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  • Joehat  · 技术社区  · 4 年前


    > class(gas_data$Date)
    [1] "Date"
    > head(gas_data$Date)
    [1] "2010-10-01" "2010-11-01" "2010-12-01" "2011-01-01" "2011-02-01" "2011-03-01"


    > gas_data_diff <- diff(gas_data, differences = 1, lag = 12)
    > head(gas_data_diff)
    data frame with 0 columns and 6 rows
    > names(gas_data_diff)
    > gas_data_diff %>%
    +   ggplot(aes(x=Date, y=Price.Gas)) +
    +   geom_line(color="darkorchid4")
    Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : object 'Price.Gas' not found



    > head(gas_data)
            Date Per.Change Domestic.Production.from.UKCS Import Per.GDP.Growth Average.Temperature Price.Electricity Price.Gas
    1 2010-10-01      2.08                          3.54   5.40            0.2               10.44             43.50     46.00
    2 2010-11-01     -3.04                          3.46   6.74           -0.1                5.52             46.40     49.66
    3 2010-12-01      0.31                          3.54   9.00           -0.9                0.63             58.03     62.26
    4 2011-01-01      2.65                          3.59   7.58            0.6                4.05             48.43     55.98
    5 2011-02-01      1.52                          3.20   5.68            0.4                6.29             46.47     53.74
    6 2011-03-01     -1.38                          3.40   5.93            0.5                6.59             51.41     60.39

    enter image description here

    0 回复  |  直到 4 年前
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  •   kangaroo_cliff    4 年前


    根据 diff x 必须是

    x : a numeric vector or matrix containing the values to be differenced.

    返回一个eplty数据框如果 是数据帧。


    我认为在中使用日期列没什么意义 . 所以。我可能会遵循以下方法。

    rownames(df) <- df$Date                                                                      
    diff(as.matrix(df[, - 1]), lag = 1)  
    # converr to a matrix and apply diff
    diff_mat <- diff(as.matrix(df[, - 1]), lag = 1)     
    # convert back to dataframe and set the Date column                                                 
    diff_df <- as.data.frame(diff_mat) 
    diff_df$Date <- diff_df$Date
    # now plot function should work 


    df$Date <- as.numeric(df$Date)
    diff(as.matrix(df), 1, 2)                                                                    
    #      Date Per.Change Domestic.Production.from.UKCS Import Per.GDP.Growth
    # [1,]   -1       8.47                          0.16   0.92           -0.5
    # [2,]    1      -1.01                         -0.03  -3.68            2.3
    # [3,]    0      -3.47                         -0.44  -0.48           -1.7
    # [4,]   -3      -1.77                          0.59   2.15            0.3
    #      Average.Temperature Price.Electricity Price.Gas
    # [1,]                0.03              8.73      8.94
    # [2,]                8.31            -21.23    -18.88
    # [3,]               -1.18              7.64      4.04
    # [4,]               -1.94              6.90      8.89


    df <- read.table(text = "Date Per.Change Domestic.Production.from.UKCS Import Per.GDP.Growth Average.Temperature Price.Electricity Price.Gas
    2010-10-01      2.08                          3.54   5.40            0.2               10.44             43.50     46.00
    2010-11-01     -3.04                          3.46   6.74           -0.1                5.52             46.40     49.66
    2010-12-01      0.31                          3.54   9.00           -0.9                0.63             58.03     62.26
    2011-01-01      2.65                          3.59   7.58            0.6                4.05             48.43     55.98
    2011-02-01      1.52                          3.20   5.68            0.4                6.29             46.47     53.74
    2011-03-01     -1.38                          3.40   5.93            0.5                6.59             51.41     60.39", 
    header = T, sep ="")
    df$Date <- as.Date(df$Date)