_dicts = false
      //check to see if we are still joining the dictionaries
      if (join_dicts === true){
        return Object.assign({}, dict_1, dict_2);
        if (how_join !== 'inner'){
          //need to add null keys to dict_1, which is acting as the main side of the join
          var temp = add_null_keys(dict_1, Object.keys(dict_2))
          return temp
    function dict_merge_loop_though(left_dict, right_dict, on, how_join){
      This function loops through the left_dict and compares everything in it to the right_dict
      it determines if a join happens, what the join is and returns the information
      Figuring out the left/right joins were difficult. I had to add a base_level dict to determine if there was no join
      or if there was a join...its complicated to explain
      var master_list = []
      var index = 0
      //need to loop through what we are joining on 
      while(index < left_dict.length){
        //grab the left dictionary
        left_dict_ = left_dict[index]
        var index2 = 0
        //necessary for left/right join
        var remove_val = add_null_keys(left_dict_, Object.keys(right_dict[index2]))
        var temp_list = [remove_val]
        while (index2 < right_dict.length){
          //get the right dictionary so we can compete each dictionary to each other
          right_dict_ = right_dict[index2]
          //inner join the two dicts
          if (how_join === 'inner'){
            var temp_val = merge2(left_dict_, right_dict_, on, how_join)
            //if whats returned is a dict, add it to the master list
            if (temp_val != undefined){
          //means we are right/left joining
            //left join the two dicts
            if (how_join === 'left'){
              var temp_val = merge2(left_dict_, right_dict_, on, how_join)
            //right join the two dicts
            else if (how_join === 'right'){
              var temp_val = merge2(right_dict_, left_dict_, on, how_join)
          //increment this guy
        //Logic for left/right joins to for what to add to master list
        if (how_join !== 'inner'){
          // remove the remove val from the list. All that remains is what should be added
          //to the master return list. If the length of the list is 0 it means that there was no
          //join and that we should add the remove val (with the extra keys being null) to the master
          //return list
          temp_list = remove_item_from_list(temp_list, remove_val)
          if (temp_list.length == 0){
            master_list = master_list.concat(temp_list); 
        //increment to move onto the next thing
      return master_list
    function merge(left_dict, right_dict, on = [], how = 'inner'){
      This function will merge two dictionaries together
      You provide a left dictionary, a right dictionary, a list of what key to join on and 
      what type of join you would like to do (right, left, inner)
      a list of the merged dictionaries is returned
      //get the join type and initialize the master list of dictionaries that will be returned
      var how_join = how.toLowerCase()
      var master_list = []
      //inner, right, and left joins are actually pretty similar in theory. The only major difference between
      //left and right joins is the order that the data is processed. So the only difference is we call the
      //merging function with the dictionaries in a different order
      if (how_join === 'inner'){
        master_list = dict_merge_loop_though(left_dict, right_dict, on, how_join)
      else if (how_join === 'left'){
        master_list = dict_merge_loop_though(left_dict, right_dict, on, how_join)
      else if (how_join === 'right'){
        master_list = dict_merge_loop_though(right_dict, left_dict, on, how_join)
        console.log('---- ERROR ----')
        console.log('The "how" merge type is not correct. Please make sure it is either "inner", "left" or "right"')
        console.log('---- ERROR ----')
      return master_list
    -------------------- EXAMPLE --------------------
    var arr1 = [
        {'id': 1, 'test': 2, 'text':"hello", 'oid': 2},
        {'id': 1, 'test': 1, 'text':"juhu", 'oid': 3},
        {'id': 3, 'test': 3, 'text':"wohoo", 'oid': 4},
        {'id': 4, 'test': 4, 'text':"yeehaw", 'oid': 1}
    var arr2 = [
        {'id': 1,'test': 2, 'name':"yoda"},
        {'id': 1,'test': 1, 'name':"herbert"},
        {'id': 3, 'name':"john"},
        {'id': 4, 'name':"walter"},
        {'id': 5, 'name':"clint"}
    var test = merge(arr1, arr2, on = ['id', 'test'], how = 'left')
    for (index in test){
      dict_ = test[index]