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  •  0
  • etoisarobot  · 技术社区  · 14 年前


      "ImageCollection": {
        "Images": [{
            "ImageID": "68",
            "CatID": "1",
            "Location": "/Images/Art/Full/68.gif",
            "ClipLocation": "/Images/Art/Clips/68.gif",
            "FullHeight": "504",
            "FullWidth": "451"
            "ImageID": "69",
            "CatID": "1",
            "Location": "/Images/Art/Full/69.gif",
            "ClipLocation": "/Images/Art/Clips/69.gif",
            "FullHeight": "364",
            "FullWidth": "500"


    <script type="text/javascript">
    $.getJSON("/Service/GetJson.ashx?data=images", function(data) {
          var jsObjectData = data.ImageCollection.Images;
          var imageTable = "<table><tbody>";
          var rowMarker = 1;
          var targetRowEnd;
          $.each(jsObjectData, function(i, item) {
              if (
                imageTable = imageTable + "<td class='artImageBox'>"; imageTable = imageTable + "<a title='Click To Add' class='artImage'>"; imageTable = imageTable + "<img id='ArtImg"; imageTable = imageTable + item.ImageID; imageTable = imageTable + "' src='../"; imageTable = imageTable + item.ClipLocation; imageTable = imageTable + "' alt='Click To Add' />"; imageTable = imageTable + "</a></td>";
              }); imageTable = imageTable + "</tbody></table>"; alert(imageTable); $("body").append(imageTable);

    但我还没算好放在哪儿 <tr> and the </tr> .

    1 回复  |  直到 4 年前
  •  2
  •   Lazarus    14 年前



    <script type="text/javascript">
    $.getJSON("/Service/GetJson.ashx?data=images", function(data) {
        var jsObjectData = data.ImageCollection.Images;
        var imageTable = "<table><tbody>";
        var rowMarker = 1;
        // Initialise our counter
        var imageCount = 0;
        var targetRowEnd;
        $.each(jsObjectData, function(i, item) {
            // Is the count exactly divisble by 4, i.e. start of a new row
            if (imageCount % 4 == 0) {
                imageTable = imageTable + "<tr>";
            imageTable = imageTable + "<td class='artImageBox'>";
            imageTable = imageTable + "<a title='Click To Add' class='artImage'>";
            imageTable = imageTable + "<img id='ArtImg";
            imageTable = imageTable + item.ImageID;
            imageTable = imageTable + "' src='../";
            imageTable = imageTable + item.ClipLocation;
            imageTable = imageTable + "' alt='Click To Add' />";
            imageTable = imageTable + "</a></td>";
            // Count the image we've just inserted
            // If the count is again divisible exactly by 4 then it's the end of a row
            // and will be the start of a new row on the next loop.
            if (imageCount % 4 == 0) {
                imageTable = imageTable + "</tr>";
        // Just in case there are not exactly 4 images in the last row lets
        // add a row terminator for the final row if it hasn't met the condition above
        if (imageCount % 4 != 0) {
            imageTable = imageTable + "</tr>";
        imageTable = imageTable + "</tbody></table>";