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  • Jamie Keeling  · 技术社区  · 14 年前




    01010101 = false,true,false,true,false,true,false,true



    3 回复  |  直到 14 年前
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  •   Steve Jessop    14 年前


    /* we need this to use exit */
    #include <stdlib.h>
    /* we need this to use CHAR_BIT */
    #include <limits.h>
    /* we need this to use fgetc and printf */
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main() {
        /* Declare everything we need */
        int input, index;
        unsigned int mask;
        char inputchar;
        /* an array to store integers telling us the values of the individual bits.
           There are (almost) always 8 bits in a char, but it doesn't hurt to get into
           good habits early, and in C, the sizes of the basic types are different
           on different platforms. CHAR_BIT tells us the number of bits in a byte. 
        int bits[CHAR_BIT];
        /* the simplest way to read a single character is fgetc, but note that
           the user will probably have to press "return", since input is generally 
           buffered */
        input = fgetc(stdin);
        printf("%d\n", input);
        /* Check for errors. In C, we must always check for errors */
        if (input == EOF) {
            printf("No character read\n");
        /* convert the value read from type int to type char. Not strictly needed,
           we can examine the bits of an int or a char, but here's how it's done. 
        inputchar = input;
        /* the most common way to examine individual bits in a value is to use a 
           "mask" - in this case we have just 1 bit set, the most significant bit
           of a char. */
        mask = 1 << (CHAR_BIT - 1);
        /* this is a loop, index takes each value from 0 to CHAR_BIT-1 in turn,
           and we will read the bits from most significant to least significant. */
        for (index = 0; index < CHAR_BIT; ++index) {
            /* the bitwise-and operator & is how we use the mask.
               "inputchar & mask" will be 0 if the bit corresponding to the mask
               is 0, and non-zero if the bit is 1. ?: is the ternary conditional
               operator, and in C when you use an integer value in a boolean context,
               non-zero values are true. So we're converting any non-zero value to 1. 
            bits[index] = (inputchar & mask) ? 1 : 0;
            /* output what we've done */
            printf("index %d, value %u\n", index, inputchar & mask);
            /* we need a new mask for the next bit */
            mask = mask >> 1;
        /* output each bit as 0 or 1 */
        for (index = 0; index < CHAR_BIT; ++index) {
            printf("%d", bits[index]);
        /* output each bit as "true" or "false" */
        for (index = 0; index < CHAR_BIT; ++index) {
            printf(bits[index] ? "true" : "false");
            /* fiddly part - we want a comma between each bit, but not at the end */
            if (index != CHAR_BIT - 1) printf(",");
        return 0;


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  •   Thomas Pornin    14 年前

    对于位调整,使用无符号类型通常更安全,因为有符号负值的移动具有依赖于实现的效果。平原 char 可以是签名的,也可以是未签名的(传统上,它在Macintosh平台上是未签名的,但在PC上是签名的)。因此,首先将你的角色投射到 unsigned char 类型。

    那么,你的朋友就是位布尔运算符( & , | , ^ ~ )轮班操作员( << >> )例如,如果您的角色在变量中 x ,然后要得到第5位,只需使用: ((x >> 5) & 1) . 移位运算符将值向右移动,将五个较低的位丢弃,并将您感兴趣的位移动到“最低位置”(也称为“最右边”)。按位与1简单地将所有其他位设置为0,因此结果值为0或1,即您的位。请注意,我从左有效(最右边)到最有效(最左边)对位进行编号,并且以零开始,而不是一。


    unsigned char x = (unsigned char)your_character;
    int i;
    for (i = 7; i >= 0; i --) {
        if (i != 7)
        printf("%s", ((x >> i) & 1) ? "true" : "false");


    注意,根据C标准, 无符号字符 至少 8位,但可能有更多(现在,只有少数嵌入式DSP的字符不是8位)。为了更加安全,在代码的开头添加这个(作为顶级声明):

    #include <limits.h>
    #if CHAR_BIT != 8
    #error I need 8-bit bytes!

    如果目标系统恰好是那些特殊的嵌入式DSP之一,这将阻止成功编译。作为注释上的注释,C标准中的“字节”一词表示“与 无符号字符 “,这样,在C语言中,一个字节可能有八个以上的位(一个字节并不总是八位字节)。这是一个传统的困惑源。

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  •   Antony Woods    14 年前


    unsigned char myBools[8];
    char myChar;  
    // get your character - this is not safe and you should
    // use a better method to obtain input...
    // cin >> myChar; <- C++
    scanf("%c", &myChar);
    // binary AND against each bit in the char and then
    // cast the result. anything > 0 should resolve to 'true'
    // and == 0 to 'false', but you could add a '> 1' check to be sure.
    for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
       myBools[i] = ( (myChar & (1 << i) > 0) ? 1 : 0 );
