private void showSplashScreen() {
[Create window with everything and setVisible, then do this:]
final Runnable threadCode = () -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(window::dispose); // Closes the window - but does so on the Swing thread, where it needs to happen.
// The thread has now run all its code and will die gracefully. Forget about it, it basically never existed.
// Btw., for the thread to be able to access the window like it does, the window variable either needs to be "final" (((That's what you should do. My mantra is, make EVERY variable (ESPECIALLY method parameters!) final, except if you need them changeable.))), or it needs to be on class level instead of method level.
final Thread winDisposerThread = new Thread(threadCode);
winDisposerThread.setDaemon(true); // Makes sure that if your application dies, the thread does not linger.
winDisposerThread.setName("splash window closer timer"); // Always set a name for debugging.
winDisposerThread.start(); // Runs the timer thread. (Don't accidentally call .run() instead!)
// Execution of your program continues here IMMEDIATELY, while the thread has now started and is sleeping for 5 seconds.