from django import template
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.utils.http import urlquote_plus
register = template.Library()
def google_calendarize(event):
st = event.start
en = event.end and event.end or event.start
tfmt = '%Y%m%dT000000'
dates = '%s%s%s' % (st.strftime(tfmt), '%2F', en.strftime(tfmt))
name = urlquote_plus(event.name)
s = ('http://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=TEMPLATE&' +
'text=' + name + '&' +
'dates=' + dates + '&' +
'sprop=website:' + urlquote_plus(Site.objects.get_current().domain))
if event.location:
s = s + '&location=' + urlquote_plus(event.location)
return s + '&trp=false'
google_calendarize.safe = True
{% load project_events_tags %}
<a href="{{ event|google_calendarize }}">+ Add to Google Calendar</a>