public class SignalRHub : Hub
public void BroadCastMessage(String msg)
var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<SignalRHub>();
public partial class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
string appString=string.Empty;
//Gets the connection string.
if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SignaRScaleoutConn"] != null)
appString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SignaRScaleoutConn"].ToString();
GlobalHost.Configuration.ConnectionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15); //I added this timeout, but it is not required.
$(function () {
var chatProxy = $.connection.signalRHub;
chatProxy.client.receiveMessage = function (msg) {
var all = $(".soon").map(function () {
var hiddenModelId = $("#hiddenListingId");
if (msg == hiddenModelId.val()) {
async: "true",
url: "/Listing/AuctionRemainingTime",
type: "POST",
dataType: 'json',
data: '{ "listingID": "' + msg + '"}',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
if (data != null) {
SoonSettings.HasReloadedThisTick = false;
var element = document.getElementById(msg);
var obj = JSON.parse(data)
// For Clock Counter End Date Time Interval
// Adds 2 minutes to the soon clock when bid is close to finishing.
var hdID = "hdn" + obj.ListingId;
var hdValue = $("#" + hdID);
if (obj.EndDate != hdValue.val()) {
SoonSettings.HasUpdated = false; //Allows clock to change color once it gets under two minutes.
$('#' + hdID).val(obj.EndDate);
Soon.create(element, { //Recreates clock with the before 2 minute tick event.
'due': 'in ' + obj.Seconds + ' seconds',
'layout':'group label-uppercase',
'visual':'ring cap-round progressgradient-00fff6_075fff ring-width-custom gap-0',
'eventTick': 'tick'
var highbid = obj.HighBidderURL;
// For Date Ends Info.
var ListingEndDate = $("#tdAuctionListingEndDate");
if (obj.EndDate != ListingEndDate.val()) {
$('#' + hdID).val(obj.EndDate);
ListingEndDate.text(obj.EndDate + " Eastern");
ListingEndDate.effect("pulsate", { times: 5 }, 5000);
$(".Bidding_Current_Price").stop(true, true); ///Removes the pulsating effect.
$(".Bidding_Current_Price").removeAttr("style"); //Removes unnecessary attribute from HTML.
//Bid div notification.
if (obj.AcceptedActionCount.replace(/[^:]+:*/, "") > 0) {
if (obj.Disposition != '' && obj.Disposition != null) {
if (obj.Disposition == "Neutral") {
else if (obj.Disposition == "Positive") {
else if (obj.Disposition == "Negative") {
else {
// For Highlight Current Price when it is Updated
var hdCurrentPrice = $("#hdnCurrentPrice");
if (obj.CurrentPrice != hdCurrentPrice.val()) {
$(".Bidding_Current_Price").effect("pulsate", { times: 5 }, 5000);
else {
$(".Bidding_Current_Price").stop(true, true);
// For ReservePrice Status
// For Bid Count
var spanBidCounter = $("#spanBidCount");
var stringAppend = "<tr id='trhHighBidder'><td><strong>HighBidder</strong></td>";
stringAppend += "<td>";
if (obj.isAdmin == true) {
stringAppend += "<a id='anchorHighBid' href=" + obj.HighBidderURL + ">";
stringAppend += "<span id='spanHighBidder'>" + obj.CurrentListingActionUserName + "</span>"
stringAppend += "</a>";
else {
stringAppend += "<span id='spanHighBidderAnonymous'>" + obj.CurrentListingActionUserName + "</span>";
stringAppend += "</td></tr>";
if (obj.AcceptedActionCount.replace(/[^:]+:*/, "") > 0) {
if ($("#tblAuctionDetail").find("#rowHighBidder").length > 0) {
if ($("#tblAuctionDetail").find("#trhHighBidder").length > 0) {
else {
//add tr to table
if (!$("#tblAuctionDetail").find("#trhHighBidder").length > 0) {
$('#tblAuctionDetail > tbody > tr:eq(6)').after(stringAppend);
// For High Bidder
if (obj.isAdmin) {
var anchorElement = $("#anchorHighBid");
$(anchorElement).attr("href", obj.HighBidderURL);
var spanHighBidder = $("#spanHighBidder");
else {
var spanAdminHighBid = $("#spanHighBidderAnonymous");
error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {