g是当前计算的从起始节点到当前节点的旅行成本。因此,对于起始节点,g value应该是0,从start node可以到达的任何节点的g值应该是1(我的假设是,从一个节点到一个相邻的节点旅行),我想强调这里的“当前”术语,因为在算法运行期间,节点的g value可能会发生变化。
public class SearchNode {
private int xCoordinate;
private int yCoordinate;
private double gScore;
private double hScore;
public double getfScore() {
return gScore + hScore;
public double getgScore() {
return gScore;
public void setgScore(int gScore) {
this.gScore = gScore;
public SearchNode(int xCoordinate,int yCoordinate, double gScore, SearchNode endNode) {
this.hScore = //Manhattan distance from this node to end node
this.xCoordinate =xCoordinate;
this.yCoordinate = yCoordinate;
public int getxCoordinate() {
return xCoordinate;
public int getyCoordinate() {
return yCoordinate;
private ArrayList<SearchNode> closedNodes = new ArrayList<SearchNode>();
private ArrayList<SearchNode> openNodes = new ArrayList<SearchNode>();
//create the start and end nodes
SearchNode end = new SearchNode(380, 560, -1, null);
SearchNode start = new SearchNode(115,655, 0, end);
// add start node to the openSet
while(openNodes.Count > 0) // while there still is a node to test
// I am afraid there is another severe problem here.
// OpenSet should be PriorityQueue like collection, not a regular Collection.
// I suggest you to take a look at a Minimum BinaryHeap implementation. It has a logN complexity
// of insertion and deletion and Constant Complexity access.
// take the Node with the smallest FValue from the openSet. (With BinHeap constant time!)
SearchNode current = openNodes.GetSmallestFvaluedNode(); // this should both retrieve and remove the node fromt he openset.
// if it is the endNode, then we are node. The FValue (or the Gvalue as well since h value is zero here) is equal to the cost.
if (current.EqualTo(end)) // not reference equality, you should check the x,y values
return current.getfScore();
//check the neighbourNodes, they may have been created in a previous iteration and already present in the OpenNodes collection. If it is the case, their G values should be compared with the currently calculated ones.
// dont forget to check the limit values, we probably do not need nodes with negative or greater than the grid size coordinate values, I am not writing it
// also here is the right place to check for the blocking nodes with a simple for loop I am not writing it either
double neighbourGValue = current.getgScore() + 1;
if (openNodes.Contains(current.getXCoordinate(), current.getYCoordinate() + 1))
// then compare the gValue of it with the current calculated value.
SearchNode neighbour = openNodess.getNode(current.getXCoordinate(), current.getYCoordinate() + 1);
if(neighbour.getgScore() > neighbourGValue)
else if(!closedNodes.Contains(current.getXCoordinate(), current.getYCoordinate()))
// create and add a fresh Node
SearchNode n = new SearchNode(current.getXCoordinate(), current.getYCoordinate() + 1, neighbourGValue, endNode);
// do the same for the other sides : [x+1,y - x-1,y - x, y-1]
// lastly add the currentNode to the CloseNodes.
// if the loop is terminated without finding a result, then there is no way from the given start node to the end node.
return -1;
if (openNodes.Contains(current.getXCoordinate(), current.getYCoordinate() + 1))