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  • magneto  · 技术社区  · 8 年前

    假设我有一个字符串“appleapple”。 我想在vb6中用e替换所有的a,用a替换所有的e。



    str = "appleapple"
    str = Replace(str, "a", "e")
    str = Replace(str, "e", "a")


    Output will be : "applaappla"


    1 回复  |  直到 8 年前
  •  2
  •   dbmitch    8 年前

    最安全和最简单的方法是使用两步替换,即临时替换ASCII图表中未使用的字符(在图表顶部-ASCII CODE 0-31),然后用最终选择替换这些字符。

    看见 Full ASCII Chart


    Unused ASCII characters


    Option Explicit
    ' Use this to distinguish between upper and lower case replacements
    Option Compare Binary
    Public Sub SafeMultiReplace()
        ' use something not in list of characters being searched or replaced
        Const DELIM         As String = ","
        Const START_STRING  As String = "appleappleAPPLE"
        Dim ReplaceString   As String
        Dim OutputString    As String
        Dim ChangeVars      As Variant
        Dim ReplaceVars     As Variant
        Dim i               As Integer
        ' These two arrays must match total vars
        ' Load array of many characters you want to change From
        ChangeVars = Split("a,e", DELIM)
        ' Load array of many characters you want to change to
        ReplaceVars = Split("e,a", DELIM)
        OutputString = START_STRING
        ' Replace original chars with unused chars
        For i = LBound(ChangeVars) To UBound(ChangeVars)
            OutputString = Replace(OutputString, ChangeVars(i), Chr(i))
        Next i
        ' Replace unused chars with replacement chars
        For i = LBound(ReplaceVars) To UBound(ReplaceVars)
            OutputString = Replace(OutputString, Chr(i), ReplaceVars(i))
        Next i
        Debug.Print "Final Output: " & OutputString
        'Final Output: epplaepplaAPPLE
    End Sub