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  • Jaybill  · 技术社区  · 7 年前

    所以我用的是Godot 3的单声道版本。我的脚本是C语言。我正在尝试学习本教程: http://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/getting_started/step_by_step/singletons_autoload.html

    但是代码在GDScript中,我对其进行的最佳调整都没有成功。我已经正确编译了脚本(必须将它们添加到我的 .csproj )但我似乎无法访问我设置的PlayerVars对象 Global.cs 在里面 TitleScene.cs

    全球的反恐精英 配置为自动加载 使用系统; 使用Godot;

    public class Global : Node {
      private PlayerVars playerVars;
      public override void _Ready () {
        this.playerVars = new PlayerVars();
        int total = 5;
        Godot.GD.Print(what: "total is " + total);
        this.playerVars.total = total;

    PlayerVars.cs 存储变量的类。

    public class PlayerVars {
      public int total;

    标题新世。反恐精英 -附加到默认场景:

    using System;
    using Godot;
    public class TitleScene : Node {
        public override void _Ready () {
            Node playervars = (Node) GetNode("/root/playerVars");
            Godot.GD.Print("total in titlescene is" + playervars.total);


    1 回复  |  直到 7 年前
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  •   Jaybill    7 年前



    properties screen

    我的情况是 global .

    所以现在我 Global.cs 如下所示:

    using System;
    using Godot;
    public class Global : Node
      private PlayerVars playerVars;
      public override void _Ready()
        // Called every time the node is added to the scene.
        // Initialization here
        Summator summator = new Summator();
        playerVars = new PlayerVars();
        playerVars.total = 5;
        Godot.GD.Print(what: "total is " + playerVars.total);
      public PlayerVars GetPlayerVars(){
        return playerVars;

    还有我的 TitleScene.cs 如下所示:

    using System;
    using Godot;
    public class TitleScene : Node
      public override void _Ready()
        // Must be cast to the Global type we derived from Node earlier to
        // use its custom methods and props
        Global global = (Global) GetNode("/root/global");