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Visual C++监视键序列

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  • saihenjin  · 技术社区  · 11 年前



    1 回复  |  直到 11 年前
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  •   jerry    11 年前

    只要你可以要求 Form 有焦点,一个简单的版本包括设置 KeyPreview 属性到 true 并为添加一个处理程序 PreviewKeyDown :

    #using <System::Windows::Forms.dll>
    // for brevity of example
    using namespace System;
    using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
    public ref class Form1 : Form
        // desired key sequence
        static array<Keys>^ contra = { Keys::Up, Keys::Up, Keys::Down, Keys::Down,
                                       Keys::Left, Keys::Right, Keys::Left, Keys::Right,
                                       Keys::B, Keys::A, Keys::LaunchApplication1};
        // how far into the sequence the user currently is
        int keySeqPos;
        // some other data
        int lives;
        void Form1_PreviewKeyDown(Object^ sender, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs^ e)
            if{keySeqPos < 0 || keySeqPos >= contra->Length)
                // reset position if it's invalid
                keySeqPos = 0;
            // use the following test if you don't care about modifiers (CTRL, ALT, SHIFT)
            // otherwise you can test direct equality: e->KeyCode == contra[keySeqPos]
            // caps lock, num lock, and scroll lock are harder to deal with
            if(e->KeyCode & Keys.KeyCode == contra[keySeqPos])
                keySeqPos = 0;
                // alternatively, you could keep a history and check to see if a
                // suffix of it matches a prefix of your code, setting keySeqPos to
                // the length of the match
            if(keySeqPos == contra->Length)
                // key sequence complete, do whatever it is you want to do
                lives += 3;
        void InitializeComponent()
            // other initialization code
            this->KeyPreview = true;
            this->PreviewKeyDown += gcnew PreviewKeyDownEventHandler(this, &Form1::Form1_PreviewKeyDown);
            keySeqPos = 0;
            lives = 3;