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  • PJD  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    我以前得到过这段代码的帮助,但现在我想将结果集添加到一个单独的表变量中 @检查 工会 声明?

     DECLARE @customer_dist TABLE
            [id] [INT] NOT NULL ,
            [First_Name] [VARCHAR](50) NULL ,
            [Last_Name] [VARCHAR](50) NULL ,
            [DoB] [DATE] NULL ,
            [post_code] [VARCHAR](50) NULL ,
            [mobile] [VARCHAR](50) NULL ,
            [Email] [VARCHAR](100) NULL
    INSERT INTO @customer_dist ( id ,
                                 First_Name ,
                                 Last_Name ,
                                 DoB ,
                                 post_code ,
                                 mobile ,
                                 Email )
    select id, first_name, last_name, dob, post_code, mobile, email from checky where NID = 148575
     DECLARE @check TABLE
            [id] [INT] NOT NULL ,
            [NID] [INT] NOT NULL 
    ;with PairedRows as ( 
      select CDL.id as NId, CDR.id as Id
        from @customer_dist as CDL inner join
          @customer_dist as CDR on CDR.Id > CDL.Id and 
            CDR.First_Name = CDL.First_Name and CDR.Last_Name = CDL.Last_Name and CDR.DoB = CDL.DoB and 
            ( CDR.post_code = CDL.post_code or CDR.mobile = CDL.mobile or CDR.Email = CDL.Email ) 
        where not exists (
          select 42 from @customer_dist as NE where NE.ID < CDL.Id and 
            NE.First_Name = CDL.First_Name and NE.Last_Name = CDL.Last_Name and NE.DoB = CDL.DoB and
            ( NE.post_code = CDL.post_code or NE.mobile = CDL.mobile or NE.Email = CDL.Email ) ) )
      select NId, Id 
        from PairedRows
      union all
      select Min( NId ) as NID, Min( NId ) as Id 
        from PairedRows
        group by NId
      union all
      select id, id 
        from @customer_dist as CD
        where not exists ( select 42 from PairedRows as PR where PR.NId = CD.id or PR.Id = CD.id )
      order by NID, Id
    2 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  0
  •   MatBailie    6 年前
      bah AS
    SELECT foo FROM bah
    SELECT foo FROM bah
    SELECT foo FROM bah
  •  0
  •   PJD    6 年前


    ;with PairedRows as ( 
      select CDL.id as NId, CDR.id as Id
        from @customer_dist as CDL inner join
          @customer_dist as CDR on CDR.Id > CDL.Id and 
            CDR.First_Name = CDL.First_Name and CDR.Last_Name = CDL.Last_Name and CDR.DoB = CDL.DoB and 
            ( CDR.post_code = CDL.post_code or CDR.mobile = CDL.mobile or CDR.Email = CDL.Email ) 
        where not exists (
          select 42 from @customer_dist as NE where NE.ID < CDL.Id and 
            NE.First_Name = CDL.First_Name and NE.Last_Name = CDL.Last_Name and NE.DoB = CDL.DoB and
            ( NE.post_code = CDL.post_code or NE.mobile = CDL.mobile or NE.Email = CDL.Email ) ) )
    insert into @check
      select NId, Id 
        from PairedRows
    union all
      select Min( NId ) as NID, Min( NId ) as Id 
        from PairedRows
        group by NId
    union all
      select id, id 
        from @customer_dist as CD
        where not exists ( select 42 from PairedRows as PR where PR.NId = CD.id or PR.Id = CD.id )
    order by NID, Id