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  • David  · 技术社区  · 14 年前


    class X
        public string T1 { get; set; }
        public string T2 { get; set; }
        public string T3 { get; set; }
    class Y
        public string T1 { get; set; }
        public string T2 { get; set; }
        public string T3 { get; set; }
        public string O1 { get; set; }




    5 回复  |  直到 14 年前
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  •   Abel    14 年前

    最好的方法是首先创建一个包含 T1 X Y 从这个界面。现在您可以轻松地创建基于此接口的泛型类或任何助手类。

    或者,您可以使用反射,或者如果您使用C#4.0,您可以使用 dynamic


    // the interface, inherit from IComparable
    public interface IX : IComparable<IX>
        string T1 { get; set; }
    // create one base class
    class XBase : IX
        public string T1 { get; set; }
        public int CompareTo(IX obj)
            return this.T1.equals(obj.T1);
    // inherit all others from base class
    class X : XBase
        public string T2 { get; set; }
        public string T3 { get; set; }
    class Y : XBase
        public string T2 { get; set; }
        public string T3 { get; set; }
        public strign O1 { get; set; }

    还有很多其他的方法。上面最后一种方法的优点是只需为 T1级 CompareTo ,这样可以避免混乱,并使代码更清晰。

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  •   tster    14 年前



    IEnumerable<string> intersectionT1s = listX.Select(x => x.T1).Intersect(listY.Select(y => y.T1);
    IEnumerable<X> intersection = listX.Where(x => intersectionT1s.Contains(x.T1));
    IEnumerable<X> onlyOnX = listX.Where(x => !listY.Any(y => y.T1 == x.T1));


    public static class ExtensionMethods
        public static IEnumerable<TLeft> IntersectionOn<TLeft, TRight, TField>(this IEnumerable<TLeft> left,
            IEnumerable<TRight> right, Func<TLeft, TField> leftSelector, Func<TRight, TField> rightSelector)
            var intersectionFields = left.Select(leftSelector).Intersect(right.Select(rightSelector));
            return left.Where(x => intersectionFields.Contains(leftSelector(x)));

    IEnumerable<X> intersection = listX.IntersectionOn(listY, x => x.T1, y => y.T1);
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  •   Ben Voigt    14 年前

    如果你想要一个可重复使用的答案,而不是特定于 class X class Y ,你需要反思。看一看 Type.GetProperty PropertyInfo.GetGetMethod .


    static class PropertyGetter<X>
      private static readonly Dictionary<string, Converter<X, object>> cached;
      public Converter<X, object> this[string propertyName]
        get {
          Converter<X, object> result;
          lock (this) if (!cached.TryGetValue(propertyName, out result)) {
            PropertyInfo pi = typeof(X).GetProperty(propertyName, true);
            if (pi == null) throw new ArgumentException("Type " + typeof(X).Name + " has no property named " + propertyName, propertyName);
             MethodInfo getter = pi.GetGetMethod();
             if (getter == null) throw new ArgumentException("Type " + typeof(X).Name + " has a property named " + propertyName + " but it is not readable", propertyName);
             result = (Converter<X, object>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof (Converter<X, object>), getter);
             cached.Add(propertyName, result);
           return result;
    public class Pair<S,T>
       public readonly S first;
       public readonly T second;
       public Pair(S s, T t) { first = s; second = t; }
    List<Pair<X, Y>> FindCommonEntries<X, Y>(IEnumerable<X> listA, IEnumerable<Y> listB, string propertyNameA, string propertyNameB, out List<X> onlyA, out List<Y> onlyB)
        return FindCommonEntries<X,Y>(listA, listB, PropertyGetter<X>[propertyName], PropertyGetter<Y>[propertyName], out onlyA, out onlyB);
    List<Pair<X, Y>> FindCommonEntries<X, Y>(IEnumerable<X> listA, IEnumerable<Y> listB, Converter<X, object> getA, Converter<Y, object> getB, out List<X> onlyA, out List<Y> onlyB)
        Dictionary<object, Pair<List<X>, bool>> mapA = new Dictionary<object, X>();
        foreach (X x in listA) {
          Pair<List<X>,bool> set;
          object key = getA(x);
          if (!mapA.TryGetValue(key, out set))
            mapA.Add(key, set = new Pair<List<X>, bool>(new List<X>(), false));
        onlyB = new List<Y>();
        List<Pair<X, Y>> common = new List<Pair<X, Y>>();
        foreach (Y y in listB) {
          Pair<List<X>,bool> match;
          if (mapA.TryGetValue(getB(y), out match)) {
            foreach (X x in match.first) common.Add(x, y);
            match.second = true;
        onlyA = new List<X>();
        foreach (Pair<List<X>, bool> set in mapA.Values) {
          if (!set.second) onlyA.AddRange(set.first);
        return common;


    编辑:使用 Converter Func


    Pair<S,T> 类以消除对.NET的最终依赖性>2.0.


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  •   Mike M.    14 年前
    var elementInBoth = (from x in ListOfClassX
                         join y in ListOfClassY on x.T1 equals y.T1
                         select x).ToList();
    var elementsOnlyInListOfClassX = ListOfClassX.Except(elementsInBoth);

    var elementsToRemoveFromListOfClassY = (from x in ListOfClassX
                                            join y in ListOfClass Y on x.T1 equals y.T1
                                            select y).ToList();
    var elementsOnlyInListOfClassY = ListOfClassY.Except(elementsToRemoveFromListOfClassY);
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  •   Abel    14 年前




    // this is how you use the Comparisons class:
    List<A> aList = new List<A>();
    List<B> bList = new List<B>();
    aList.Add(new A("first3"));
    aList.Add(new A("duplicate4"));
    aList.Add(new A("duplicate1"));
    aList.Add(new A("first2"));
    bList.Add(new B("second3"));
    bList.Add(new B("duplicate4"));
    bList.Add(new B("duplicate1"));
    bList.Add(new B("second2"));
    // get all elements that are in both lists (duplicate1 and duplicate4)
    var listDuplicates = Comparisons.GetDuplicatesFromList1(aList, bList);
    // remove duplicates (keep "first3" and "first2")
    var withoutDuplicates = aList.Except(listDuplicates).ToList();


    // all logic goes into this class
    public static class Comparisons
        // note: static, so don't use in multi-threading environments!
        // must use Delegate as type here, Func<XX, string> would not work, as we cannot possibly know what XX is
        // up front. This is not a problem, as Delegate is the parent of all Func<> and Action<>
        static Dictionary<Type, Delegate> methodLookup = new Dictionary<Type, Delegate>();
        private static Func<T, string> EnsureMethod<T>(T obj)
            where T : class, new()
            Type type = obj.GetType();
                // The tricky bit. We cannot use GetProperty here, because we later need a method
                // and we cannot use GetMethod, because it cannot find special methods (hidden gettors)
                MemberInfo[] members = type.GetMember("get_T1");
                if(members == null || members.Length > 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Object must have one 'T1' gettor property");
                MethodInfo property = members[0] as MethodInfo;
                if(property == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Object must have 'T1' property");
                // creating a delegate is the best way to speed up method invocation
                // this type of delegate is called an "open instance delegate", which is like
                // a static delegate with first parameter as the object to invoke on
                Func<T, string> propertyGettor = (Func<T, string>) Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<T, string>), null, property);
                methodLookup.Add(type, propertyGettor);
            // must cast here
            return (Func<T, string>)methodLookup[obj.GetType()];
        // I use a generic extension method here. This is frowned upon by some language purists
        // you can always use a utility helper method, which is the alternative
        public static string GetPropertyT1<T>(this T obj)
            where T : class, new()
            // do something with obj1 being null, this is the BCL default
            if (obj == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Extension method object cannot be null for GetT1 method");
            // if the property is not found, an error is raised, so the following is safe:
            // only the first invocation for each type (class) of object is relatively slow
            Func<T, string> delegateObj1 = EnsureMethod(obj);
            // this now is lightning fast: it invokes the method on the instance of obj
            return delegateObj1.Invoke(obj);
        // The actual method that does something, it will return all elements in list1
        // that are also found in list2, replace this with whatever logic you need
        public static IList<U> GetDuplicatesFromList1<U, V>(IEnumerable<U> list1, IEnumerable<V> list2)
            where U: class, new()
            where V: class, new()
            var elementsList1InBoth = from x in list1
                                      join y in list2 on x.GetPropertyT1() equals y.GetPropertyT1()
                                      select x;
            return elementsList1InBoth.ToList();
    // your original classes as A and B, with no inheritance chain or other relations
    public class A
        public A(){}
        public A(string value) { this.T1 = value; }
        public string T1 { get; set; }
    public class B
        public B(){}
        public B(string value) { this.T1 = value; }
        public string T1 { get; set; }
        public string Tx { get; set; }