软件包实际上不需要,但IMO它打印数据帧比内置的base R打印功能更干净):
fide <- read_pgn(system.file("extdata", "r7.pgn", package="pigeon"))
## # A tibble: 2 x 12
## Event Site Date Round White Black Result WhiteElo BlackElo ECO
## * <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 World Cup 2017 Tbilisi 2017.09.23 44.1 Aronian Levon (ARM) Ding Liren (CHN) 1/2-1/2 2799 2777 A18
## 2 World Cup 2017 Tbilisi 2017.09.24 45.1 Ding Liren (CHN) Aronian Levon (ARM) 1/2-1/2 2777 2799 E06
## # ... with 2 more variables: LiveChessVersion <chr>, Moves <list>
## Observations: 2
## Variables: 12
## $ Event <chr> "World Cup 2017", "World Cup 2017"
## $ Site <chr> "Tbilisi", "Tbilisi"
## $ Date <chr> "2017.09.23", "2017.09.24"
## $ Round <chr> "44.1", "45.1"
## $ White <chr> "Aronian Levon (ARM)", "Ding Liren (CHN)"
## $ Black <chr> "Ding Liren (CHN)", "Aronian Levon (ARM)"
## $ Result <chr> "1/2-1/2", "1/2-1/2"
## $ WhiteElo <chr> "2799", "2777"
## $ BlackElo <chr> "2777", "2799"
## $ ECO <chr> "A18", "E06"
## $ LiveChessVersion <chr> "1.4.8", "1.4.8"
## $ Moves <list> [c("c4", "Nf6", "Nc3", "e6", "e4", "d5", "cxd5", "exd5", "e5", "Ne4", "Nf3", "Bf5", "Be2"...
tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
td <- tempdir()
download.file("https://www.pgnmentor.com/players/Adams.zip", tf)
fil <- unzip(tf, exdir = td)
adams <- read_pgn(fil)
## # A tibble: 2,982 x 11
## Event Site Date Round White Black Result WhiteElo BlackElo ECO
## * <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Lloyds Bank op London 1984.??.?? 1 Adams, Michael Sedgwick, David 1-0 C05
## 2 Lloyds Bank op London 1984.??.?? 3 Adams, Michael Dickenson, Neil F 1-0 2230 C07
## 3 Lloyds Bank op London 1984.??.?? 4 Hebden, Mark Adams, Michael 1-0 2480 B10
## 4 Lloyds Bank op London 1984.??.?? 5 Pasman, Michael Adams, Michael 0-1 2310 D42
## 5 Lloyds Bank op London 1984.??.?? 6 Adams, Michael Levitt, Jonathan 1/2-1/2 2370 B99
## 6 Lloyds Bank op London 1984.??.?? 9 Adams, Michael Saeed, Saeed Ahmed 1-0 2430 B56
## 7 BCF-ch Edinburgh 1985.??.?? 1 Adams, Michael Singh, Sukh Dave 1/2-1/2 2360 2080 B70
## 8 BCF-ch Edinburgh 1985.??.?? 2 Abayasekera, Roger Adams, Michael 1-0 2200 2360 B13
## 9 BCF-ch Edinburgh 1985.??.?? 3 Adams, Michael Jackson, Sheila 1/2-1/2 2360 2225 C85
## 10 BCF-ch Edinburgh 1985.??.?? 4 Muir, Andrew J Adams, Michael 1/2-1/2 2285 2360 E45
## # ... with 2,972 more rows, and 1 more variables: Moves <list>
## Observations: 2,982
## Variables: 11
## $ Event <chr> "Lloyds Bank op", "Lloyds Bank op", "Lloyds Bank op", "Lloyds Bank op", "Lloyds Bank op", "Lloyds ...
## $ Site <chr> "London", "London", "London", "London", "London", "London", "Edinburgh", "Edinburgh", "Edinburgh",...
## $ Date <chr> "1984.??.??", "1984.??.??", "1984.??.??", "1984.??.??", "1984.??.??", "1984.??.??", "1985.??.??", ...
## $ Round <chr> "1", "3", "4", "5", "6", "9", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "?", "1", "...
## $ White <chr> "Adams, Michael", "Adams, Michael", "Hebden, Mark", "Pasman, Michael", "Adams, Michael", "Adams, M...
## $ Black <chr> "Sedgwick, David", "Dickenson, Neil F", "Adams, Michael", "Adams, Michael", "Levitt, Jonathan", "S...
## $ Result <chr> "1-0", "1-0", "1-0", "0-1", "1/2-1/2", "1-0", "1/2-1/2", "1-0", "1/2-1/2", "1/2-1/2", "1-0", "1/2-...
## $ WhiteElo <chr> "", "", "2480", "2310", "", "", "2360", "2200", "2360", "2285", "2360", "2250", "2360", "2225", "2...
## $ BlackElo <chr> "", "2230", "", "", "2370", "2430", "2080", "2360", "2225", "2360", "2245", "2360", "2260", "2360"...
## $ ECO <chr> "C05", "C07", "B10", "D42", "B99", "B56", "B70", "B13", "C85", "E45", "C84", "B10", "C85", "A22", ...
## $ Moves <list> [c("e4", "e6", "d4", "d5", "Nd2", "Nf6", "e5", "Nfd7", "f4", "c5", "c3", "Nc6", "Ndf3", "cxd4", "...