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  • jss367  · 技术社区  · 5 年前

    如果我尝试安装最新版本的aiobotocore pip3 install aiobotocore==0.10.3

    ERROR: aiobotocore 0.10.3 has requirement botocore<1.12.190,>=1.12.189, but you'll have botocore 1.12.224 which is incompatible.

    所以如果我把我的botocore版本改为1.12.189,它就会崩溃 awscli boto3

    ERROR: boto3 1.9.224 has requirement botocore<1.13.0,>=1.12.224, but you'll have botocore 1.12.189 which is incompatible.
    ERROR: awscli 1.16.234 has requirement botocore==1.12.224, but you'll have botocore 1.12.189 which is incompatible.

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