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  • Neil G  · 技术社区  · 14 年前


    我想在范围内插入一组值 [0,65535] 放入容器中。然后我想向容器请求一个任意的订单统计。insert和query都应该是对数的。

    3 回复  |  直到 14 年前
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  •   jonderry    14 年前


    因为您处理的是有界整数,所以只需保留一个包含65536个值的二进制搜索树,并保留每个子树中存储的元素数。这将产生O(lg 65536)而不是O(lg n)的运行时间。

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  •   Steve Emmerson    14 年前

    我想你在找 quickselect or median-of-medians 算法。

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  •   Neil G    14 年前


    #!/usr/bin/env python
    This module declares Histogram, a class that maintains a histogram.
    It can insert and remove values from a predetermined range, and return order
    statistics.  Insert, remove, and query are logarithmic time in the size of the
    range.  The space requirement is linear in the size of the range.
    import numpy as np
    class Histogram:
        def __init__(self, size):
            """Create the data structure that holds elements in the range
               [0, size)."""
            self.__data = np.zeros(size, np.int32)
            self.total = 0
        def size(self):
            return self.__data.shape[0]
        def __find(self, o, a, b):
            if b == a + 1:
                return a
            mid = (b - a) / 2 + a
            if o > self.__data[mid]:
                return self.__find(o - self.__data[mid], mid, b)
            return self.__find(o, a, mid)
        def find(self, o):
            """Return the o'th smallest element in the data structure.  Takes
               O(log(size)) time."""
            return self.__find(o + 1, 0, self.size())
        def __alter(self, x, a, b, delta):
            if b == a + 1:
                self.total += delta
            mid = (b - a) / 2 + a
            if x >= mid:
                self.__alter(x, mid, b, delta)
                self.__data[mid] += delta
                self.__alter(x, a, mid, delta)
        def insert(self, x):
            """Inserts element x into the data structure in O(log(size)) time."""
            assert(0 <= x < self.size())
            self.__alter(x, 0, self.size(), +1)
        def remove(self, x):
            """Removes element x from the data structure in O(log(size)) time."""
            assert(0 <= x < self.size())
            self.__alter(x, 0, self.size(), -1)
        def display(self):
            print self.__data
    def histogram_test():
        size = 100
        total = 100
        h = Histogram(size)
        data = np.random.random_integers(0, size - 1, total)
        for x in data:
        for i in range(total):
            assert(h.find(i) == data[i])
        assert(h.find(total + 1) == size - 1)