// get the records from the database.
view_consulting[] v = MyNetwork.Medical.Client.GetConsultingStaff();
// All records will first be grouped by the speciality name. The specialityGroup will hold all the records for the specific speciality.
var s = v.GroupBy(p => p.speciality_name)
.Select((IGrouping<string, view_consulting> specialityGroup) =>
new SpecialityNode(specialityGroup.Key, specialityGroup, new speciality { speciality_name = specialityGroup.Key }));
var ss = s.ToList();
// The specialityGroup holds all the records for the speciality.
public SpecialityNode(string name, IGrouping<string, view_consulting> specialityGroup, speciality data) : base(name, null, null, data)
// Create a subgroup for each office under each SpecialityNode.
var offices = new List<OfficeNode>();
var officeGroups = from t in specialityGroup
group t by t.office_name;
foreach (var officegroup in officeGroups)
foreach (var _office in officegroup)
var _officenode = new OfficeNode(_office.office_name, this, this, officegroup, new office { city = _office.city, office_name = _office.office_name, phone = _office.phone, fax = _office.fax, state = _office.state, street = _office.street });
Children = offices.ToList<ITreeNode>();
class OfficeNode : TreeViewBase
private office data;
public class MyDoctor
public string lastname { get; internal set; }
public string firstname { get; internal set; }
public string speciality { get; internal set; }
public consultant data { get; internal set; }
public string nodename
get { return string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", lastname, firstname, speciality); }
// The name for the office node is the office name. The office node parent and root are the same and is the speciality node.
public OfficeNode(string officename, ITreeNode _parent, ITreeNode _root, IGrouping<string, view_consulting> officeGroup, office _data) : base(officename, _parent, _root, _data)
var _doctors = officeGroup.Where(q => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.lastname))
.GroupBy(q => new MyDoctor {
lastname = q.lastname,
firstname = q.firstname,
speciality = q.speciality_name,
data = new consultant { lastname = q.lastname, firstname = q.firstname }
.Select(doctorGroup => new DoctorNode(doctorGroup.Key.nodename, this, _root, doctorGroup, doctorGroup.Key.data));
Children = _doctors.ToList<ITreeNode>();
City = _data.city;
Phone = _data.phone;
Fax = _data.fax;
// Order = order ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(order));