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  •  -1
  • Ilan Aizelman WS  · 技术社区  · 8 年前

    我输入了四个ASCII字符: ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4 .



    ; isPalindrom.asm 
        .MODEL SMALL
        .STACK 100h
        ch1 DB ? ;var dec
        ch2 DB ? ;var dec
        ch3 DB ? ;var dec
        ch4 DB ? ;var dec
    PrintUSER DB 13,10
             DB 'Pls enter 4 chars:',13,10,'$' 
             ;Print 4 chars string
    PaliExists DB 13,10
             DB 'Palindrome permutation exists',13,10,'$'
             ;Print msg that pali exists
    PaliNOTExists DB 13,10
             DB 'There is no possible solution',13,10,'$'
             ;Print msg that pali does not exist
         MOV AX,@DATA             ; DS can be written to only through a register
         MOV DS,AX                ; Set DS to point to data segment
         MOV AH,9
         MOV DX, Offset PrintUSER
         INT 21h 
         MOV AH,1 
         INT 21h                  ; Input to ch1
         MOV ch1,AL
         MOV AH,1
         INT 21h                  ; Input to ch2
         MOV ch2,AL
         MOV AH,1
         INT 21h                  ; Input to ch3
         MOV ch3,AL
         MOV AH,1
         INT 21h   
         MOV ch4,AL      ; Input to ch4
         CMP ch1, ch2 ; Compare ch1,ch2
         JE checkThreeFour ; jump to label checkTwoThree
         JMP Skip1 ;Skip compare ch3,ch4
         checkThreeFour: ;label
         CMP ch3, ch4 ; Compare ch3,ch4
         JE Exists ; Jump to Exists
         JMP notExists
         CMP ch1, ch3 ;Compare ch1,ch3
         JE checkTwoFour ;Jump
         JMP Skip2:
         CMP ch2, ch4 ;Compare ch2,ch4
         JE Exists ; Jump to Exists
         JMP notExists
         CMP ch1, ch4 ;Compare ch1,ch4
         JE checkTwoThree ;Jump
         JMP notExists 
         CMP ch2, ch3 ;Compare ch2,ch3
         JMP Exists ; Jump to Exists
         JMP notExists
    Exists: ;print message for Existing pali
        MOV AH,9 
        MOV DX, Offset PaliExists 
        INT 21h
        JMP DisplayGreeting
    notExists: ; print messasge palindrom does not exist
        MOV AH,9
        MOV DX, Offset PaliNOTExists
        INT 21h
         MOV AH,9                         ; Set print option for int 21h
         INT 21h                          ; Print  chosen message
         MOV AH,4Ch               ; Set terminate option for int 21h
         INT 21h                  ; Return to DOS (terminate program)
        END ProgStart
    1 回复  |  直到 8 年前
  •  3
  •   zx485 potemkin    8 年前


    CMP chX, chY ;Compare ch2,ch3

    说明书在英特尔ISA上,您无法做到这一点。一个参数必须始终是寄存器,请参见 CMP here .

    因此,解决方案是 MOV 先将一个参数输入寄存器,然后应用 CMP .


    mov eax, dword ptr [string]
    mov edx, eax
    bswap edx
    cmp eax, edx
    je palindrome
    jmp end