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  • Ryan Porter  · 技术社区  · 6 年前
    x = [1.02 .95 .87 .77 .67 .56 .44 .30 .16 .01]';
    y = [0.39 .32 .27 .22 .18 .15 .13 .12 .13 .15]';
    % function Ax = b
    N = numel(x);
    A = [x.^2 x.*y y.^2 x y];
    b = [-1*ones(N,1)];
    %coeffs = [a b c d e]';
    coeffs = A\b; 
    a = coeffs(1)
    b = coeffs(2);
    c = coeffs(3);
    d = coeffs(4);
    e = coeffs(5);
    plot(x,y, 'bo')
    hold on
    % prepare contour plot
    xmin = min(x);
    xmax = max(x);
    ymin = min(y);
    ymax = max(y);
    %set deltas 
    deltay = .001;
    deltax = .001;
    %create arrays X and Y
    [X,Y] = meshgrid(xmin:deltax:xmax,ymin:deltay:ymax);
    % evaluate quadratic form 
    Z = a*X.^2 + b*X.*Y + c*Y.^2 + d*X + e*Y +f;
    % plot where Z =0. line
    title('Planetary Orbit');


    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
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  •   Cris Luengo    6 年前

    如果你这样做了 plot(x,y) ,您将看到输入数据只是轨道的一小部分。因为你设定了情节的界限( xmin ,则, xmax ,等等)到输入数据的边界框,绘图将仅显示此边界框内的椭圆部分。


    % OP's code here
    f = 1;
    xmin = -0.6; % enlarge the bounding box
    xmax = 1.2;
    ymin = 0;
    ymax = 1.3;
    [X,Y] = meshgrid(xmin:deltax:xmax,ymin:deltay:ymax);
    Z = a*X.^2 + b*X.*Y + c*Y.^2 + d*X + e*Y +f;
    axis equal
    hold on
    plot(x,y,'r.') % Data points on top of the ellipse